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Chapter 66

I wrapped my arms around Enola's waist as she turned on her side to face me. Her big, blue, loving eyes showed me satisfaction and exhaustion. She was spent for the night. I was too. I couldn't get it up again if I tried. WE snuggled closer together and just listened to each other breathe.
"Enola." I murmured softly, not sure if she was asleep.
"Yes love?" She replied looking up at me.
"You were right about Aubrey. When I took her home, she tried to kiss me." I confessed. We promised complete honesty. She was naked in my arms. THere was no way that she could be mad for what someone else did.
She frowned, "Did you kiss her?"
I shook my head quickly, "No way. I told her she was really sweet but I belong to you. And here we are. Please don't be mad, I really didn't see that she liked me that way." Enola nodded like she was waiting for me to say more. I sighed, "I love you. I only want you."
Enola smiled, "I know, Harry. I love you too." I sighed in relief then kissed her forehead.

I woke in bed alone. I looked around quickly to see if Enola had just been up cleaning my room. It was something she had be doing a lot. As I sat up and looked at her side of the bed, I grinned. The night before came flooding back to me. Enola was mine again. She was going to be in my bed every night for the rest of eternity. I got up from the bed quickly and pulled my sweatpants on. I didn't want to risk leaving my bedroom with no clothes. I wasn't sure when Darcy would be home from my mother's.
I entered the kitchen to see Enola standing over the stove. I leaned against the door frame, smiling to myself. She looked absolutely amazing. Her hair was a bit messy and pulled over her shoulder. Her make up was completely removed. She was wearing the shirt I had worn the day before. She had a glow about her that I'd missed seeing. She seemed truly happy. Finally, she looked up at me.
"Hi." Enola blushed then bit her lip.
"Hello." I chuckled pushing away from the frame. I walked over to her slowly. She seemed nervous again. I smiled warmly as I pulled her away from the stove. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Enola rested her hands on my bare chest and smiled back at me. I pressed my forehead to hers, gazing into her eyes. She bit her lip again as I leaned in to kiss her. As soon as my lips touched hers, she melted against me. I held her tighter as she hummed into my mouth. I backed away slowly, "This is how I want every morning to be."
She smiled brightly and ran her hands up my chest to my neck, "I made you breakfast."
I grinned, "Can I eat it off you?"
I was a bit shocked when she replied, "Definitely." I buried my hands in her hair and backed her up against the counter. She wrapped her leg around mine and held me closer. "Harry, you have to eat." She moaned when I kissed down her neck.
I smirked against her skin, "I plan on it." She giggled quietly and let her hands glide over my shoulders and down my arms. Her head dropped back as I kissed her neck softly and gripped the shirt she was wearing tightly. I began to unbutton the shirt with one hand while the other kept Enola pressed against me. The front door opened and closed. Enola pushed me away quickly and turned her back to me, re-buttoning the shirt. I leaned forward and nipped at her ear gently. She gasped then turned and swatted at my chest a few times. I laughed lowly and sat down at the table as the boys, Sophia and Brynn entered the room. Enola smiled brightly at all of them.
"Hey guys." Enola spoke gently and smoothly like she always did.
"Hello darling." Louis kissed her temple lightly after rounding the counter. I didn't feel as angry about the gesture as I had been before. Enola was mine. She wasn't going anywhere. I relaxed into the chair and kept quiet. I watched Enola greet every one of the boys with a kiss on the cheek. Brynn hugged Enola tightly and kissed her cheek.
"Good morning, Brynn." Enola giggled holding her just as tightly. I was amazed at how much love Enola had, for everyone. With everything that had happened to her, she was full of love. I smiled to myself realizing that I got a great deal of it and our daughter did as well, more so than anyone else. I folded my arms over my chest as Sophia hugged Enola. When Sophia pulled away from Enola quickly, Enola seemed startled, "What? What's wrong?"
Sophia lifted her eyebrow then brushed a strand of hair from Enola's forehead, "You seem different this morning."
Enola laughed loudly, "Liam, your wife is on drugs again." Liam shook his head and sat beside me at the table. I smirked a bit at Enola's way of avoiding the question. "I made some pancakes. Would you all like some? I'm used to cooking for Darcy and Harry so I made too many." Enola smiled sheepishly. Everyone agreed. Enola brought a large stack of pancakes over to the table and set them down right in the middle. She then hurried around the kitchen to get plates and silverware. As Enola set a plate infront of me I brought up our conversation just before the boys walked in.
"I thought I said I wanted my breakfast a certain way." I announced with attitude. Enola slapped me in the back of the head after her eyes went wide. I chuckled as Enola walked away from me quickly.
"Harry what are you talking about?" Niall asked with curious eyes.
I shook my head, "Joke. Don't worry about it." Everyone gave me an odd glance as Enola tried to choke back a laugh. I wanted to smile as her beautiful body relaxed as she found more of the things she was looking for that she assumed we needed to eat. She glided across the floor with a swift grace that had always amazed me. It's like she was floating, like her feet never hit the floor. It felt the same when we made love. Her movements were always deliberate and smooth. She was truly a divine being.
"Harry!" Niall shouted breaking my gaze on Enola. I turned to him with serious eyes. He repeated himself, "Did you still want to do something as a group today?" He inquired. I shrugged. "We can do something that Darcy would find fun as well." Niall offered.
"Where is she anyway? Normally she's in everyone's face by now." Louis looked around for my daughter.
Enola chuckled, "She's with Anne and Robin. They're going to have her until tomorrow evening."
My jaw dropped, "What? Since when?"
"Since last night when your mother asked. Are you mad I said yes?" Enola looked a bit upset.
I shook my head, "No. I just wish you would've told me."
She smirked, "Sorry. I had my mind on other things." I tried not to laugh and keep my emotions even. I nodded and turned my attention to my meal.
"So scratch that. Adult fun. Drinking and something else, yes?" Brynn inquired making everyone laugh.
I glanced at Niall, "Told you. Perfect." Niall blushed and looked down at his hands. I leaned back in my chair as Enola sat beside me finally. I wanted to reach out and brush my fingers against her thigh that was exposed but I knew it would make the meal awkward. Enola moved her chair closer to the table so she could sit comfortably. I smiled and did as I wanted. I smoothed my fingers up her thigh gently.
"Harry, did you really tell your sister and Nick all of that stuff?" Brynn inquired after a few moments of silence. No one hand any idea I was caressing Enola's soft, tender thigh under the table.
I nodded, "Why would they say I did if I didn't?"
Brynn smiled, "It was very nice what you told them. But how would you know?"
"BRYNN!" Niall snapped at her.
I shook my head, "It's okay Ni." Niall looked very upset with Brynn. I smiled warmly at her, "Just because I've not been married doesn't mean I haven't been in love like that." Enola grabbed my hand, stopping my from caressing her thigh. "I've been painfully in love before. I know that I was made for that woman and she is the one person I belong with above all others." Enola squeezed my hand tightly. I stroked her knuckles gently. "You don't have to be married to say that you've been madly in love and know that someone is "the one"." I explained. Brynn still looked confused. I smiled a little, "I've got a daughter to prove it." The boys frowned a little bit as did Sophia. I turned my head to see that Enola had tears on her cheeks. As soon as her eyes met mine she got up and walked out of the room. I sighed heavily then pushed back in my chair. I didn't mean to make her cry.
Louis sighed, "I'll go check on her."
I shook my head and stood, "No. I will."
"Harry, I don't know if its a good idea." Louis looked really worried. I just shrugged and walked out of the kitchen. I calmly ascended the stairs. I was curious as to why Enola had begun to cry, why she had run off. We were together again and there was no reason to be upset about the past. We were together with our daughter. Things were exactly the way they should be. I went to Enola's room first. I opened the door and peaked around. She wasn't there. I sighed and went to my own bedroom door. As soon as I pushed the door open, I was pulled inside by Enola.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked as she threw her arms around my neck and held me tight.
"I am such a fool. I should've never walked out of that hotel room. I should've made you listen to what I had to say." She whimpered and pressed her temple to my jaw.
I pushed her back gently, "No, listen to me, baby." She gazed at me intensely. "We love each other and you're here with me, that's all that matters. We've got us and our child. Everything that happened then was supposed to lead to this moment. It was supposed to bring us to last night. Please, don't be upset about that. Maybe, we were supposed to be apart so we'd know how much we love one another." Enola let me wipe her tears away. "I meant what I said to Brynn too. You are the only woman for me. When we weren't together, you were the one that I compared every girl to. No one could ever love me the way you do or know me the way you do. I won't apologize for being honest but I will apologize for not saying it sooner. You are the love of my life, Noli." I ran my fingers through her hair to help her relax. She didn't speak. She just pressed her lips to mine passionately. Enola held me tightly and meshed our lips gently and with all of the love in her heart.
"I love you, Harry. I'm sorry." She murmured against my lips.
I shushed her, "Don't be sorry. Just kiss me." I wound my arms around her waist, holding her closer.

Enola and I entered the kitchen again only to have everyone stop speaking instantly. We took our seats then I went about eating my breakfast. Everyone else was almost done. I saw Niall nudge Brynn gently. She looked at him with pleading eyes. Niall glared a little.
"E." Brynn nearly whispered. Enola's eyes met hers, letting her know it was the time to speak. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad or anything." Brynn stated taking Enola's hand across the table.
Enola stroked her hand gently, "Don't even worry about it honey. I'm fine." I placed my hand on Enola's thigh to comfort her. I could see that she didn't like the situation in the way she tensed. Enola looked back at me for a moment and smiled weakly. "So, what is the plan for the day?" Enola inquired of the group.
"We were thinking girls shopping day and boys football day." Sophia answered with a smile.
Enola nodded quickly, "I like that idea." I gripped her thigh a little tighter. She bit the inside of her cheek feeling my fingers dig into her flesh. Everyone else agreed to the idea as well. I hated it. I wanted to be alone with her. I wanted to spend the whole day in bed, making love.


because I'm feeling generous again. And the last two were kind of short.


I’m so glad you do!

I love this

I do. Very much so. Lol. ❤️


You love me <3

Hell yes to a new story about Harry and Enola.