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The Flight That Changed My Life

Chapter 4: The Airport ;)

Jenni POV:
My phone starts blaring my ringtone: 'Breakaway' by Kelly Clarkson. I groan and roll over, squinting at the bright screen where it says my mom is calling me.

Rubbing my eyes, I answer,"Hello?," my voice still thick with sleep. "Get up out of bed! everyone's waiting for you in the car, we grabbed your suitcase, you've got 10 minutes to get down here so we don't miss our flight!," my mom screeched through the phone.

"Alright, alright I'm up!" Groaning I leap up from my bed, changing into my black converse high-tops, ripped jean short-shorts with brown braided belt and my favorite floral crop top. Then I stuff my phone and charger into my carry-on, exchanging it for my make up and toothbrush.

After applying the usual black eyeliner and mascara, I brush my teeth and stuff my utilities back into my bag. Then I run down the stairs, of course tripping on the last step and sprint for the car. "Finally!" my dad exclaims as I hop into the back. He barely gives me time to buckle before he takes off.

As we wait in the usual traffic, I braid my hair off to the side and pull out my phone and ear buds listening to my dad's favorite band, Boston. It definitely helped me wake up as I listen to my favorite song of theirs: Rock and Roll Band. As I get into it I start belting it out. For once my family doesn't tell me to shut it because they all like the song as well and my brothers are playing games on their iPods.

"Well, we were just another band out of Boston,
on the road to try and make ends meet,
playin' all the bars, sleepin' in our cars
and we'd practice right on out in the street.
No we didn't have much money. We barely made enough to survive,
but when we got up on stage and got ready to play people came alive.
Rock n' Roll band, everybody's waitin', gettin' crazy, anticipating, love and music;
play, play, play yeah yeah yeah yeah!"

"Honey, we know how much you love to sing but we're here and we have less than 5 minutes to make it to our terminal in time," my mom said loudly so she could be heard over the music.

"Okay, I'll turn it off," I say with a sigh. What does it take to be able to finish a song around here? I take off my seat belt with my carry on over my shoulder and my phone with ear buds still in my hand as I wait for one or both of the boys to get out before I can. Then we all rush madly inside with our things, getting our suitcases sorted before scrambling for our plane before it leaves without us.

As it turns out, our plane is the farthest away from this entrance and it's really quite frustrating trying to fight your way through all of the other people heading out on vacation. I'm following behind the rest of my family, when I feel my phone yanked out of my hand! Oh no! My headphones must've snagged onto somebody as I shoved by! I turn around and catch sight of my phone barely hanging on to a designer dress jacket of a guy who's walking in the opposite direction.

The only other things I noticed were that he was pretty tall, wearing faded skinny jeans and had a mop curly brown hair. Other than that I had no clue and didn't care seeing as he had his back to me and that my phone was about to fall and get stepped on over a million times.

In that split second, I called upon all of my soccer and track skills as I sprinted after him, yelling, "WAIT!" Luckily, he stopped and was about to turn around when I plowed into him. I grabbed his arm to keep us both upright while catching my phone in my other hand as it fell, saying,"I'll be taking this," then turned and attempted to head back in the direction of my plane, while shouting,"Thanks!" over my shoulder while shoving people aside with as much "excuse me(s)" and "sorry(s)" as I could while still trying to make it on time.

Harry POV:
I'm having a laugh with Louis as we slowly make our way over to our terminal. Our plane doesn't leave for another hour and a half but Paul likes to make sure we get places early just in case there are crowd issues. All of us are wearing sunglasses trying to avoid as much attention as possible.

"So far, so good," Niall says, right before I hear a girl scream, "WAIT!"

Feeling confused and worried that our lame disguises weren't working, I actually stop and I'm about to turn around when when the girl runs into me, hard. I practically knock Louis down with me but surprisingly I remain upright as a thin but strong hand grips my arm right above my elbow.

I hear her mutter, "I'll be taking that," as she catches a phone I didn't realize was there and takes off in the same direction she came from. All this happened so fast but I could still remember the flash of her determined emerald green/brown eyes as she shouted, "Thanks!" over her shoulder. Me and the lads just stand there in shock as she attempts to quickly maneuver through the overbearing crowd of travelers.

Who was that girl? I'm pretty sure that question is on everyone's mind right now as we regain our composure and keep walking. We finally make our way over to the waiting area of our terminal which happens to be right next to the help desk.

Louis cracks a joke about pretty girls falling from the sky, by replacing 'men' with 'girls' in the old classic 'It's Raining Men.' Everyone else seems to be cracking up and I manage a small chuckle; I'm still thinking about that mystery girl.

As I snap out of my reverie, I notice I'm not the only one who's been lost in thought; Niall's staring at his hands with a small smile on his face... I wonder who put him in this trance? I've never seen him like this before...

Niall POV:
Here we are sitting in the waiting area by the help desk and I can't stop thinking about that girl who ran into Harry. It happened so fast, but from what I saw of her face, she was beautiful. Her green-brown eyes were captivating and so filled with determination I doubt she knew who we were.

Not that I expected many Americans to actually know who we are; we haven't been a professional band very long. We've barely released our first album. Hopefully wherever she's going is in London, because I'd very much like to see her again.

Jenni POV:
It takes all of my remaining strength to keep myself from breaking down crying; I had missed my flight by 10 minutes. Damn travelers! Luckily Mom let me hold on to my own ticket, so maybe I can get them to let me on the next flight to London without extra cost.

I can't call my family right now, the pilot probably made them turn off all electronics during take off. I don't know when they'll be able to turn them back on. I haven't really been on a plane more than twice in my life; most vacations involved long car rides with my family. I give myself another 5 minutes to compose myself before I go up to the lit up map displaying the airport as I look for the help desk on the ground floor.

Great, it's on the other side of this damn airport. "Crap, here I go again," I grumble under my breath. Then I make my way back across the floor with renewed haste, not knowing when the next flight to London leaves. When I finally get there, I'm slightly out of breath as I explain my situation to the lady behind the desk.

A lot of frustrating conversation later where this lady is getting more and more on my nerves, I finally snap. "Look! My whole family is currently on a plane to another country! I don't have any money and considering how much this ticket cost and the fact that it was never used, I think it makes perfect sense to want to exchange it for a ticket on the next flight for the same cost! To hell with your damn policy! Use some common sense!" The woman just stares at me in shock; when I realize how harsh I sounded, I apologize for my outburst and almost start bawling again, but I just manage to keep it in.

Suddenly I feel a light tapping on my shoulder and hear a deep english accent saying, "Excuse me, love." I turn around and vaguely feel like I've seen this guy before; oh yeah! I ran into him earlier when I retrieved my phone! "Oh, I'm so sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to be so-" I squint at him a little longer and then it hit me. HARRY STYLES is standing in front of me! And since I saw him earlier, that means I nearly ran him over! My cheeks flush as I finish my sentence, "rude but I was caught up in an urgent situation. well I guess I still am..." That last part ended in a mumble when I realized I was rambling.

I look back up at him as he smiles cheekily down at me. "No hard feelings love. Now, I couldn't help but overhear your discussion," I turn even more red when he brings up that the fact that I had shouted, "and since me and the lads are heading the same way we'd love to help you out. I can pay for your ticket if you'd like."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that I can always just-" I stopped myself there when I realized I didn't really have any other option.

"You can always do what? C'mon it's no big deal, we'd love to help out a pretty girl like you," this time Louis was the one who spoke as he sauntered up to us, giving me a wink and a cheeky smile.

"Well, alright but-" I start to reply but I'm cut off again.

Louis says, "No buts love, you're coming with us," as he hands the lady his credit card.

"Give her a first class seat on the next flight to London," Harry adds, not to be out-charmed. Then Harry presses his hand into the small of my back and guides me over to the waiting area where he begins to introduce me before realizing he doesn't know my name.

I giggle at the stumped look on his face and introduce myself. "Hello, the name's Jennifer Williams but you can call me Jenni. I can't begin to thank you all enough for helping me out of this sticky situation." I smile shyly at them and try not to think about who they are as they introduce themselves as well. Each comes up and hugs me.

"Hello, I'm Liam, nice to officially meet you"

"Hi, I'm Zayn"

"Good morning, I'm Niall"

"I'm Louis your new bestie" I laugh at that.

"Hi, and I'm Harry." They all flash me adorable smiles and we proceed to play twenty questions until we're ready to board.


Hi, sorry I had to end there, I'll try and update asap :) please subscribe and recommend this story to anyone else you think will enjoy it, bye!!!


@I lovekittenz
I'm updating later tonight. I have prior commitments. I'll try asap, I'm working right now :)

When r u updating next ?? I love this story

@Jenni HNLZL

@I lovekittenz
thanks :)

Wonderful so far

@I lovekittenz, @Mrs. Storplikson
I've updated :)