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Olivia's POV

I held the gun tightly and pointed it to the door. It slowly opened I held my breath as I anxiously waited for someone to appear. My heart beating very fast not knowing what to expect. No one appeared making me even more uneasy. I walked slowly to the door. I peaked out checking if the coast was clear. I slowly felt myself calm down. I looked around, my eyes landed on a mop of curls on the floor. My heart dropped instantly.

"No, no, no, no, no Harry!"

Dropping the gun I ran to Harry's body. Dropping to my knees I checked for a pulse. I could feel his pulse it wasn't strong but it was there. What was once a white shirt was drenched in blood. A bullet wound on his shoulder. He was loosing a great amount of blood.

"Harry.. Please.. Open your eyes" I said urgently

I shook him softly. I pushed his curls out of his face, and touched his face. I closed my eyes feeling completely useless. Letting out a sob.

No Olivia. Don't break down. You got this. You need to get help.

There was movement making me re-open my eyes.
"Olivia.. you need to leave."

"Harry. Your shot I can't leave you like this!"

"Yes you can, and you will. I need you to get out of here! I promise I will find you"

"But Har-"

"Olivia just follow orders. I will find you. Just go!"


"Trust me."

"Let me just sew you up Harry.." I said

"No time doll face. I'll do it myself."

I let out a shaky breath as I found myself nodding my head. I wiped my face from my tears. Harry grabbed my face softly making me look at him in the eyes.

"I promise I will find you. I need you to go to towns place, and blend in you are to meet me at the little cafe in half in hour. If I am not there then you are going to leave. Don't wait at all. Am I clear?"

I nodded once again not being able to trust my own voice.
"One more thing. Do not trust anybody. Now go!"

I stood up grabbing the gun and went directly to the panic room. Stopping to look at Harry to see he was beginning to stand up on his own. He looked up at me with a angered expression. He nodded his head to the side and mouthed 'Go'. I turned around grabbing the duffel bag, I ran to the secret passage way.

So many questions were going through my head. I pushed them behind my head finally getting to the end of the pathway. I stopped to see I was in the main street. I looked around spotting people looking at me weirdly. I looked down to see I was covered in Harry's blood.

I opened my duffel bag and pulled out a random shirt. I walked away from the public's attention and went to somewhere private. Settling for a alleyway I dropped the duffel bag on the floor and took off my sweater. Leaving me only in a bra, I chucked the sweater on the floor then slipped on the shirt.

My jeans weren't stained luckily. I stuffed the shirt in my jeans, I grabbed the duffel bag and made my way out. I looked at my watch to see 10 minuets have passed by. I need to hurry up and get to the market place. I stood in the corner and hailed a cab.

The cab shortly stopped in front of me. I opened the door and slid in instantly.

"Onde perder?"
(Where to miss?)

"Para as cidades, por favor. Você pode pisar nisso com pressa?"
(To the towns place, please. Can you step on it I am kind of in a hurry)

"Nenhum problema senhorita"
(No problem miss)

He took off instantly catching me by surprise. I looked down at my fingers and began playing with my rings in hopes to distract me. Obviously failing. My mind would drift to Harry.

Is he okay..?
Will he make it to where I am?
What if the guys came back and finished him off..?

Stop it Olivia. You are stressing he is fine.

I shook my head realizing I'm just on edge for what had happened. I was brought into reality when I noticed the cab had stopped. I looked around to see we were stuck in traffic.

"Quão longe estamos?"
(How far are we?)

"Dois ruas de distância"
(Two blocks away)

"Você sabe onde um café está por aqui?"
(Do you know where a cafe is by here?)

"Hum é ao lado de um lugar de eletrônica no meio das cidades lugar senhorita"
(Um it is next to a electronics place in the middle of the towns place miss.)

I checked my watch to see I had only 10 minutes to get there. I opened the duffel bag grabbed a couple of dollars and gave it to him.

(Thank You)
I stepped out of the car and began running through traffic.


I ignored the driver and continued running. I know I'm dragging attention onto myself but I could care less. I slowly came to a stop feeling as if I were being followed. I bent down to tie my shoe and looked to the side discreetly. I saw one guy, and one girl hot on my trail. Slowly they came to a stop and tried to be interested in the magazine rack. I looked around to see a way to get them off my trail. My eyes slowly landing on two police men walking around. Bingo.

I ran into them quickly, putting my distressed face.

"Por favor me ajude! Meu amigo foi levado e eles estao tentando me levar!"
(Please help me! My friend was taken and they are trying to take me away)

They both grabbed me softly.

"Por favor acalme-se. Quem está tentando te levar?"
(Please calm down. Who is trying to take you?)

I looked behind me to see they were coming my way. I began letting tears spring out. The guards followed my gaze and landed on them. His look harden and said something to his partner.


I nodded my head slowly avoid eye contact. I spoke with a shaky voice.
"Por favor, me ajude"
(Please, help me)

They nodded their heads and made their way to them grabbing them. Everyone stopped their daily shopping and watched how those two put up a fight.
I took that to my advantage I ran into the shopping center. Looking for the electronics store. Checking my watch and saw I was 5 minutes late. I looked around anxiously, I tried asking for help but everyone acted like they couldn't hear me.

Groaning in frustration I sat down on the curb. I stuffed my face in my hands beginning to stress out. I felt that someone tapping on my shoulder bringing me out of my daze. I looked up and made eye contact with a little boy. He looked like he was 10 years old. Wearing a over sized blue shirt with shorts and had no shoes. He was pretty dirty and looked like he barely ate making me feel bad for him.

"Você é cara de boneca"
(Are you doll face?)

I scrunched my face in confusion as I rethought what he had just asked me. 'Cara de boneca'? It finally began to click.

I nodded my head, as I watched the boy.
"Follow me"

I stood up, and began following him. Watching my step, I held onto the gun that was stuffed in the back of my jeans. I didn't want to be caught off guard. Harry's words repeated.

Don't trust no one.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to him."



spoke a voice behind me.


Hey guys!
This one is took a while considering I changed it mid way lol.

Who do you think it is?
Do you think Olivia is going to find Harry?

Especially who is after Olivia?

Let me know down below!
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Until Next Time!


Literally (;

Shots fired... literally...

Just updated love! Enjoy<3
-Anna :)


Thanks that means a lot to me <3
Just updated hope you enjoy love!