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All Hidden Away

Chapter 68

Tasha’s POV

After Ed had walked downstairs, I grumpily closed my door and pulled my shirt off. I mumble to myself about Claire and Taylor, how I don’t understand Luke and what he is trying to do and why can’t I just spend time with Ed tonight?! It’s been what? Six months if not more since I’ve seen him? I undo my hair and walk to my shower and turn it on waiting for it to get hot. I stand with my arms crossed over my chest with a huge frown lining my brow while I furiously grind my teeth. I mean really! Could he be any less considerate!?
The ringing of my phone distracts me from my ranting and I turn off the shower and walk back to shut the annoying thing up. I see its Luke and I shake my head.
“Yeah?” I say grumpily still frowning at my phone.
“So, you did see the email.” He says slowly.
“Yes, I saw the email! Why on earth would you ask me out on a date through Claire?” I say trying to stay composed. Then I stop waiting for him to say something, and I realise. I like him. That is why this whole thing is annoying me so much. I hit the palm of my hand against my forehead… And he doesn’t like me back.
“Luke, I’m sorr-“
“I just –” he tries to cut across me but I can’t take it. I shouldn’t be upset. This is a contract.
“Look, I need to go. I’ll see you later at the restaurant, okay?” I say shortly cutting across him. How could I be such an idiot. Of course he doesn’t like me… why would he? He is the lead singer in a famous band! He probably gets bombarded by pretty girls that would sleep with him in a heartbeat I mean -
“Tasha – wait.” I listen quietly with a stupid sense of hope in my chest. “I’ll be back soon. I’ll see you before we go to the restaurant.”
“Lu-“ I stop before I make an even bigger idiot of myself. “I’ll see you later.” I say pulling the phone from my ear and putting it down before going back to the shower and stripping. I hop in and turn the water on.
“I’m such an idiot.” I say shaking my head.

Harry’s POV

We were all sat outside catching up with Ed while Tash was in the shower. We were all trying desperately to ignore our phones that kept going off with notifications. Like a dark cloud hanging over a false happy picnic. Mine worse than the others. Lou shoots me a glance, as Ed is telling us a story from one of his trips, practically telling me to look it at in case it’s something important. I slightly shake my head and look back at Ed and smile trying to keep up with what he was saying.
“I was at this Cat café in Tokyo and, and they were like, “play something.” So I did. And all these cats just ran away from me like I was the opposite of a bloody pied piper or some’n.” he shrugs and we all smile shaking our heads at the thoughts of Tokyo. My phone goes off three times and everyone looks at me. I bite my lips and run my hand through my hair.
“You really need a haircut, mate.” Says Ed playfully. I smile and look at Lou.
“No, what you really need, is to check why you have gotten forty messages in the last ten minutes.” He says with a knowing look. I sigh and frown at him. I nod and pull out my phone from my pocket.
“It’s only thirty-two…” I say rolling my eyes at his over exaggeration. But my heart did flutter at the thought of what could be wrong. I open up the first email from Modest! to see them blowing up about the hug I gave Louis last night at the award show. I cringe.
“Well now I’m in shit. Apparently, friends don’t kiss each other on the cheek.” I roll my eyes and look at Lou. He shakes his head and sighs. There is a silence. That still doesn’t explain why the rest of the lad’s phones have been buzzing non-stop. I go to the first email and quickly read it over. “Fucking hell…” I say sadly.
“What it is, mate?” asks Ed looking concerned.
“There are huge rumours that Tasha is cheating on Luke with me. and there is a photo of me holding her hand when we left the car last night.” I say shaking my head and opening the next email
“Shit…” says Niall and Louis simultaneously. Liam grabs his phone and starts scanning his while everyone else watches in anticipation. I continue to skim over the numerous emails about the issue and then find one more. One that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
“Someone’s got a pic of Taylor threatening Tash because apparently we are planning on getting back together. And Modest! is actually considering it to hush down the rumours of Tash and I.” I glance up at Louis and he looks at me sadly.
“A lot will have to happen before that happens again.” Says Liam sternly. “Looks like there is a meeting tonight to try and resolve this whole thing.” He says reading further than I have. I take a deep breath.
“Well I hope like hell it gets resolved. I’m not touching that creature ever again. Not even with a ten-foot poll.” I say angrily.
“Touching who?” says Tasha behind me, sounding quite confused. I look up at her and send her a sad smile.
“Reports from last night are coming out… and it doesn’t look good.” I see her flinch and cross her arms protectively over her chest as she starts chewing on her lip.
“We’ve got a meeting later to discuss it.” Fills in Niall. She nods.
“I was thinking,” She takes a deep sigh. “Maybe I’ll come back early on Friday. So we still have the weekend together before we leave on Monday…” I frown at her.
“Will that give you enough time to work and stuff though?” I ask carefully. She nods.
“Yeah… I’d rather be here anyway.” She seems quiet, like something is bugging her. I look at Lou and Niall and see they have also noticed. I stand up and move over to give her a hug.
“Come on, I think tea is needed.” I turn to Ash knowing the boys will have tea. “Want some?” he nods and says thanks as I walk inside behind my sister.

Tasha’s POV

I could tell immediately that Harry knew something was up. And it wasn’t fair on him. It sounded like he had enough to deal with without dealing with my stupid crush on his stupid friend.
“Alright, what is it?” he asks as he fills the kettle up. I bite my lip and don’t say anything. He turns to look at me. “Is this about the date?” I shrug not really wanting to get into it.
“I just…” I pause trying to get the words right. “Just a lot going on, and I was super excited to see Ed and now I’ve got to go and hold hands with someone that-“
“That what, Tash?” he says but I look at the ground and can’t meet his eyes.
“It takes a lot for me to open up to people, Hazz… and I did it without thinking this time.” I say quietly. He walks closer and pulls me into a hug. I hug back and we stand like that until the kettle boils and I pull away to grab mugs.
“Want me to beat him up for you?” he asks semi-seriously. I smile and shake my head.
“Nah, it’s okay. I’m pretty sure that’s what his mates are doing currently.” This makes Harry laugh as we make tea for the group outside.

Luke’s POV
I was leaning against my car at our picnic spot seriously regretting making the “safe” decision. I’d disappointed Harry and worst of all, I had upset her, that much was clear from the phone call. I groan in annoyance with myself just thinking about it. Did that mean she liked me back? Was that why she had gotten upset with me? Did Harry approve before I fucked up? Was that why he was disappointed? What would my mum say? Jesus. What a colossal cock up. I sigh and pull out my phone to message her and apologise when I heard a car from behind and turn to see Cal and Mike driving towards me. I shoot them a quick wave and put my phone away.
“Thought we’d find you here.” Says Cal as they climb out the car. I shrug. Mike comes and puts an arm around my shoulders.
“You fucked up, mate.” I groan again and put my head in my hands.
“I know, I know…” I mutter. Silence descends upon us as I sit and try thinking of ways to apologise. “Do you think I just cancel it and ask her on a real date?” I look up.
“I think she will think you’re just doing it ‘cause you upset her now.” shrugs Cal. True. I hadn’t thought of that.
“Then what do I do? I hate that I’ve upset her.”
“Oh, so you have finally realised that you like her?” asks Mike smiling.
“Yeah… I’ve just been trying to put it off. Dating your mate’s little sister doesn’t sound like it’ll be a story with a good ending.” I sigh. “I thought maybe if I gave it more time I’d be able to tell if she likes me back. Set up a few more dates to keep her out of the issues with the papz and shit.” I say shrugging. “But clearly…” I trail off.
“Dude.” Says Mike looking at me in shock. “No chick asks someone to stay in their bed to keep nightmares away unless they like them.” I frown and think about it for a few seconds.
“Yeah. But Tasha would. She would have asked Niall or Louis in a second.”
“Yes, but they are her family. They have known each other for years. You guys met a couple of days ago. I’ve never seen you fall so hard and fast for someone like this before. You’re so comfortable around her.” Points out Cal. This is true. I’m not the kind of guy to meet a girl and make as rash decisions as I have with Tasha.
“I rate you chat to Harry, get his opinion and see what to do from there.” Mike points out. I shake my head.
“He probably doesn’t want to see me right now unless he can kick my head in.” I say sadly.
“And that won’t change till you talk to him.” Says Cal. I take a deep breath. He wasn’t wrong. Hell, I would kick my own head in if I could right now. I think back to last night when Tasha was having her panic attack. I hated that I couldn’t just make it better. I hate that Alex had to be there to help her. And now? If something like that happens again because of this… because of me… I flinch at the thought. How many panic attacks has she had alone? Had no one around her because the boys were touring and she didn’t know how to ask for help. That much was clear with her. She didn’t like help. But she needed it. And I want to make sure that she never has to go through one alone ever again. And in a way I needed help. I feel so grounded and human around her. I needed her just as much as she might need me.
“It’s bad, guys. I’ve fallen hard.” I say shaking my head and looking down at the green grass under my feet.
“Trust us. We know.” Says Cal punching me in the shoulder. I smile.
“The real question is. What are you going to do about it?” Asks Mike. I turn to look at him.
“Fix it.” I say before I stand up and walk to my car. “I’m going to chat to Harry, and fix it.”



So I have been informed of the issues regaarding this page currently, and have unfortunatly decided to move the story to Wattpad. I hope some of you will follow me there under IHAVEASECRET3.

So the past three years have been... interesting to say the least... I apologies profusely for not keeping this updated even though it is a story with ideas constantly bouncing around in my head. The account 2.0 is now the account that wont work so Ill be back posting under this because I am in a mental space at the moment when i feel like I can, and because of everything happening in 2020, feel like I should. I have heard rumors of issues with this website so please DM me if they are real and if I should move somewhere else... so sorry that it has been three years... xL

Hi everyone. Sorry for being absent for so long. I came back to write a few weeks ago after feeling like it had been far too long, to find my account wasn't working. After much time spent trying to get it up and active again, I just decided to make a new account and continue the rest of Tasha's story under the same name and picture but a 2.0 version. Thank you for all the support and I'm sorry for vanishing, but when life gives you lemons... Anyway. Please continue reading the new chapters, Chapter 67 should be up in a few hours. Much love xxx L.

PS: Missed you all like crazy...


Love this story, can't wait for the new chapter :)