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Dreaming of you

New Girl

"Bye Dyl."

It's boring here.
Just completely boring.
Nothing to do, no one is here except the nurse but she's not always here either. I mean, yeah, Charlie comes everyday and Dylan at least 5 times a week, but that's only for a few hours.
I just don't get why I can't leave yet.
"Hey Lana, I have some very exciting news." The nurse comes into my room.
"What?" I frown.
"You'll get a roommate." She smiles.
"A roommate?" I give her a face.
"She's very nice, but had a car accident when she was driving and extremely drunk."
"I don't want a roommate, I'm fine on my own."
"I know Lana, but we're running out of space to put people.." She sighs.
I sigh too.
The hospital is on a budget lately and is small.
"Okay, she can come." I sigh.
"Thank you Lana." She shoots me a warm smile and I smile back, not wanting to be rude.
"She'll come in a few hours, you better be nice." She smirks.
"You're asking a lot from me today." I smirk back.
She smiles before leaving to another room.
I sigh.
Well, at least I won't be alone anymore. Let's just see what's gonna happen.

When Charlie comes in I smile.
"Hey gurl." She smiles.
"Hey Charles."
"How're we doing today?"
"I'm fine, I wanna go home."
"You can't until they release you."
"Maybe I can escape through the window." I smirk.
"Don't even think about it." She points a finger at me.
"How's schooool?" I ask.
She blushes and I smirk.
"Charlie Elisa Bennett, tell me what happened." I smirk.
"Well.. Ashton and I.. kinda made out.." she blushes in a deep shade of red and I smirk.
"At school."
"Janitors closet?"
"Charlie!" I giggle.
"Lana, what am I supposed to do?! I really like Ashton!"
"Marry him."
"Be serious."
"I would... Just keep it low key.. Have a secret relationship!!"
"But those things always come out!"
"Maybe not this time. I mean, we can't keep fighting forever. Take him with you to the hospital some time so I can meet him too."
She lifts her eyebrows.
"I promise that I won't kill him."
"Okay then. I'll ask." She blushes again.
"Yay." I smile.

"How're things here?" She asks suddenly.
"Any news?"
"I get a roommate."
"Oh Oh."
"Yeah, I know, but the hospital is running out of places to put people."
She freezes.
"What?" I ask.
"Mckenzie is the new girl at school."
"Everyone says that Calum has his eyes on her."
"Because she's a fucking angel! She never does something wrong! It's impossible to hate her. She's just innocent."
I sigh.
"Hey, don't be sad." She smiles softly.
"I know, I'm just still living in that fantasy life.. maybe it's good to finally get out and see what of a dick he actually is."
She looks at me, not really knowing what to say.
"I just... I had the feeling.. I was just happy there.. as in really happy.." I sigh.
"I know... but maybe it's not all a lie.. I mean, Dean is your brother.. I have a crush on Ashton.. maybe you and Calum will be together too..."
"Please Charlie, don't speak such a crap. Calum hates me."
She sighs and looks away.
"Well, I'm sure that he'll come here if McKenzie is here.. you can find out what kind of a dick he is... or has.." she smirks at the end.
"Charlie!" I laugh and she joins me.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry.. but I gotta go." She giggles.
"Bye Charles."
"Bye L."

After a few hours the doors go open again.
A bed gets rolled into my room and they place it a few meters away from mine.
The people install some other beeping monitors, just like mine and then turn to me.
"This is Mckenzie, she can wake up any moment and came just out of surgery, so please, don't scare her."
I smirk 'cause I scare almost everyone in this hospital, that's why Mary is my nurse now, she's the only one who still wants to work with me.
"Okay." I nod my head.
They walk away without saying another word and I look at McKenzie.
Long, blond hair. Full lips. Skinny. I bet she's rich.
Let's just hope that she isn't such a bitch.

It takes a while, but after 30 minutes she wakes up.
"Hey." I smile, deciding to act nice.
She smiles back but doesn't say anything.
"How're you feeling?" I ask, hoping to start some kind of conversation.
"Everything hurts." She smiles and sits up a little.
"I'm Lana." I hold out my hand.
"McKenzie." She shakes it.
"What happened to you?" She asks with her voice still a little raspy.
"Got beaten up at school."
"Nah, they're too scared of me to be bullies.. I would call them enemies." I giggle softly.
"And you?" I ask.
"I was at this party from a guy that I liked.. I got drunk and we made out for a while.. after that I drove home when I crashed.. it's so stupid, the guy even told me to stay at his for the night because he was Afraid that I would get an accident."
"Who's 'the guy'?"
"I don't know if you know him..."
"Just tell me.. maybe I do."
"Calum Hood."
"Yeah.. I know him a little.." I say awkwardly.
"I heard your the new girl that he sat his eyes on." I add softly.
"He has?" She smiles from ear to ear.
I nod my head.
"That's what I hear from my friend.."
"You're going to the same school?"
"Yeah, you're going to the same school too now.."
"Now I know where your name comes from. Everyone talked about you the first few days... I remember that Calum is still mad.. Wait a second.. Calum beat you up, didn't he?"
I nod my head.
"I don't know anymore."
"Well.. it's clear that you're not friends.. why's that?"
I look at her as if she said something crazy.
Why do I hate Calum?
I sigh.
"I don't know." I lift my shoulders.







Heeloooo My Friendzz ^-^

You probably won't see this until I'm able update again but this is my backup for Just_Another_Reject.
So, the thing is.. I can't log on Just_Another_Reject bc I get an error every time :(
I have like 5 chapters finished but I can't upload them when I can't log on.
I really hope you understand and I will try to fix this problem ASAP.
If this doesn't get solved I will continue this story on this account



AhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHh!!!!! Uggg! No.... Ugg.


You're right, it does. XD

@Ana Hemmings

We DoN'T kNoW HOw hE'S GoNnA ReACt And WhaT's GoNNa HaPPeN tO LUkE. YoU WiLL haVe tO WAiT FoR ThE NeXt CHaPtEr.

Okay, that took hella long to write.

YOU CANT JUST DO THAT!!!!!! I need an answer! How will Calum react? What's gonna happen to Luke? AHHHH!!!!!!!!