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Chapter 90

I sat on the sofa curled into Harry when there was a loud ruckus at our front door. I looked at the time. It was my family. I got up and answered the door.
"Merry Christmas!" My brothers shouted at me and rushed me. I laughed when they both hugged me tightly. I tried to hug the two big men back as best as I could.
"Let's see it, kid!" Keifer demanded as he and Kelly set me down. I lifted my eyebrow in confusion. "The ring, you twit." He laughed.
"Oh shit." I held my hand out to Kelly and Keifer.
Keifer grabbed my hand and smiled, "That's a massive rock there, kiddo."
I shrugged, "I don't care about the size of the ring."
"Yeah, just the size of his dick." Kelly teased quietly so the kids wouldn't hear.
"You're disgusting." I stated rolling my eyes. Kelly opened his mouth to respond but he was cut off by our dad.
"Say it again and I will slap you, Kelly. I don't care how old you are. Don't speak to your sister like that." My father's voice threatened. I stuck my tongue out at my brothers with a giggle. "Hi, my sweet girl." My father beamed at me, kissing my forehead.
"Morning Daddy." I replied kissing his cheek. My sisters-in-law rushed me just like my brothers did. I laughed as they held onto me tightly, "Hello."
"Oh we're so happy for you. We couldn't believe it when Dad told us." Karina was near tears.
"Yes. Yes. Anything you want help with while you plan, you've got us." Lynne beamed, tears in her eyes as well. I nodded and pushed them into the house. I kissed each of my nephews on the top of their heads as they walked in. I smiled nervously when my mother came toward me.
"Hi Mama." I spoke softly.
"Hi my baby." She smiled kissing my cheek.
"Did you have fun seeing Nana?" I asked as I shut the door behind us.
I took my mother's coat as she answered, "Yes, I did. She said she misses you. Maybe you and Darcy should go see her." I frowned when she didn't say anything about taking Harry to see her. "I'm sure she'd love to see that rock on your hand. Maybe you could pull Harry away from work to go see her." My mother sounded a bit snooty.
I nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure he'd like to meet her."
"Where's my grandbaby?" My mother inquired.
"Um, I think she might still be snuggled up with Gemma on the sofa." I answered honestly. My mom nodded and stalked off to the living room. I inhaled deeply as I hung my mother's coat on the rack with every other one. I stood there for a moment, trying to gain composure.
"You okay, baby?" Harry whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I shook my head slowly. "What's wrong?" He sounded upset.
"My mom." I replied in a murmur. He nodded and kissed my neck lightly to soothe me. "I don't get it, Harry. I don't." I whimpered.
"She loves you. She doesn't want to see you get hurt." Harry replied rationally but I could hear that his feelings were a little hurt. I sighed and leaned into him. "I'm going to love you no matter what. I'm going to marry you and we're going to have all the little babies that she's going to love." Harry whispered. I nodded slowly and tried not to cry. "She'll see it, Noli. She will." Harry assured me. He kissed my neck lightly once again before we decided to join our families in the living room again.
"Enola Moon." My mother's voice sounded annoyed as Harry and I entered the living room. I looked at her like a deer in headlights.
"What?" I asked cautiously.
"A dog? Really?" My mother was obviously displeased with the puppy sitting next to her and Darcy. "This was your idea wasn't it?" My mother inquired of Harry.
"No. Harry and I agreed that she could have a dog." I replied quickly. Harry took my hand in his gently. I looked around the room to see that everyone, even my father was a little uncomfortable. Suddenly, Harry was lifted up off the groud. He released my hand as he tried to fight off my brothers. "Keifer! Kelly! Put him down!" I shouted in fear.
"Oh come on! We can't mess with the kid marrying our baby sister?" Keifer chuckled as he and Kelly tried to carry Harry over to the edge of the room.
"No! You're going to break him and I need him for babies!" I replied rushing over to them. I swatted at both of my brothers.
"Noli, I'm fine. I'm okay." Harry laughed as Kelly and Keifer stood him upright. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged Harry close. Harry wound his arms around me and squeezed gently. I laid my head against his chest and glared at my brothers.
"Oh, Enola, we were just playing. Calm down." Keifer grunted a bit. I released Harry and punched Keifer in the chest.
"I need him in one piece and you'll break him." I snapped at Keifer again. Harry wound his arms around my shoulders from behind and kissed the side of my head, chuckling.
"Keif, Kel, mess with Harry in a way that won't make your sister loose her mind." My father scolded my brothers. I poked my tongue out at them teasingly. Harry chuckled again as my brothers sat down on the sofa with their wives.
Harry kissed my ear softly and whispered, "All I'm good for is babies?"
I looked back at him and smirked, "Well I sure do like how we get there." Harry blushed and poked me in the side making me giggle loudly. "You know I love you, Bear." I whispered, pressing my forehead to his jaw.
"I love you more." He hummed softly. I leaned into him just a little more and smiled. I loved how warm he felt.
"Hey, Mummy. Daddy!" Darcy shouted, snapping us out of our moment.
"What babygirl?" Harry beamed at her.
"Can we open the presents now?" Darcy's smile was bright and excited.
"Did you give everyone hugs and kisses already?" Harry asked with stern tone. Darcy hopped off the couch next to my mother and ran toward my father. Everyone in the room started to laugh. Harry shook his head and laughed.
"That is your child." I laughed as well, looking up at his beautiful face. Harry just shook his head again as we watched Darcy scramble around to hug and kiss her aunts and uncles.
"Daddy?" Darcy looked up at Harry. He hummed at her. She leaned closer to us just a bit and whispered, "I don't have to kiss my cousins do I? They're boys." Harry threw his head back as his laugh filled the room. I pursed my lips trying not to laugh myself, knowing my daughter was dead serious.
"No babygirl. You don't have to." Harry responded once his laughter died down. Darcy sighed in relief. "That's right. Boys are gross. Stay away from them." Harry informed our daughter. I elbowed him in the stomach gently. "What?" He asked looking down at me. I glared at him a little. "Hey. I'm her dad. I can tell her boys are gross for as long as I want." He shrugged a bit, "It just happens to be that she'll hear it until she's like forty." I giggled and kissed his cheek.

I sat on Harry's lap listening to my brother's chat to him about what he wanted to do for a bachelor party. I rolled my eyes when Keifer brought up a stripper.
Harry turned bright red and shook his head, "No. No strippers."
"Aw why not? I had one." Kelly grunted at Harry.
"One, not my kind of thing. Two, I'd like to keep all of my limbs and appendages." Harry responded honestly. Kelly and Keifer lifted their eyebrows at him.
"He doesn't want me to cut his dick off." I snapped at my brothers.
"Enola, watch your mouth in front of the kids." Harry growled at me. I giggled and kissed his cheek gently. "I'm not a fan of that. Friends tried it for a birthday one year and I couldn't even...I was too embarrassed."
I giggled again and whispered in his ear, "But you love it when I do it." Harry flushed bright red and poked me in the side once again.
"Hush up, you." Harry scolded me. My brothers were looking at us with confused faces. I kissed Harry's cheek loudly making him chuckle. "I think that Niall was going to plan a golf thing. Haven't been golfing in a long time."
"Whose fault is that?" I mumbled.
"Yours. I can barely make it out of the bed in the morning without you or Darcy nagging me about something." Harry teased.
"Keep up the sass, Mister." I threatened him subtly. Harry shook his head and turned his attention back to Keifer.
"You like golf?" Kelly seemed surprised. Harry nodded and smiled.
"He looks really cute in the crazy pants." I giggled standing from his lap. Keifer and Kelly both started laughing. "I'm going to go start on dinner." I informed Harry.
"Want help, baby?" He asked holding my hand gently.
I bent over him and kissed him tenderly, "No, I got it, Bear." He nodded and released my hand after a moment.
My mother sighed heavily, "I will help you, Enola."
"Oh Mama, I got it." I smiled warmly at her. She shook her head and stood. I frowned a bit and looked down at Harry as my mother basically stomped into the kitchen.
"It's okay, Noli. She might want to talk to you without the rest of us. We did just get engaged." Harry smiled, trying to ease my worry.
I sighed heavily, "Yeah. That's what scares me." Harry took my hand and kissed it gently. I ran my hand through his hair before sauntering into the kitchen.

My mother and I hustled around the kitchen in silence trying to prepare dinner. I could feel that she wanted to speak to me but I was to afraid of what she wanted to say to ask her what was on her mind. I scratched my head when I felt my mother's eyes on me. I really didn't want to have an unpleasant conversation.
"Enola." My mother spoke gently. I looked up at her and smiled. "Can we talk, honey?" She asked. I nodded and tried not to let my fear show. "Listen, I...I can understand being with Harry because of Darcy. He's her father but..."
"Mama, please. I don't wanna talk about this with you right now." I begged.
"Honey, he asked you to marry him. I think we need to talk about it." My mother sighed like she was annoyed.
"What's there to talk about? I love him. He loves me. I said yes. There doesn't seem to be that much to talk about." I replied quietly. I wanted out of the conversation.
"Enola, do you really love him? Is this really what you want?" My mother asked softly.
"Yes." I replied sharply.
"Funny. You said the same thing when I asked you the same question when Charles asked you to marry him." My mother spoke with sass. I inhaled deeply and ignored the comment. "At least Charles had the nerve to ask me if it was okay to propose first." My mother grumbled. I slammed the pot in my hand down and glared at her.
"Don't you dare do this to me!" I seethed with anger. My mother was shocked. "Do not take your unhappiness out on me!" I yelled at her. "I said yes to that monster to take the burden off of you. You couldn't take care of me because of Poppop. So I told that monster I would marry him. Yes, he had money but he was mean to me. He spoke to me like I didn't matter and then he would abuse me and beat me. I'm sorry that you never agreed with the way Harry and I handled things. But I love Harry and that is never going to change."
"But honey, you're grabbing onto the first bit of kind of happiness and taking it as the real thing. How do you..."
"Just stop, Mama!" I snapped at her. "I love him. He is my happiness. Him and our daughter. He is all I have ever wanted. I'm sorry things never worked out for you and daddy. I'm sorry that Harry is the kind of rich that Charles was. I'm sorry that you can't live through me anymore. But I don't understand how you can get off on making me feel like shit."
"I'm not trying to make you feel like shit." My mother replied, looking hurt.
"Well you could've fooled me, mother." I snapped at her.
"I want you to think about the choices you're making. I mean, he didn't find it proper to ask me or your father for permission to marry you." My mother stated.
"I'm twenty-eight years old! He's twenty-five! We don't need permission for shit! We have a child together! What good is your blessing or whatever the fuck going to help? NOTHING!" I shouted at her, letting all of my anger with her go. "And if you're trying to act all self-righteous because you weren't here when he proposed, get the fuck over it. You were the one that said you weren't coming to the party. It's not like we didn't invite you!"
"Enola." My mother sighed heavily.
"You're trying to tear apart my relationship and I don't even know why! He's a good man, Mama. He's a good man." I fought back the tears.
My mother frowned, "Enola, how do you know that you won't leave?"
"Because I love him, honestly and deeply. I've never had anyone look at me the way he does or speak to me the way he does. We're both completely content just sitting next to each other, not speaking or anything. He cares about my opinions and ideas. He cares about my art. He makes me laugh and smile like I hadn't since I was young. He is thoughtful and kind and caring toward everyone. And he is a wonderful father. He is so good with our baby." I was still fighting crying as I spoke to my mother.
"Yes. He is good with Darcy." My mother agreed. "But his...how do you know that he won't get bored, honey. How do you know that he won't leave?" She inquired.
"Mom! He was going to hang around and help me raise Darcy when he thought that I didn't love him and Darcy wasn't his child! He let me move into his home when he found out Darcy was his. Not just Darcy, me too. He thought I didn't love him and he let me under his roof. Harry gave me the space I needed to come to terms with the fact that he and I could still be together after all of the shit we'd gone through. And when you say all of this was because Darcy was his daughter and he was just acting out of obligation, Harry was the one that told me he wanted babies first. Twenty years old and he had like six kids planned for us. And he protected me form Charles when he really didn't have to. He could've decided that I wasn't worth it when Charles started acting like an asshole, but he didn't. Harry is honestly my hero. He always has been. And I know for a fact that I don't deserve any of the love he gives me but it's there. He wants me. He loves me. This is the life that we both want." I cried. My mother took a step closer to me and tried to put her hand on my arm. "Don't touch me." I grunted taking a step back.
"Enola, I..." My mother began.
"Noli, baby?" My head snapped up to see Harry in the doorway. I frowned deeply as more tears fell from my eyes. I dropped my eyes to the kitchen counter and wiped my face.
"What's up?" I asked Harry, trying to sound happy. He rounded the counter and took me in his arms. "Did you need something?" I faked another smile.
"Don't, baby." Harry frowned. I rested my forehead on his chin and held onto him tightly. "It's okay, Noli. It's okay." Harry kissed my face lightly, trying to take my pain away.
"Enola." My mother's voice broke a bit. I held my hand up and buried my face in Harry's neck.
"Maybe now isn't the right time." Harry spoke softly and politely to my mother. As soon as the sound of my mother's footsteps traveled out of the room, I broke down sobbing against Harry.
"It's okay baby. It's okay." He murmured between kisses on my cheeks. "I love you and I'm not going anywhere. I meant it when I gave you that ring. You'll never be without me...or the six kids we have." He chuckled a bit trying to make me feel better. I didn't laugh or respond in words; I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his roughly.
"I love you, Harry. I love you more than anything." I cried into his kiss.
"I know, Noli. I know. I love you." He replied before deepening the kiss.

Harry and I entered the living room hand in hand. I could see the sadness in Anne and Gemma's faces as Harry and I moved toward the chair we'd been occupying all day.
"Dinner is in the oven." Harry announced with a smile. Before we could sit down, my mother stood and made her way to Harry and I. I gripped Harry tighter, not knowing what to expect. My mother wrapped her arms around Harry. Harry dropped my hand and squeezed her gently. I bit my lip as my mother started to speak to him.
"Thank you for taking care of my baby. Thank you for loving her the way you do." My mother whispered to him. Harry squeezed my mother tighter for just a moment. She pulled away and kissed his cheek. "I'm so happy that you give everything she needs and deserves." My mother turned to me and took my face in her hands. "I'm sorry, my baby." I just nodded. "I'm sorry you thought that I wasn't thrilled for you. That I didn't want to see you happy. But that is all I want in life. I want you to be so happy. And you've found that. I just want to be sure that this happiness will last. It didn't last time. I don't ever want to see you like that again."
"It's going to, Mama. I know it. I can feel it." I assured her. She kissed my forehead sweetly.


Just something that needed to be taken care of. :)

Everyone must love the fluff around here lately. Hahaha.



I’m so glad you do!

I love this

I do. Very much so. Lol. ❤️


You love me <3

Hell yes to a new story about Harry and Enola.