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All Hidden Away

Chapter 47

“Can the two huge assholes get out of the rain please?” screams Ashton after we have been sitting for a while. I’m shivering slightly from being wet from the rain, but I also have a manic grin across my face. I turn to see Ashton standing on the patio with two towels. I smile and see Luke stand up, offering me a hand which I take. He pulls me up and we walk to the patio and gratefully accept the towels.
“Thanks.” I say as he hands me a towel.
“No problem… why where you guys sitting in the rain?” he asks smiling as we dry ourselves off.
“She made me.” says Luke pointing at me like a kid.
“I said you could go inside and that I wanted to enjoy it for a bit!” I say laughing.
“Yeah well…” he shrugs and dries of his hair leaving it in a spikey mess. We follow Ash inside and see everyone chilling in the lounge.
“Tasha, I thought you stopped this madness when you were like twelve!” says Harry laughing at me and my dripping wet hair and clothes. I pull a tongue at him.
“Shut up, Harry…” I say walking past him to get changed out of wet clothes a second time today.
“Has anyone done any laundry the past couple of days?” I ask stopping behind the couch that Harry and Niall are sitting on. They all sheepishly shake their heads. Ashton smiles proudly.
“I bought new undies if that counts?” I laugh.
“It doesn’t, but I’ll do a batch if you just all put it in the laundry room. No more than 5 items each!” I say continuing to walk upstairs.
“Having a girl around on tour is going to make it so much easier.” I hear Michael saying. I quickly walk back down the few stairs.
“This is the once and only time I am doing it, Michael.” I say raising eyebrows at him as he bites his lip in embarrassment. I shake my head and go upstairs.

After finishing piling up the laundry into the washing machine I set it off and head back to the lounge. As I sit down in between Luke and Calum in what was the only open space my phone starts to ring and I groan at having to get back up after just sitting down. I leave them playing MarioKart and talking nonsense to answer the unknown number.
“Hello?” I ask answering the phone and heading into the kitchen
“Tasha? Hey, it’s me… Zayn?” I freeze and look back at the guys. “Can you chat quickly?” he asks. I swallow.
“Uh. Yeah… I can. Is, err, is everything okay?” I ask pacing slightly and frowning, chewing on my thumb nail.
“Yeah, I mean, yeah things are fine… I know you probably don’t want to talk to me –” he says and I can tell how awkward this is for him as well as me.
“No, don’t be silly… what’s up?” I ask leaning against the doorway leading into the kitchen.
“Uh, well I just wanted to ask a favour actually.” I close my eyes and try to not let the thoughts of what Harry and the others might say if they knew who I was currently talking to go through my head in a rampage. It’s not that they hate him, but there sure is a bit of tension.
“Well I’m sure you’ve heard about the award show on Friday?” he asks. I nod and realise he can’t see that.
“I have…?” I say unsurely.
“Well, I’ve been asked to perform Pillow Talk at the award show…” I smile.
“That’s amazing!” I say honestly excited for him.
“Yeah… yeah it is… but my sister can’t make it, and neither can the rest of my family…” I frown waiting for him to continue. “And I’d just like to know if someone will be there… you know… from my family…” my frown deepens in confusion and I continue chewing my nail.
“What do you mean?” I ask waiting for an explanation.
“You’ve always been like a little sister to me, Tasha… and I’d like to know that you’d be there when I perform. I know I have no right in asking this and that when I left the band, I left the family as well but I just… I’m still getting anxious and I just think that-” he says sounding genuinely sad.
“I’ll be there.” I say cutting him off and frowning at the words that come out of my mouth before checking in with my brain.
“You will? Really, you’d do that for me?” he asks.
“Well, I had to go with Luke any way… but…Yes, you’re still family in my eyes.” I say frowning.
“Oh my god. Thank you, thank you so much!” he says and I can hear how I’ve just made his day.
“But, Zayn, the others will probably want to come with me…” I say grimacing at his response.
“No! Don’t stress! That’s fine, its great… really great… thank you… we don’t have to talk, just knowing you’re there… Thank you, Tasha” he says.
“Any time…” I say awkwardly.
“Okay, so I’ll see you then…?”
“Yeah, okay… uh, I’m sorry but I’ve got to go… Bye Zayn.” I say rubbing my forehead with my thumb.
“Bye… Thank you…really, I know I don’t deserve it.” I hang up the phone and rest my head against the door frame.
“Fuck…” I mumble before turning back to go to the boys. I walk slowly over… I can’t tell them, but I also have to tell them, at least Harry. Fuck, why does this kinda shit always happen!?

“Everything okay?” asks Lou already sensing my frustration from when I walked into the room.
“Yeah, yeah, no I’m fine.” I say forcing a smile and going to sit back in between Luke and Cal. He raises an eyebrow. “Really, I’m fine.” I say but the pitch in my voice gives it away. Harry turns to me.
“Tasha… who was on the phone?” he asks with concern, his forehead crinkled.
“Doesn’t matter, Hazz… it’s fine, just drop it.” I say guilt flooding through me as I nod in his direction before looking down at my phone. I look up to see Luke frowning at my phone… I shake my head knowing he knows what it could be about. His gaze shifts to mine, as does everyone in the room. I feel my heart beat starting to race. “Oh my god, guys… seriously just leave it.” I say forcing an exasperated laugh, running my hands through my hair.
“Tasha, what’s going on? If you’re getting phone calls from p-” says Harry leaning forward.
“Hazz, I don’t want to talk about it.” I say smiling but still sternly looking at my brother. The tension in the room increases with the stern tones in my voice and my look.
“He’s just trying to make sure you’re okay, Tasha.” Says Lou frowning and defending him. I look at him and beg him with my eyes to shut up.
“Just drop it guys…please.” I say quietly leaning back into the couch and watching the TV screen the boys are playing on.
“Tasha. No, tell me who was on the phone!” says Harry getting frustrated. I never keep secrets from him. “Just…tell me what’s going on.” He says softer and with evident concern. I close my eyes and consider telling him for a millisecond.
“Harry, I’m not a kid anymore. I don’t want to talk about, so please just drop it.” I say quietly, returning my figure to my mouth to chew the already missing nail. Great now I’m going to have to cut them all off… Mikey, Liam and Ash pause their game making this even more awkward. I turn to look at Hazz and see anger flash across his face, soon replaced with concern.
“Tasha, I know you’re not a child, but while you’re staying with me I need to know that you’re okay… please just tell me. Maybe it’s something we can help with if- ” I feel Luke and Cal shift uncomfortably during the heated discussion.
“Harry. Drop it.” I say looking at him, starting to lose my cool at how embarrassing this is in front of everyone.
“Maybe telling us would help?” offers Ashton sympathetically, obviously picking up on my embarrassment and frustration. I look at him and feel the lump in my throat grown in size, emotions flood through my thoughts: guilt; embarrassment; sadness… Maybe I should just tell one of the Aussie who can vouch for me that it isn’t something serious so Hazz can calm the fuck down.
“Thanks Ash, but seriously. I’m fine. Just Drop it.” I say standing up to go to my room to leave the awkward situation. Of course this just makes it all one hundred times worse…
“Please don’t walk away. I’m worried about you.” Says Harry sternly, also standing now.
“Hazz, I can’t talk to you about it!” I say feeling like shit. Harry and I hardly fight and whenever we do, it’s usually something stupid like this.
“Why not?” he asks getting angry now and throwing his arms in the air.
“Because Harry! Just, drop it okay?” I say getting angry that he’s getting angry.
“Harry, maybe just –” says Niall, the designated peace keeper, also now standing.
“I can’t talk to you about it either, Niall!” I say turning to him and frowning, throwing my arms in the air. He frowns but doesn’t say anything.
“I’m going for a walk…” I say rubbing my hands together nervously, maybe this was pushing Hazz.
“But it’s raining…?” he says concern back in his voice.
“Then I’ll take an umbrella…” I say starting to walk away.
“Tasha-” tries Harry.
“I’ll be back before nine.” I say grabbing my phone and keys off the table, fighting the tears that are now pooling at the corner of my eyes.
“Natasha!” shouts Harry. I flinch at his harsh use of my full name as I walk out the door and close it behind me.

Harry’s POV

She slams the door and walks out. I sigh and feel my heart drop. I move to walk after her but Lou grabs my arm stopping me. I know he is probably right.
“Fuck!” I say under my breath before running my hands through my hair. The room is quiet. “Sorry lads…” I say to everyone in the uncomfortable room before walking into the kitchen. Lou stands and follows me.
“Hazza…?” he says gently placing his hands on my shoulder as I fill the kettle and lean on the counter.
“I’m just worried, Lou… you saw her face when she came back! She looked positively scared! What if she’s getting threats? Huh? How am I meant to stop those?” I ask feeling myself getting worked up.
“Harry…Stop.” I turn to look at him. “She’s a big girl… if it was that serious she would have told us.” I nod and understand what he is saying. I just don’t like the idea of her not talking to me about things like this. It rarely happens and I hate it when it does.
“I just hate fighting with her, Lou.” I say burying my face in my hands.
“I know… I know…” he says patting my shoulder caringly. We stand around and wait for the kettle to boil for some tea.
“Harry…? I know it’s a bad time…” I turn to see Luke leaning against the door post, head nearly touching the top.
“Yeah, it’s okay… what’s up, mate?” I ask leaning against the counter and crossing my arms to face him
“It’s just… it’s to do with Tasha…”. A flash of concern and worry crosses his features. I look at him seriously now.
“I think I may have an idea what made her upset…” he says frowning. I nod for him to go on.
“Well…When we saw Zayn… he said he wanted to keep in touch with her…” he says swallowing. I frown and after a few seconds shake my head in confusion.
“How would that make her upset? They used to be close, how could this have anything to do with that?” I ask. Luke walks into the kitchen and puts his hands in his pockets shrugging.
“I think, I don’t know, I mean I don’t know her that well, but if, I mean… like if, I mean-” Lou cut across his ramblings.
“What if… what if he was the one who called her? She looked scared when she answered her phone and it wasn’t her friends because she talks openly with them in front of us. And it wouldn’t be Claire… and also there is the fact she felt she couldn’t talk to you guys about it?” he says quietly. My heart falls into my stomach and a small groan of hopelessness escapes my mouth.
“How do you know my sister better than I do?” I say running a hand through my hair. He smiles ruefully before looking at his feet. “I don’t think she’ll talk to any of us about something like that then…” I say looking at Lou. He nods his head in agreement. He seems to be seething. I’ll talk to him and the lads later, right now I need to sort out my sister.
“Luke?” he looks up. “Would you mind taking Ash or someone to the park around the corner to talk to her?” I say pleading with my eyes. He looks surprised.
“How do you know she’d be at the park?” he asks. I smile half-heartedly.
“She’s just like that.” Says Tommo for me. Luke nods.
“Yeah… of course. But how do you know she’ll talk to us?” He asks frowning.
“Even if she doesn’t, I don’t want her sitting alone in a park while it’s dark out…” I say grimacing at my friend. He nods his head before sticking his head out of the door.
“Ash?” he calls to his friend into the kitchen.
“Yeah?” Ash calls back before walking into the kitchen, also looking concerned.
“Would you mind if you went and found her? I don’t think she’ll talk to me right now.” I say crossing my arms in defeat. Damn her stubbornness. I know I’m not much better, but still! He frowns but nods his head.
“Sure… is, I mean, is she okay?” he asks frowning and looking concerned, he also has a little sister and seems to be understanding of the situation.
“I don’t know. That’s what I need you to go check?” I say almost pleadingly.
“Come on then.” Says Luke walking out of the kitchen and to the front door, grabbing his jacket and handing Ashton his. As they head out I feel Lou hugging me from behind.
“She’ll be okay, you know. She’s a smart girl…” I nod my head.
“Yeah… I know… I’m still her big brother though.” I say shrugging. He sighs.
“I know… Come on, let’s go chat to the boys about our little Zayn Malik problem…” letting some of his anger through before tugging me back into the lounge.

“Where did Luke and Ash go?” asks Cal looking at me with concern. I take a seat on the open couch and Lou sits next to me. I lean back and cross my legs, stretching out slightly.
“To go see if she’s okay. She won’t talk to any of us right now.” I say nodding ruefully. Niall leans forward from his seat next to Michael.
“Why not?” he asks frowning.
“Because, Ni… We think that Zayn is trying to talk to her.” His face falls as he understands what is going through my darling sisters head.
“And she feels she can’t be close with him because of us, and she can’t talk to us about it… and she feels like she shouldn’t forgive him.” he sighs in understanding.
“Yeah. Exactly. So we asked Luke and Ash to go talk to her. No offense to you two, it was just- ”
“We’re not the best with upset woman. It’s okay.” Says Michael laughing. Cal nods. I sigh again.
“Lou, are you okay?” asks Liam looking at him. Lou’s deep frown softens and he looks up from his clenched fingers.
“Peachy, Payne. Just peachy.” He says bitterly. Liam looks at me with concern. I nod, telling him we’ll sort it out later. Niall frowns and pulls out his phone. We sit in silence for a few moments, all thinking.
“I think I know why Zayn called Tasha. He’s performing at the award show on Friday.” He says standing and passing me his phone with the article.
“So?” asks Lou with a scoff, reading over my shoulder.
“You know Zayn… he’d feel like he’d need support from people he knows…” Liam say looking at Lou sadly. “And the fact that we all were going to be there isn’t enough anymore…” he says regretfully. I shoot him a sympathetic smile. He nods but I can tell he is still upset.
“I just wish shit didn’t go down like it did…” he says after a while. We sit there, thinking. Cal and Mikey get up and head outside, giving us some space which I know I’m not the only one to appreciate it.
“We need to convince her that being mates with him isn’t a bad thing…” says Niall looking at me. I nod my head.
“Got to convince some of us of that first.” I say quietly looking at Lou.
“Sorry if I’m still angry with his actions after he left.” He says looking at me but I can see he is hurt, and angry for the way it went down.
“Lou… mate. If it means, there is one other person who will be willing to protect her…” I say carefully.
“Shut up, Harry… I know.” He says shortly. “I’m fine with it as long as I don’t see the bloody git.” He says rolling his eyes and clenching his jaws.
“I honestly think we all would be.” Says Liam quietly, with a ton of sadness in his voice.
“If you can get it into her thick skull that we won’t freak out, go for it.” I say leaning back into the couch and closing my eyes, hopeful that Luke and Ash can convince her of just that.


Hello everyone :) hope you enjoy the bit of drama, sorry if it's too long - don't know if that's a thing but... - please vote, subscribe, comment and tell friends about it! Would be very cool to reach 50 votes! x L


So I have been informed of the issues regaarding this page currently, and have unfortunatly decided to move the story to Wattpad. I hope some of you will follow me there under IHAVEASECRET3.

So the past three years have been... interesting to say the least... I apologies profusely for not keeping this updated even though it is a story with ideas constantly bouncing around in my head. The account 2.0 is now the account that wont work so Ill be back posting under this because I am in a mental space at the moment when i feel like I can, and because of everything happening in 2020, feel like I should. I have heard rumors of issues with this website so please DM me if they are real and if I should move somewhere else... so sorry that it has been three years... xL

Hi everyone. Sorry for being absent for so long. I came back to write a few weeks ago after feeling like it had been far too long, to find my account wasn't working. After much time spent trying to get it up and active again, I just decided to make a new account and continue the rest of Tasha's story under the same name and picture but a 2.0 version. Thank you for all the support and I'm sorry for vanishing, but when life gives you lemons... Anyway. Please continue reading the new chapters, Chapter 67 should be up in a few hours. Much love xxx L.

PS: Missed you all like crazy...


Love this story, can't wait for the new chapter :)