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My Crush, My Bully, My Friend - Comments

I can't find your sequel!! Where is it??

Oh cool. I have probs about 9/10

I mean I accidentally found another one of your storys

You'll jut have to find out... ;)

You better make seqeul and what happened to Daniel\jared\kendell are they gonna be in the sequel like are they gonna go to the same school as bro or Harry like is he gonna even be in the sequel?

I don't know what your asking me.

@Harry's Only
Don't ask why, just ask when. Hint hint.

@Just a Crazy Mofo
MAAAAAAYYYYBEEE. But I had other thoughts wink wink.

Jared should end up going to Bri's college

*Gasp* how could you Bri?! Why you leave Harreh?! WHY?! *cries* *faints*

hi im reading another one of your stories
funny right? yes? no?


something totally crazy should go sown in the last

@Harry's Only
Okay thank I will think about it, should that be the last chapter or should something REALLY SUPER DUPER SHITTY go down in the last chapter?

you should totally do a sequel!!! Barry :3

Haha i do that sometimes lool

@Elona Horan
Got it! Srry me being lazy 0."

This is so good!!!!!! I love it<3 but sometimes you need longer chapters haha<3333 but it's great<3

@Harry's Only
Hahah I'm sorry the word poptart made me crack up!! But I agree freaken Niall. XD

@Harry's Only
Aww thanks!;) I'll be sure to take that in my suggestion box ;;)


yea they're great together :3

@Harry's Only
U want bri and Harry?