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Just My Luck!


Cami's best friend Shay moved to London.
She goes and visits but, doesn't know about moving.
Shay meets new friends most boys and Cami finds one friend especially cute.


Ali Erics

Ali Erics

One of Cami's close friends, or Cami thinks. Very popular at there school, lives in Utah.

Ash Morgan

Ash Morgan

One of Cami's close friends, living in Utah. Very popular at there school.

Bobby Horan

Bobby Horan

Niall's dad

Cami Hendricks

Cami Hendricks

Lives in Utah, Her best friend moves to the UK and she meets someone special over in the UK. (Main Character). Loves lacrosse, but lives for dance.

Chase Harvingston

Chase Harvingston

Jaci's boyfriend. Very helpful in hard places. Give advice and support.

Darrel Hawking

Darrel Hawking

Mikie's dad

Drew Hendricks

Drew Hendricks

Cami's dad, not really there alot. But Cami know's he loves her.

Emily Wright

Emily Wright

Shay's best friend, Cami's friend too, but not really as close.

Harry Styles

Harry Styles

Niall's best friend, living in London

Jaci Jenson

Jaci Jenson

One of Cami's close friends.

Jacki Hendricks

Jacki Hendricks

Cami's mom, Cami goes to her for most of her advice. Cami's best friend.

Jackson Hendricks

Jackson Hendricks

Cami's brother. She tells him EVERYTHING. They are the best of best together.

Janice Hawking

Janice Hawking

Mikie's mom

Liam Payne

Liam Payne

Naill's best friend, living in London

Louis Tomplinson

Louis Tomplinson

Niall's best friend, living in London

Marisa Black

Marisa Black

One of Cami's close friends.

Maura Horan

Maura Horan

Niall's mom

Mikie Hawking

Mikie Hawking

Cami's Lacrosse friend. She loves him. Does he love her?

Niall Horan

Niall Horan

Cute Irish boy living in London

Shay Jacobson

Shay Jacobson

Cami's best friend, moves to the UK. Starts the whole story.


  1. She's Leaving...

    There she goes. Just like that..

  2. Going-Away

    Shay has her friends over for a "Going-Away Party"

  3. First Call!

    Face-time.. What a wonderful thing.

  4. Emily is back.

    After 3 weeks of Emily living in London with Shay, she's back.

  5. Anniversary Face-Time from who?

    Harry decided to Face-time Cami, to help him surprise Shay for her birthday.

  6. London

    Cami and Emily finally make it to London..

  7. Halloween..

    It's time for the Halloween dance at Shay's school;

  8. What Happened?

    After Cami messed up her friendship with everyone, she trys to figure it all out.

  9. Time Goes S-L-O-W.

    Finally after what seems like forever, it's almost Christmas!

  10. London at Christmas

    Finally back in London, but this time. It's Christmas and there is snow..

  11. ~Love~

    Shay learns more and more about Cami and her love life. She also learns some things about Niall that open new windows.

  12. Christmas!

    It's Christmas day! Cami finds out some news that she doesn't know how she feels about it..

  13. Back home. Life gone.

    Cami goes back home. Back to Mikie.

  14. January.

    January means school.

  15. Feburary.

    The month of love. Which Cami doesn't have.. Or does she?

  16. Spring~A Wonderful Time!

    Spring is here! Which means Spring-Break!!

  17. Together Again.

    Niall and Cami are together, but is that a Good thing or a Bad thing?

  18. Stuck.

    Cami gets a surprise vist.

  19. Pressure.

    Niall wants to know what happened. He doesn't like the idea of Harry, Cami, and Shay knowing what happened inside Cami's house, and him not. Cami just isn't ready to tell him..

  20. Mall

    Cami and Shay go to the mall, did they leave their friends alone for too long?

  21. California

    Cami finally makes it to California!

  22. Gone.

    Everyone is gone.

  23. What Happened?

    Some one leaves.. For good.

  24. Your Life Flashes

    Mikie is on the edge of life.

  25. Noteeeee


  26. Help?

  27. I Can't Handle This Anymore

    Cami makes big decisions.

  28. Where Do I Go Now?

    Now that Cami is in London, where does she go?

  29. Freak Out.

    Everyone finds Cami is back. But Cami also learns a secret.

  30. New Life.

    When Cami comes to London, life changes.

  31. Getting Out There

    Cami, Niall, Shay, and Harry go on a date...

  32. Skool

    Cami goes to her first day of school. In London.

  33. News

    Cami finds out some exciting news!

  34. It's Time

    It is time for what you all have been waiting for!!!

  35. This is it.


I know I know, there there child. There there. ;)


I wanna goooooooo

pey_pey_99 pey_pey_99

Hah, to heck with Costa Rica! I'm going to Europe next year!


YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! Don't go to Costa Rica!!! We have to party all summer!!!!

pey_pey_99 pey_pey_99

In the summer, we should pull a 'laughing stock' of an all nighter ;)