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Dreaming of you

One Day

I black out.

I wake up in a bedroom, sheets covering my body.
I feel a terrible headache hit in and groan.
I open my eyes again and look around.
Calum's bedroom.
"Hey, you're awake." Calum smiles as he walks in.
He puts an aspirin and a glass of water on the night stander.
"What happened?" I mumble.
"You ran into some bad people.." Calum chuckles.
I sigh.
"I remember that. I mean after I blacked out."
"Well, since you didn't came to my place, I thought 'I'll just go to hers'. I followed you and saw everything. I knocked the guy out and took you to my place."
"What about Dean? How long have I been gone?"
"I don't know where Dean is and I think about 4 hours."
"Fuck. I gotta go." I try to sit up but the headache just gets worse.
I groan and Calum pushes me back down.
"Just stay here." He mumbles as he hands me the aspirin.
"I can't. Dean will come and look for me."
Calum shrugs.
"Go ahead then." He takes a step aside.
I lift my eyebrows and stand up slowly.
When I take a few steps I fall into Calum's arms.
"Thought you were leaving?" He smirks at me.
"It hurts." I groan.
He kisses me on the top of my head and lifts me up.
He carries me back to the bed and lays me down.
"Told ya." He mumbles.
I sigh.
"What now? Dean will come and look for me."
"As if he would come alone here."
"Who says he's gonna come alone?"
"It's okay, when you're feeling better you can go. Besides, I don't mind have you here, knowing you can't go anywhere else." He smirks and cuddles up against my side.
I roll my eyes and kiss him on top of his head.

After a few hours I wake up by the sound of my phone.
I groan when it doesn't stop and pick up.
"Yeah?" I grumble and rub my eyes.
"LANA. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Dean yells through the phone.
I keep my phone on a distance.
"I'm fine." I roll my eyes even though he can't see it.
"O. KAY."
Dean goes on rambling about how I should take responsibility for my actions and shit like that.
Suddenly I hear Calum groan and quickly cover his mouth.
"Shut up." I whisper in his ear.
"Lana, who was that?" Dean asks, dangerously calm.
"No one."
"What's going on?" Calum mumbles as he wakes up.
"Lana. There's someone there. Who's there."
"No one."
"Don't. Lie."
"I'm not lying to you Dean."
"You are Lana. Where are you?"
I look desperately at Calum.
"I'm.. Uh.. I'm...."
"Kenzie's." Calum mouths.
"I'm at.. Kenzie's...?" I speak.
"Really? Because I thought you hated Mckenzie?" I hear Dean's voice.
"We made things up. I never hated her..."
I hear him sighs.
"I want you home by the end of the day."
I hear him hang up the phone and I sigh in relief.
"So, we have a day?" Calum smirks.
I nod my head.
"You know, I'm thinking, what if we go grocery shopping first, then you make me food." He shows a cheeky smile.
I roll my eyes.
"Fine." I sigh.
He kisses my cheek and gets up.

We get dressed and go the mall.
I grab a basket and begin to walk into the first aisle.
"Hey Cal, which flavour do you want for the-" I look up and see that he's not here.
"Noodles." I roll my eyes.
How the fuck do I manage to loose him in a grocery shop?
I walk around and find him in another aisle, struggling to grab a fifth pack of Cheetos.
"Whadda ya doing?" I fold my arms and lift a brow.
He looks up and shows a cheeky smile.
"I like you Cutie." He smiles.
"No, you can only grab one."
"But I need all of them!"
I shake my head and grab one out of his arms before walking on.
He sighs before putting them back and storming off to the next aisle.
I roll my eyes and giggle softly.
When we're at checkout I realise that I have way more stuff than I grabbed.
I turn around to Calum and lift a brow.
"What's this?"
"They were begging me to take them with me! I couldn't leave them there!" He protests.
I roll my eyes and pay for the stuff.
"I'm never going to do this with you again." I sigh while we walk out of the store.
We put the stuff in the trunk of his jeep and I get into the passengers seat.
"We're not done yet." He pulls me out of the car.
"Where we going?" I ask as he pulls me with him into another store.
"Pick whatever you like." He smiles.
"Calum, this is way too expensive." I say as I look at the price of the dresses.
"That's why Dean's paying." He holds up Dean's credit card.
"How-" I point at the credit card.
"Does it matter?"
I smirk and start searching.
"I want you to try on this." After a few minutes Calum appears behind me with an outfit.
"Uhh.. Sure." I grab it and walk into the changing cabinet.

After another hour of changing I picked the outfit that Calum chose and one I chose myself.
"Happy?" He smiles when we're on the way back to his house.
I smile and nod my head.
"What's the time?"
I look at my phone.
"6." I sigh.
"Then we gotta get you home." He makes a turn.
"You can't just turn up our driveway! They'll notice you."
"So they'll kill you!"
He sighs.
"Fine, if you want me to, I'll stop a few blocks away. Is that alright?"
I nod my head and smile.
"Thanks." I kiss his cheek.
He smiles a little.

As promised, he stops a few blocks away.
"I'll see you at school okay?" Calum mumbles as I give him one last kiss.
"Of course." I smile and get out.
I begin to walk and hear him start his car and drive away.
I sigh as I continue to walk.

When I close the front door behind me I hear shouting.
Just awesome.
I walk quietly upstairs and put my outfits away.
After that I walk into the kitchen.
"Hello." I say casually and they stop shouting.
"Lana. Finally." Dean grumbles.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Someone is using my credit card."
"And he thinks it's me." Dylan rolls his eyes.
"It is you."
"It's not!"
"You're the only one here who would have the balls to do this!" Dean shouts.
"Maybe it wasn't one of our gang!"
"Maybe it was Lana's boyfriend!" Dylan shouts.
"What?!" I yell at him.
"C'mon, don't act innocent! You stood up for Calum when we fought!"
"Because we were in school Dylan! I can't let you beat someone up on school!"
"He had his hand on your thigh for the whole class!"
"What was I supposed to do then?! Shoot him in the middle of the classroom?!"
"Just slap his hand away would've been enough!"
I sigh.
"I don't even wanna argue with you anymore." I roll my eyes and turn around.
"Of course you don't because you're loosing!"
"Enough!" Dean shouts.
I turn back around to look at Dean.
"I don't have anything with Calum." I lie.
"Bullshit." Dylan says.
"Dylan." Dean warns.
"You know what, we'll discuss this later. Lana.. There's something you need to see.."


Hey guys ^-^

Im sorry it took a little longer but I'll try to update a little more often from now.

Im just full with new Ideas for new stories but I have stories unfinished and stories that are on hold and that I all need to finish.
So with some stories I'm just gonna make a quick end and I'm so sorry if it disappoints anyone (excluded this story and TGND + some others)

Also if you could check out the link and comment which outfit you like best? It's for the next chapter ^-^

anyway, still hope you liked this chapter ^-^

love youuu :*




Heeloooo My Friendzz ^-^

You probably won't see this until I'm able update again but this is my backup for Just_Another_Reject.
So, the thing is.. I can't log on Just_Another_Reject bc I get an error every time :(
I have like 5 chapters finished but I can't upload them when I can't log on.
I really hope you understand and I will try to fix this problem ASAP.
If this doesn't get solved I will continue this story on this account



AhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHh!!!!! Uggg! No.... Ugg.


You're right, it does. XD

@Ana Hemmings

We DoN'T kNoW HOw hE'S GoNnA ReACt And WhaT's GoNNa HaPPeN tO LUkE. YoU WiLL haVe tO WAiT FoR ThE NeXt CHaPtEr.

Okay, that took hella long to write.

YOU CANT JUST DO THAT!!!!!! I need an answer! How will Calum react? What's gonna happen to Luke? AHHHH!!!!!!!!