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Basic Space

Chapter 27

Calum’s POV

When I wake up, Addie’s arm is around my stomach. Her breathing is deep and even. I look at the watch on her hand. It’s almost nine. Her house is quiet.
“Addie” I whisper. I don’t know when her mom gets up, and if she checks on Addie, and I would prefer if she didn’t see me in bed with her daughter. “Addie” I whisper again.
“Mmmmm” she groans, and snuggles closer. I really hate myself for this.
“I have to go. Your mom might see me” I say. She opens her eyes and props her body on her elbow. For a moment, she looks completely confused and lost.
“Yeah” she finally says, and unwraps her hand from my torso. “Yeah, sorry” She says again, rubbing her eye.
“Sorry” I say and sit up. She nods, still rubbing her eyes. “Call me later, yeah?” I say. She nods again. “Alright”
I get up and put on my pathetic flip-flops. She waves at me, and then plummets back in her pillow. I quietly exit through her door and then walk to my own house. When I come in, Mali has a smug look on her face.
“What?” I ask, heading for the stairs.
“You tell me, brother” She says, following me “Why were you next door at 9 in the morning? People would think you actually slept over there”
Ughh I am so not in the mood for this.
“She wanted to talk, and we kinda fell asleep” I say entering my room, and taking my shirt off. Mali is right behind me.
“Yeah, yeah okay.” I stare at her. “No, I completely believe you” She adds, and laughs.
“I’m gonna take a shower” I say ignoring her.
“You go do that” She says.
After I take I shower, I check my phone if Addie called me. She hasn’t. She’s probably still asleep. However, I do have a missed call from Mikey. I call him back.
“Yooo” he says. He sounds sleepy.
“Did you sleep dial me?” I ask, a bit confused.
“Nah, mate. I was hungry. What do you have for breakfast?” He asks me. As if he doesn’t have food at home and I have to feed him.
“Don’t know. Just came out of the shower” I say, going through my wet hair. Water sprays everywhere.
“Can you check? I have nothing to eat” He says. I hear a fridge door close.
“Fine. Come over we’ll find something” I say, and hang up before he makes me pick him up. I put on sweats and a t-shirt before I come down. On my way down, Mali stomps up the stairs.
“What’s up with you?” I ask her but she doesn’t answer. She ignores me and then slams her bedroom door behind her.
My mom appears at the bottom of the stairs, ready to yell after her but then she sees me and her face changes.
“Nice of you to come home” She just says and goes back to the living room. I disregard the weird behavior from the two females in my house and go to the kitchen to find food.
I toast bread and take the vegemite out, when Mikey enters through the front door. He joins me in the kitchen and takes a piece of bread with vegemite.
“That was for me” I say as he takes a bite
“Oh, I’m sorry” He says, chewing “Do you want me to spit it out?”
“You’re disguising” I say, and take the plate with me. Mikey follows me to my bedroom and lies down on my bed, still eating the toast.
“So what are we doing today?” He says with a full mouth.
“Dunno” I answer, taking a bite from my toast. I don’t want to go anywhere, in case Addie calls.
“Luke is doing homework.” He tells me. “Fucking nerd”
I laugh.
“We can make a cover?” I suggest, getting my guitar.
“Yes, okay.” He jumps up and we start searching online for a song we want to do a cover of.

Addie’s POV

When I get up, I almost don’t remember Calum leaving. But his scent on my pillow reminds me of the whole evening. And the whole day, for that matter. I jolt up, expecting to hear fighting in the living room, or something. but the whole house is quiet. I slowly get out of bed and go in the kitchen. My mom is making lunch. I smell salmon.
“Hey” I say, as I get a glass of water.
“Good morning” she says, smiling. I peek at the living room, and my mom nervously laughs “He is not here, sweetie.”
I exhale and nod
The rest of the day I am very anxious. I expect Tom to show up at any moment. Calum calls me a couple of times throughout the day, checking in on me. He invited me to go eat dinner with him and the guys at some café. Lucy goes but I don’t. I can’t leave my mom and Aggie alone. Instead, I spend all day doing my homework and study for the upcoming week.
My mom gives Aggie and me “the talk”. The one where we don’t have to put up with Tom, and that we can go to my aunt’s for a couple of days, until he leaves. And that we need to lock our bedroom doors and always make an excuse to avoid spending time with him. I’ve heard this like a million times.
I go to bed around ten, but I don’t fall asleep immediately; I just sit on my laptop. My phone vibrates somewhere under my duvet, and I spend a moment trying to find it.
“Hello” I answer.
“Hey, Addie. What’s up?” Lucy’s voice comes through.
“I’m in bed” I say, sliding down to rest my head on my pillow.
“Ohh” He says “What are you wearing” I can literally hear the smile in his face. I sigh deeply in playful annoyance. “What’s been happening, cuz?” She asks.
“Nothing much.” I answer, “Been trying to fall asleep for the past couple of hours.
“You coming to school tomorrow?” She asks, genuinely concerned.
“Yeah. Haven’t been doing homework all day for nothing” I say. We continue talking for fifteen minutes until my aunt calls Lucy, and she has to go.
Then, I curl up with a book and fall asleep somewhere around midnight.

I wake up with the same anxiety that has been burdening me yesterday. I take a quick shower and when I come out I have a text from Calum. ‘pick you up in 15min?’
I write a quick reply and then I get dressed and put stuff in my backpack. My mom is already at work when I’m done, and Aggie is eating cereal.
“Do you want a ride?” I ask her. She looks at me a bit confused, as if this is a trap. For a moment I think she is going to say no, just for the sake of her pride. But she doesn’t. She nods and stands up to clean her plate.
Calum comes five minutes after that, ringing the doorbell. I open it and Aggie locks the door behind us. Calum doesn’t protest when Aggie goes in the back seat of his car. I just give him a little nod, and he goes with it.
In the car, he asks me how I am and he even makes small talk with Aggie. She is acting…shy. That’s a first – that I am the talkative one, and she is the shy one.
Calum parks the car in the student parking, and we all get out. Aggie mumbles a thank you and then she is walking towards school, alone.
“She seems…” He says. He must’ve noticed how weird she is being.
“This whole situation is fucked up” I say, defending her. I know she is kind of…insensitive to me, and a bit self-centered, but I understand why. I’m surprised I’m not like her. Although, everything that she’s been through, that we’ve been through, does not excuse her behavior. Still…I can understand.
Calum nods and then we walk towards the school’s doors together.
In AP Psychology, I see Michael’s silver head rested on the desk. And then I remember that I kissed him. We haven’t talked about that. It completely slipped my mind. Oh my god, I really hope it’s not awkward. I can’t deal with awkward.
“Morning” I say to him and he peeks at me with one eye, and then smiles, as he closes it.
“Morning” He greets me. Mrs. Brown comes in, cutting the inevitable awkwardness between us short, thank god, and begins her lecture.
After class, Mikey walks me to my next classroom, and he tells me that Lucy and Luke were acting as if they were on a date yesterday, and not out with friends. And I laugh, and then I have to go to my next class.
At lunch I walk to our usual table. It’s kind of chilly outside, but it’s not raining. Lucy is already sitting there with Luke.
“You can’t say in one verse if you don’t swim you’ll drown and then say but don’t move honey. Like, are you trying to kill her? What is happening?” Lucy says to him, as I reach their table. Luke laughs and then sees me.
“Your cousin is insane” He says to me. Lucy gives him a death stare.
“No, Luke is insane for wanting to drown a girl in underwear.” She turns to me. Luke laughs harder.
“What are you even talking about” I say, sitting down across from them.
“She is analyzing my lyrics” Luke says, laughing.
“They are good, it’s just…some parts don’t make sense” She finally cracks a smile. Calum and Mikey join us a couple of minutes later. Calum sits next to me and Michael sits next to Calum. And then they start talking about something that happened in some class. I don’t pay attention much. I look around and lock eyes with my sister. She looks really concerned and anxious, kinda like what I feel. I give her a small smile, and then look away.
“Yo, Addie” I hear Mikey. I turn to him and see everyone’s eyes on me.
“Yeah?” I ask, a bit confused.
“You look kinda lost” he says, smiling. I manage to smile back, and I think it looks easy and relaxed. “Where were you yesterday? Were you really doing homework or are you living a double life?” He asks.
“I was also studying” I answer.
“I was kidding” He says, and then his brows frown “Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it today…” He says to me.
“Yeah…” I look at Calum and he gives me a little smile. “It’ just…my dad is here” I say, and look down. I really don’t feel like explaing this, but it’s no big secret. Mikey knows about him, Lucy and Calum know as well, and the only person that would ask questions is Luke, which he won’t, and he will probably ask Lucy questions about it. I feel a bit tension in the air.

Calum’s POV

“Shit…” Mikey says. As if he knows her situation. Does he know the situation? “When? Why didn’t you tell me…” He says. He is truly concerned.
“You know about him?” I can’t help but ask. Couldn’t pick a worse moment to be jealous, Calum. He nods, and then looks back at Addie.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. He showed up on Saturday and I managed to avoid him. But he’ll be back. I just don’t know when and yeah…” She answers, playing with her fries. I glance at Luke. He is trying to catch up, and looks at Lucy, as if asking permission to ask Addie a question. Lucy shakes her head and he looks at Addie, silently figuring out on his own.
The rest of lunch Mikey tries to make Addie smile. I help him out, and so does Luke, who is still a bit uncertain. And we succeed before the bell rings, and I count it as a victory. Mikey hugs her tightly before he walks to his class. I feel the jealousy creep in again, and I try to shove it as far away as possible.
After classes, I walk to my car and face the school, waiting for Addie to come out. She does. And so does Michael.
“You want a ride?” I ask Addie when they get to me, already knowing the answer.
“Yeah that would be n…” She trails off on the last word, looking somewhere behind me. I turn around and see a tall man in a suit. His hair would’ve been completely black if not for the grey hair spread out in it. His eyes are a light shade of blue and he is smiling and walking towards us. Some facial features, like the mouth and the shape of the eyes, remind me of Addie’s. And then I feel all my muscles tensed. I think Addie might’ve stopped breathing.
“Hey Adelaide” He says, smiling. His voice is melodic, nothing like the one we heard on Saturday. But then again, he was shouting then. Hard to distinguish the natural tone when someone is shouting.
“Hi” Addie whispers. She is doing everything to keep herself controlled and calm.
“Thought I’d pick you and Agatha up from school” He says, glancing at me and Michael. “Are these your friends? I’m Adelaide’s dad.” He asks. If Addie had not told us what he is like, I would’ve never have guessed. He seems completely normal and easy going.
“I’m Calum” I speak first, extending my hand for a shake. He takes it and squeezes a bit more hard than he should. When Michael introduces himself, he does the same thing to him as well.
“Well come on, Adelaide. Let’s wait for your sister in my car” he says, pointing to the car.
“Oh that’s okay, Mr. Benson” I speak before she can. “I promised I was going to give her a ride.” He studies me for a moment. I don’t flinch. My face is completely neutral and I hope it works.
“Alright then” He says taking a step backing, flashing a, without a doubt, well practiced smile. “See you at home” He says to her and walks to his car.
“Text Aggie not to come out of school” She says through her teeth, and gives me her phone, before she goes inside the car.
I find Aggie in her contacts and call her.
“Hello?” She answers.
“Hey Aggie, it’s Calum” I say. “Where are you?”
“Um…I have an after school thing…my mom knows about it. Why, where’s Addie?” She asks.
“She’s in the car. Listen” I say and take a breath “Your dad is here. He wants to drive you guys home. But I told him that I am driving Addie home, and he is still standing by his car…” I say. I realize that insisting on driving Addie home means that Aggie has to go with him alone. Why didn’t I think of that?
“Oh my god” She says.
“Hey listen. I’ll drive Addie home, and then I’ll pick you up from the back okay?” I say motioning for Michael to get in. He nods and gets in the back. I get in the driver’s seat, while Aggie repetedly says oh my god.
“Hey Aggie, Aggie. Listen to me” I say and she quiets. “You’re gonna be fine, okay? I’ll pick you up, and you won’t have to be in the same car with him, okay?” She doesn’t answer. I hear her breathing “I’ll pick you up in 10 minutes, okay? Ditch whatever you have, and go home.” I say.
After a moment of silence, she says okay and then we hang up. I put the phone in the cup holder, and look at the direction of Addie’s car. He is still there, and he is watching me. I give him a little wave, as if nothing is going on, and then I drive off. I watch him staring after my car on my rearview mirror, and then he is gone as we turn the corner.
“You okay?” I ask her. She doesn’t’ answer. She just gets her phone and calls her mom.
“Mom…” She says. Her voice is shaking. “He showed up in school. He wanted to pick us up!” She shouts in the phone. Michael and I stay quiet, and I drive as fast as I can. “Calum is going to pick her up after he drops me off…I don’t know…okay…hurry” And then she hangs up.
“Was your mom at work?” I ask her. She nods. “Michael” I say and he answers a faint yeah? “Can you stay with Addie while I get Aggie?” I say.
“Of course.” He says, and taps Addie on the shoulder, giving her a little squeeze.

Addie’s POV

After Calum drops Mikey and me off at my place, we immediately go in, and lock the door behind us.
“He didn’t’ seem that bad” Mikey says, and the moment he sees the horror on my face, he regrets it. “Sorry”
“It’s called manipulation! I can’t believe it…he has the nerve to show up just like that. Out of nowhere! And he introduces himself as my dad! As if he is a dad by default! Ugh!!” I scream in a pillow. We are in the living room and I have so much anger and fear in me that my head hurts. I’m breathless when I remove the pillow. I throw it at the window, and start scratching at the other one. I feel like I have to get my anger out. It’s too bottled in.
“Hey, hey. Addie calm down” I hear Michael say, but I don’t interpret his words. They just float around me, a muffled by my own growling. I feel like an animal. “Calm down!” He grabs me by my shoulders, and forces me to look at him. He is blurry. Am I crying? “Breathe” He says. I do as he says, and it feels easier.
And then he hugs me. He whispers soothing words in my ear, and I let myself believe him, because if I don’t I’ll go crazy.


Sorry for the inactiveness on my side. As I said bellow in the comments, it's my last week here at College (I am currently in Denmark) and I've been spending it with friends, so I haven't had time to sit down and write.
I managed to write this today. It's a bit messy.
Thank you guys so much for reading this silly story, and supporting it.
As usual, sorry for the spelling mistakes and some weird sentence structures. Love you guys.


rereading bc i miss this

still waiting for the next chapter :/ sorry to rush, I just love this fic so much! it was the first i ever read on this site

Awww sorry for being like inconsistent and shit. I wasn't with Jem (that's my laptop's name. We all name our electronic devices, let's not pretend) so I couldn't write, but I am finally in writing mood :D