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There's Someone Always Watching

Chapter Twenty Nine

Niall's POV

She laid on the hospital bed in the Infirmary. God, what did I do? I knew I wouldn't be able to hold up any longer. I knew it. Now she might be dead because of me!

"Stop pacing, Niall," Liam scolded me. "She'll be fine. You didn't drink all of her...I hope." In unison, Harry, Liam and I gulps at the thought.

"Please please please," I whispered to the air. "Please."

I looked at Tessa's face, her complexion was more grayish than regular, and her blonde hair was caked with dried blood on it.

"Please wake up," I whispered as I went over to her side. "Please, Tessa."

I grabbed her hand, feeling for a heart-beat. Wait...I sucked her.

There wouldn't be a heartbeat.

"Niall." I turned to the source of the voice and saw my sister. My eyes widened.

"Jessica?!" I ran over to her, hugging her. "I haven't seen you in more than a century!" Jessy laughed.

"Yeah, the council summoned me and told me that..." Jessica looked over at Tessa, "Princess Atessa was... Having some problems." Jessy smiled.

"Guys," I turned to Liam and Harry, "this is my sister. Jessica. Paws off," I warned them. Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Puh-lease," she retorted. I saw the boys stick their tongues out at Jessy, baring their fangs at her.

I heard a rustle of sheets behind me, and the bed creaked.




You are welcome
@ Love_Life3

@Mrs. Harry Edward Styles
Thank you

Love love love the vampire theme and I also love love love your other books

OMG no she can't be kidnapped ahhh

Ooo, very interesting. I wonder what their plans for her are? Great job love :)