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A/N: Hello lovelies! Second chapter is here!! Real quick just wanted to let you all know what from this point forward, unless indicated otherwise, the chapters will begin in Jessica’s P.O.V. Other than that enjoy the chapter and please comment what you think of the story so far! Also, don’t forget to vote, and I’ll see you very soon :) xx Mona Lisa

Time stood still as I watched him from afar, he fascinated me and I needed to talk to him, so I immediately speed walked over to Luke and Sara, who were conversing about something bar related, “You guuuuuys!!! Guess what?!?!" I asked them excitedly.

"What’s up Jess?" Luke replied.

"There’s a vampire sitting at one of my booths!!! My first vampire, and he’s at my booth!!! I should to talk to him, right?!?!" They both stood there quietly looking at me, I wanted to listen in on what they were thinking, but part of me knew that based off of their lack of communication it wasn’t anything I wanted to hear. Then, finally breaking the silence Sara spoke up,"I don’t think you should go over there Jess... just wait here with us until he leaves."

"Umm, Sara’s right. You should just chill here. It’s cool, we already racked up alotta money tonight... we don’t need his service." Luke agreed while drying off a glass.

"But, like... aren’t you guys curious?" I asked.

"Girl, I know all I need to know about these creatures, just from watching the news, and you should too." Sara insisted, I kept looking to Luke hoping that he would take my side, and sympathise with me, but it never happened, instead he just stood there, nodding and agreeing with Sara.

"Alright, fine then. If that’s how you guys are going to be... I’ll just have to go with my gut and ignore everything you both are saying!! I don’t care what you think about them, they can’t ALL be bad, I’ma just go talk to him!” I declared before turning around and storming off. My stomach began to knot as I walked toward the booth, and I could feel myself getting more and more nervous the closer I got. I stepped up to the booth, and cleared my throat grabbing his attention.

"Hi... my name is Jessica and I’ll be your server tonight..."


Before saying anything else, I decided to take a deep breath and collect my thoughts, so that I didn’t embarrass myself, "I’m sorry I know I’m acting a bit weird, but it’s just we don’t get many, well, actually any, vampires here..." I admitted.

"Oh, wow..." he chuckled, "is it that obvious?"

Seeing him laugh made me feel a little less nervous, “Well, it is to me... anyways... is there anything I can get for you?”

“Actually, yes. Do you guys carry TrueBlood?”

“Yes! We just received our first shipment yesterday!”

“Cool. In that case, I’ll take a TrueBlood, O+, heated to about 98.8 degrees please.”

“Of course!” I wrote down his order and then looked at him again, he seemed to be examining the place, “Okay, so, I’ll be right back!” I added, earning a nod from him. I walked back to the bar and handed Luke the order, not wanting to talk to him, because of how he didn’t stick up for me earlier. He grabbed the paper and rolled his eyes and sighed, “Anything else?” I shook my head. “Okay...” He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a TrueBlood, O+, and put it in the microwave warming it up for a couple of seconds before handing it over to me.

“Jess, I just want you to be careful... that’s all, I didn’t mean to piss you off.”

“I’ll be fine Luke. Don’t worry about me.” I then walked over to the vampire and handed him his drink. “Here ya go.”

He looked up at me and reached for his drink and took a sip, “It’s great thank you.”

“Cool, is there anything else I can get for you?” I asked.

“Uh, no. Not right now, but thank you.” He replied with a brief smile. I turned around to walk away, but I couldn’t just leave, I wanted to know him more. I wanted to at least know his name, and let him know that he had an ally, someone who wasn’t scared of him and who didn’t hate him or his species, so I turned around and approached him.

“I’m sorry,” I began as he looked up at me confused, “ I just didn’t catch your name.”

“Umm, based off the way your two friends have been staring at me since I walked in, I don’t think that’s a good idea...” He said, motioning his head in the direction of Luke and Sara who were indeed staring at him.

“Oh... uhh, don’t mind them, they’re just looking out for me.” I insisted.

“They sound like good, caring friends.”

“Yeah, they’re a little too caring...” Before either of us could say another word our conversation was interrupted by Linda who once again was crying for help.

“Well, I’ve gotta go.” I smiled whiled walking away. As the night when on it only got busier and I didn’t have much time to pay attention to, or even think of the vampire, but once everything died down, I took a look over at the booth he was at and noticed he was gone; all that was left was the bottle of TrueBlood that I had gotten him about an hour ago. I guess he just had other things to do tonight... I shrugged it off and continued on working until I heard two voices I’d never heard before. I looked around to try and find out who these voices belonged too, but the voices weren’t coming from inside the bar...

Wow... look at all this V!! What are we going to do with all this???? We could probably use half and then sell the rest...

I can’t wait to use this shit! It’s going to have me feeling good for a couple of hours!!

“What’s V?” I murmured to myself.

These fucking vampires deserve to be used for their blood. They can’t give humanity anything else.

Once, I heard that, it was all I needed to try to save this vampire’s life, so I ran over to Luke, trusting that he’d be able to help.

“Luke!!! I need your help!” I called while running over to the bar.

His head perked up immediately and I could see the worry in his face, “what’s wrong are you okay? Did that vampire hurt you??”

“What? No. I think he needs our help! Listen, I hea-“ But, I was cut off by Luke who seemed to be no longer worried, but irritated.

“Jess, vampires have super strength... he can take care of himself. If anything we should be worrying about ourselves.”

“What? Why are you all of a sudden so rude, and unwanting to help? You know what? Fine. You wanna be an asshole, than be my guest, but this vampire is different, and he needs someone’s help, and if you don’t wanna help me it’s cool. I’ll just go myself.” I ranted running outside. I looked around for any hints as to where these people might of taken the vampire, but could find nothing. I began walking farther away from the bar hoping to be able to hear them. I was now about a couple hundred feet from the bar, when I heard them laughing, and then yelling, “SHUT UP!! AND STOP MOVING!!” THAT’S THEM! I followed the voices leading me to a couple who had the vampire on the floor; covered with several thin silver chains. I crept over to a nearby pick up truck, which I presume belonged to them, and began looking for something that I could use as a weapon. And there it was! In the trunk of the truck next to an old used tire they had a crowbar. Perfect! I grabbed the crowbar and then quietly hid behind a tree. I looked over to the side to get a better look at what they were doing... They’re draining him!! I immediately grabbed a rock and threw it into a bush a couple of feet away from me. They both looked up.

“What the fuck was that?!?!” The girl asked.

“I don’t know! Go check it out!!” The guy yelled. The girl got up and ran off into the bushes, and I took my chance and crept over to the guy quietly before hitting him in the head with the crowbar, his body dropped, and then I fell to my knees and began peeling off the chains that were on top of the vampire. Crazy how these little chains can do THIS much damage... As I reached for another chain I heard rattling through the bushes and then someone yelled, “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOIN’ BITCH?” It was the girl, she must of heard me hit the guy with the crowbar. I looked at her and then reached for the crowbar, but it was gone! I looked over to where the guy’s body had dropped, and he too was gone. I heard more rattling as he emerged from the bushes and walked up next to the girl.

“You should’ve hit me harder.” He cackled. I stood up immediately and as they began slowly approaching me I panicked grabbing the nearest thing to me, the chains. They laughed as I stood there hoping for a miracle, the guy then came for me, and I had no choice but to throw the chains at him, but as I released the chains from my hand something came over me, and a light flashed through my finger tips and on to the chains, causing them to wrap around his neck perfectly. I had never seen or felt my self do that before... What just happened and how did I do that? He fell to the floor choking; the girl quickly ran over and attempted to take the chains off, but it was no use. She helped him stand up, then looked at me and yelled, “YOU FUCKING FREAK!” They ran over to the truck, then sat the guy up in the back, and drove off. I watched to make sure the truck turn the corner before falling back on my knees and continuing taking off the chains that remained.

“I’m so sorry, they did this too you.” I cried as I pulled off the last chain from the vampire’s neck. He didn’t answer, instead he just laid there looking dead. I began to panic once I noticed the wounds on his hands and legs weren’t healing. What do I do? What do I do?

“Blood...” he muttered, “I need blood.” Without thinking I pulled out a pen from my pocket and stabbed myself in the arm, a tear ran down my cheek as blood gushed out from my arm. My arm was shaking as I brought it closer to his mouth, his fangs already exposed and ready to feed. He looked at me as if he wanted my permission, like me stabbing myself with a pen wasn’t enough, I nodded, and then he bit down on my arm causing me to scream in pain. After a couple of minutes I began to feel light headed, and I looked down at his wounds, which were already healed.

“Uhhh, Mr...” I stuttered, “I think that’s enough...” But he didn’t stop, he continued on feeding as I could feel myself beginning to loose consciousness. And, before I completely lost all hope, an unexpected friend came to my rescue... a stray that always hangs out around the bar came over and began barking at the vampire. He didn’t flinch. The dog then attacked him, which caused him to stop.

“Oh my gosh!” He yelled, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to drink too much... it’s just... you tasted so good.” That phrase brought chills across my whole body, as I watched him puncture his finger with his fang, and as he brought it closer to my arm I flinched. “Don’t worry...” he reassured me, “this won’t hurt... I just want to heal your arm.” Not saying anything I just nodded, still in shock from everything that just happened. He rubbed his finger across my arm and I watched as the hole from the pen began to fade away. He helped me stand up, and then he cleaned off his clothes.

“A-are you alright?” I asked.

“I’m better now, thanks too you.”

“Are you going to be able to make it to where ever you live?”

“I’ll be fine... I’m more worried about you. I drank so much... Please let me walk you back to the bar? I don’t want you passing out here.”

“Only, if you tell me your name...”

He laughed and then answered, “You sure are persistent... and my name is Calum, Calum Hood.”

“Pleasure to meet you Mr. Hood... where are you from?” I asked as we began walking towards the bar.

“Please... the pleasure is all mine, and from here actually.”

“If you’re from Bon Temps, then why haven’t I seen you before...?” I asked suspiciously.

“Because I’ve been away... I lived here back when I was still human...”

“Oh...” before saying anything else I tried to listen to his thoughts to see if he was lying, or possibly attempting to hurt me... but I heard nothing. It was quiet, and peaceful, and different. “So... what brings you back?”

“Well, let’s just say, I wanted to start over in the place where it all began for me...”

“Wow, well, welcome back.” It was quiet for a second and all we could hear was the sound of our footsteps as we walked through the dirt and gravel. “Umm, I know it’s rude to ask this... but uh, how old are you?”

He laughed again before answering, “I’m one hundred and fifty four years old...” my eyes widened, but when he looked at me, I tried not to make it obvious that I was astonished and partly freaking out. “Ya know... I didn’t choose to be a vampire...”


“Yeah, I was turned against my will, and I’ve been stuck like this ever since...”

“Wow...” I looked down not wanting him to see the faces I was making to myself as he spoke.

“Can I ask you a question? Ya know since you’ve asked me like 50?”

“Of course.” I laughed.

“What’s up with you and this dog who’s been following us?” As he finished his question we both stopped walking and turned around to see the stray behind us growling at the vampire.

“Oh, this little guy?” I asked getting on my knees as the dog came over to me and started showering me with kisses, “he’s a stray who’s been around this area since before I started working at Hemmings’... ever since I first saw him we’ve been almost inseparable. He follows me around a lot and he’s always finding me... he’s like my protecter, I guess.” I began petting the dogs back as he laid down.

“Ah, well... here we are, the bar.” Calum announced as I got up and began cleaning my knees.

“Thank you for walking me back... you really didn’t have to do this.”

“Anytime! It was actually nice to have a normal conversation with someone while being followed by a dog...” he joked, “anyways, I’ll let you go, but um... Jessica right?” I nodded. “Could I maybe see you again sometime?”

“Yes, that would be nice, and it just so happens that you know where to find me.” I laughed pointing at the “Hemmings’ Bar & Grill” sign. He chuckled and then said, “good night” before turning around and walking away.

“W-wait!” I yelled jogging towards him as he turned around.

“What’s up?”

“Why can’t I hear you??”


“Your thoughts... I can’t hear them.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked getting confused.

“Umm, I’m sorta the town freak...” I admitted, “I can hear what people are thinking, but I can’t hear yours...”

“Oh... is that... is that a bad thing?”

“No, actually... it’s nice not to know what someone is thinking. It’s quiet and peaceful, and almost normal... I like it.”

“Well, in that case you’re welcome... I’m honoured that I could help make you feel normal, even though I’m far from it.” He smiled before running off into the darkness. I turned to the stray who believe it or not was still next to me, “I didn’t know that vampire’s had super speed...”


My story on wattpad

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Please update soon!!!