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Right In Front of Your Eyes

It Was Only Just a Dream...

Aurora's POV
I wake up to the sound of a baby crying. I look around the room then I remember that I am in the hospital because I just had the baby, and I feel so alone. I get up and go over to Chasity's bed, I look down at her distressed face and I can't believe that she is actually mine. I pick her up and coddle her. I bounce slightly as I rock her trying to get her back to sleep. I look over at the clock and it reads 5 am, I have only been asleep for 3 hours. Chasity finally goes back to sleep but I can't put her back into her bed so I decide to have her lay down with me. I climb back into bed and just hold her. She is the only part of my dreams that get to come true. I drift off back to sleep slightly and I start to dream.
"Aurora honey! Have you seen my tie?" I hear Liam's voice yell from our bedroom.
"No I haven't sorry, Can you grab Grayson from his room on your way down? He is crying and I am trying to get Chasity, and Violet some breakfast." I reply back to him.
"Okay, but seriously Auri, I have to go to school soon, I can't be late for my first day of work."
"You will be fine, you don't have to leave for another 20 minutes." I am sitting at the dinning room table feeding Violet who is a little over a year old and Chasity who is sitting next to her, and she is about 3. I look up and see Liam emerge from the living room into the dining room with Grayson in his arms, Grayson is only a couple months old.
"Morning honey." Liam says as he leans over and gives me a kiss.
"Morning darling, oh and I think I saw your tie in my office this morning when I was working on some reports." I say to him.
"Thank you. Here take Grayson while." He hands me the little boy who looks just like his father. I let Violet eat by herself but watch her just in case she chokes.
Chasity looks up from her cereal and says "One day mommy, I wanna a prince like daddy." She is so adorable.
"And one day sweetie you will find your prince." I tell her as Liam comes into the dining room.
"What are you girls talking about?" He asks us.
"Mommy says that I'm gonna find a prince just like you." Chasity tells him.
"I am not a prince sweetie, but your Mommy is my Queen." He goes over and picks Chasity up and tickles her, I watch as she giggles. A child's laughter is the best sound in the world.
"Daddy stop!" Chasity tries to say while laughing.
"Okay I have to go to anyways. I will see you all when I get home. I love you" He then goes and gives Chasity a kiss then proceeds to Violet and finally gives Grayson a kiss on his head. And starts heading for the door.
"What no kiss for your queen?" I tease him, knowing he does this everyday just so I have to remind him.
"How could I forget the most beautiful woman on Earth?" He asks as he leans in for a kiss, it is short and sweet but I know he has to go because today is the first day at the elementary school as a music teacher.
"Bye honey. Have a wonderful day." I tell him as I wave with Chasity who came over to wave with me out the window. I see him wave back as he drives away.

I wake up suddenly, I look to make sure that Chasity is still in my arms. She is fast asleep. Then it hits me that, the dream isn't real and that it will never be that way. So I start crying, I am bawling by the time Rose and Harry enter the room.
"Aurora! What's wrong?" Rose says as she rushes over to me.
"I had a wonderful dream." I say while tears roll down my face.
"Then why are you crying?" Harry asks me.
"Because it was just that, it was a dream." I start crying more, the fact that Chasity will never have the life I dreamed of for her. The fact that she will never have the typical family dynamic pains me. Even if I told Liam and we got married, he would always be leaving us for his job and Chasity won't be able to grow up with a father who is always around.
"Aurora, what was the dream about?" Rose asks me.
I smile at the thought of the dream. "It was a dream about me living in a nice house with 3 kids and I was married to Liam and he wasn't famous, and it was perfect"
"That is a plausible dream" Harry says completely ignoring the famous bit of the story.
"Harry, he is famous right now so that is not very plausible." I inform Harry.
"Oh yeah, I forget that most of the time" Harry tells me.
I roll my eyes at Harry, and I hear the door open and I see my parents, and Liam's family enter the room.
I smile and try to wipe the tears from my face. "Hi." I say.
"Oh honey, you look so good for just having a baby" My mum told me.
Nici bounces over to me and grabs the baby from my hands. "Give me the most adorable child ever, she is going to be spoiled rotten" Nici says.
"Careful! I don't want shaken baby syndrome!" I warn her.
"Don't worry I am not going to mess up the cutest little girl in the world."
Liam's parents come over and give me a hug, "Aurora, it is so good to see you, I am so happy that you're the mother of our first grandchild. I couldn't ask God for a better young lady." His mom tells me.
I lose it again "Thanks Mum, that means so much coming from you." She leans down and gives me a kiss on my head.
"So how did everything go last night?" His mom asks me.
"It went pretty well I think except for me being a little aggravated." I say.
"A little… psh that is an understatement" Harry snorts at me.
"Excuse me Styles! I was pushing a baby out of a canal no bigger than your finger, cut me some slack."
"Well you did tell Liam to get out, then you got in the fight with the nurse." Harry goes on.
"Liam was here?" Liam's dad asks me.
"Yes he was," I say and look down at my hands.
"Can we expect more babies, because only one won't have a good game going we need at least 5 more to have good teams." He tells me, I laugh at the thought of pushing 5 more kids out of me.
"I'm sorry but I don't think that I will be having any more babies" I inform them.
"Ah, damn it. Well Henry it looks like we wont get a whole team from them at this point," Liam's dad says to my dad then continues talking to me "but don't you think young lady that I won't persist."
"No, I didn't mean I wont have any more kids, I was referring to me having kids with Liam, I didn't mean to the first time. I am not going to make that mistake again" I say, I realize that, that sounded rude. "Not that he would be a bad father, but I want my kids to have a semi-normal life and it wouldn't be allowed to happen if the kids were Liam's" I try to correct my previous comment.
"You aren't back together with Liam?" Liam's mom asks me.
"No, he knows that I had a baby, not with my permission I might add." I glare at Rose and continue "but he still doesn't know it's his,"
"Yea, he was very upset that the baby daddy wasn't here, and that if he gets a girl pregnant he should be responsible for the baby. It was quite ironically funny" Harry says and starts laughing to himself. Rose and I just glare at him confused because sometimes I wonder what goes through his head.
"Um… okay Harry…." I say unsure what else to say.
"Listen, Harry and I are going to go but we will come back around 5 to pick up you and the baby and maybe take you out to dinner, our treat" Rose says as she gathers Harry.
"Okay, I will see you later." I say and they leave.
Everyone else stays for about another hour. I got to see everyone hold the baby and I realized that this little girl will be so spoiled between our families, Rose, and the boys, she is going to want for nothing. She is the luckiest little girl in the whole world even if she won't have a perfect family experience, she will have a perfectly messed up family. When everyone leaves I am left alone with Chasity again. Her blue eyes are looking at me and they are filled with love, not the kind that waivers, the kind that will always be there. The same kind of love I feel for her father, that's why I am doing all of this I love him too much to make him worry about all of this. For the second time today I feel so alone.


I am so sorry for not updating in a while. I was busy all weekend because my baby sister(14) had a weekend long swim meet and I had to wake up at 4:30 every morning and we didn't get back until 5 at night and by that point I was exhausted.
So you are never going to guess what Ginger and I did! We bought 3 1D cardboard cutouts for our apartment next year. They came in the mail yesterday and they are so gorgeous. We almost started crying when we stood them up.
I hope you enjoy this chapter though! I love Aurora's dream in this chapter! I also know that the chapters have been a little depressing lately, but I promise they will get better!


@Tierra Cooley
I'm really glad you liked it!! Feel free to check out my other stories too!

Lol I actually kind of like that there wasn't a ship name. Makes it a unique and better story to read and enjoy. Not that I'm against ship names being in stories but I just read so many stories with ship names and it's nice to read a story without one.! ^-^ :) ♡♥

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

It really is a great story! ^-^ :)

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

Awww I REALLY REALLY REALLY enjoyed reading this! Love the last line where Liam says "...always there... Right In Front Of My Eyes" ^-^ :) ♡♥♡♥♡♥

Tierra Cooley Tierra Cooley

@Tierra Cooley
lol we never thought of one before...