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Olivia's POV


I felt my body being shaken softly. I swatted the persons hands away from me. I snuggled up closer to the seat. Bringing up my legs up to my chest and held them tightly to my chest.
I began slowing down my breathing ready to go back to sleep. I felt a hand being placed on my back just for me to be shaken more violently.

"Olivia we need to go. Wake up"
I began groaning in response. I'm just trying to catch up on sleep since I haven't really done that for the past hours.

"Leave me alonee. I'm trying to sleeppp" I grumbled out crossing my arms.

I heard the person sigh in frustration. I felt a hand pulling me close to the edge of my seat my legs dangling out. I felt myself beginning to get cold, and getting the chills. I opened my eyes just to be blinded by how bright it was.

I closed them instantly and began rubbing my eyes with my sleeve. I opened my eyes once again this time much slower. My vision began clearing up there stood Harry looking me with such concentration. My breath hitched as I come to realization how close we were.

Harry's peppermint breath fanning my face, his intense emerald eyes staring at my light blue eyes. I looked away feeling myself beginning to feel flustered. I began looking at everything but not at Harry's eyes. If I keep looking at his I'm going to want to look at his lips and we already went down that road. I am not going to repeat that once again.

Does he regret it?
Of course he does. Why else would he reacted like that Olivia. Use your brain for once.

I shook my head trying to get rid of all these thoughts. Feeling myself beginning to get upset all over again. But why..?
Because you care..

I looked up once again ignoring my thoughts. Harry looked at me with a questioning look. I looked past Harry to see we were at the airport for the second time in one week. I looked up at him with a confused look.

"We have to leave Mexico it isn't safe" he replied.

I nodded understanding as I stepped out of the car. Harry reached to grab my duffel bag and handing it to me. I took it without a complaint. He slammed the passenger door and proceeded to go to the trunk.

Opening it and began looking for something. He stood back a little rubbing his jaw a little as he furrowed his eyebrows once again. Harry then reached forward pulling a bag out reaching for the top and slamming it shut.

As Harry made his way towards me I come to notice his attire. He usually would be in his black skinny jeans and a black button up that would show case some of his tattoos on his wrist. Now he was wearing a loose shirt showing all his tattoos with a pair of gray sweatpants, with all white converse. He looked even more attractive than ever.

While I on the other hand I was wearing an over sized black hoodie with purple pajama shorts, and some black running shoes. My hair in a big messy bun on top of my head some strands of hair being loose.

You can say I was really exposed. It looked like I had nothing under this big sweater.

"Let's go"

I snapped out of my trance as I come to notice Harry was now in front of me. He had a pair of glasses, not allowing me to see his beau- No Olivia snap out of it.

I nodded my head slowly beginning to walk. Harry by my side leading me to a door. As we walked many people would stop and stare at us with judgmental looks. I just rolled my eyes, Jesus people really do have a staring problem now a days.

Harry knocked on the door 6 times and it opened. There revealed a man in airport security uniform. He looked at Harry then at me taking in my appearance. I suddenly felt exposed I crossed my legs. Harry face showed no emotion while I on the other hand was annoyed.

"Stop looking at me perv." I snapped causing the man to jump up and look away.

He nodded nervously stepping aside letting us pass by. Harry stopped his tracks causing me look at him in confusion. He instantly grabbed the guy by the collar of his shirt and pushed him up against then wall.

"Never look at her you pig." He snarled causing my eyes to go wide in shock.

The guy face showing nothing but fear and was nodding quickly. Harry then let him go causing the guy to fall on the floor coughing uncontrollably.

Harry then walked up to me placing his hand mid back and began leading me once again without another word being said. We got to a door there stood a flight attendant smiling politely at us. Her eyes landed on Harry and instantly smirked while lifting her eyebrow up.

Oh great.


She said seductively making me roll my eyes. Harry just reached for two tickets and gave them to her. She huffed while pouting her red lips, considering Harry wasn't giving her the attention she hoped he would give her.

I take this time to take in her features. She a bunch of make up on causing it to look very cakey. Her thin eyebrows that were black yet her hair was blonde which mad no sense. She had pink and blue eye shadow on her eyelids with a bunch of blush making her look like a circus clown.
While she thought she looked 'cute' in reality looked like the clown from the 'IT' movie

"Harry Styles.."

She read slowly, looking at Harry once again taking her lip in between her teeth.

"Wow.. Tu nombre es adecuado para un hombre tan guapo como tu..."
(Wow, your name is suiting for a handsome man like you..)

Any fucking longer man. This girl really just lagging it trying to flirt with Harry. It is so annoying. I cleared my throat causing her to look at me. Her gaze snapped to me and began glaring at me. I rolled my eyes at her, such a childish person.

"Olivia Romano.. hm que nombre. Me pregunto que es lo que el ve en ti considerando que no veo mucho." She said while raising her eyebrow once again.
(Olivia Romano.. Hmm what a name. I wonder what he sees in you considering I don't see much.)

My mouth dropped in shock.
Did she really just say that.

My hands began forming into fists as I felt anger getting the best of me. Without thinking I walked closer our faces only centimeters away. Her eyes began to go wide in fear.

"Por que tan salado amor? Antes de criticarme, por que no te miras en el espejo y arreglas esa mierda de actitud antes de que yo la arregle yo mismo."

(Why so salty love? Before criticizing me why don't you go look in the mirror and fix that shit of an attitude before I fix it for you myself)

With that I pushed her with my shoulder causing her to stumble back. I grabbed the tickets and walked ahead with Harry right on my trail. How dare that bitch say that and expect me not to fucking respond.

Walking inside the plane I come to notice we were in a private section of the plane away from everyone, it was just going to be Harry and I by ourselves for who knows how long.
I threw my stuff at a seat and sat down feeling way much better.

What I need is sleep and sleep is what I'm going to do. I brought my hood and laid back on the chair and closed my eyes letting darkness overcome me...


Hey guys! Its been a while I know sorry.. I was going to write a chapter yesterday but like I got distracted with a friend coming over and stuff. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chaper! I'll try uploading later on because I do have plans tomorrow!

Anywho what do you think about the flight attendant? +.+
Please vote a subscribe so you can know when I update!
I'm going to take a little nap and update later on! BYE<3


Literally (;

Shots fired... literally...

Just updated love! Enjoy<3
-Anna :)


Thanks that means a lot to me <3
Just updated hope you enjoy love!