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Chapter 20

I sat on the sofa in the studio staring at the wall and bouncing my foot. It was nearly noon and Enola hadn't shown up yet. I was getting nervous that she wasn't coming. I wanted Darcy with me. I wanted Enola with me. I looked at my watch again. A minute had passed. I stopped bouncing my foot and began tapping my fingers.
"Harry, I swear to God, if you don't fucking stop fidgeting." Julian was getting agitated with me. I stopped moving all together. "Thank you." He sighed. I couldn't stop. I was too anxious. I started flipping my phone between my fingers. "Harry!" Julian shouted just as my phone began to ring.
I answered it quickly, "Hello?"
"Hey. Um, Darcy and I are downstairs. I'm not sure of where to go." Enola stated nervously.
I grinned, "Be right there." I hung up on her and jumped up from the sofa. I ran out of the room only to have Julian and the other boys calling after me.
I reentered the studio room with Darcy in my arms and Enola at my side. Julian appeared completely stunned. I sat down on the sofa with Darcy and we started to goof around like normal. The room was eerily quiet.
"Julian, you remember Enola?" I asked looking passed Darcy.
He nodded, "I do. Hence the face." He motioned to the look of shock and anger plastered on his face.
I glared at him, "Stop it. We're good. So you're good. Don't be a dick."
Enola snapped her head to me, "Harry!"
I blushed, "Sorry." I gazed at Darcy, "Don't ever repeat the things I say. It's not nice."
She lifted her eyebrow, "Then why do you say them?"
I gazed at her curiously, "That's a great question." She shrugged then went back to playing with her doll. I turned to Julian, "Enola and I are okay. Obviously. She's here. Let it go."
"I don't want to let it go." Julian stated like a child. I grunted quietly.
"Harry, its okay. I kind of deserve hate." Enola murmured looking over at me with sad eyes.
I shook my head, "No. I don't hate you. I've never hated you. They're not allowed to either. Come sit over here." Enola did as I said without hesitation. I could feel Julian's angry eyes burning into me, but I didn't care. I wanted my girls. "What took you guys so long?" I asked Enola after a moment.
She blushed, "More flowers were delivered today."
"Have you figured it out yet? Who sent them?" I inquired with a sneaky grin. Enola shook her head and blushed. Her attention was called away by Louis. Darcy and I smiled at each other and fist bumped. Darcy began to giggle at the gesture. We both stopped smiling and laughing when Enola glanced at us.
"What are you two up to?" Enola was suspicious of us.
Darcy and I both shook our heads, "Nothing." Enola lifted her eyebrow at us then returned her attention to Louis and Niall. Darcy covered her mouth as she continued to giggle. I pulled her closer and kissed her hair. Darcy snuggled into my chest and sighed. "What's wrong, babygirl?" I asked Darcy as I rubbed her back.
"I missed you." She replied looking up at me with a smile.
"I saw you last night before you went to bed, silly girl." I chuckled, running my fingers through her curls.
"She was very upset that you weren't at the house when she got up this morning." Enola informed me with almost anxious eyes. I nodded and squeezed Darcy a bit more.
"Can we do something fun today too?" Darcy beamed up at me.
I frowned a bit, "I have to work today, babygirl. That's why we're here. You and Mummy were going to hang out while I did some work."
"Oh." Her face dropped. She leaned against my chest again. Enola frowned and moved Darcy's hair from her face.
"We will have fun. I promise." I assured Darcy. "We can always find something fun to do." I grinned. Darcy nodded and went back to playing with her doll.
"I brought some of her toys and her coloring books. She'll have enough to do." Enola stated, seeing the worry in my eyes. I sighed and stroked Darcy's hair gently. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to have them in the studio.

Enola stood inside the vocal booth with me and Darcy was in her arms. I smiled back at them when I noticed how Darcy looked so curious as to what I was doing. Enola smirked a little bit when our eyes met. I lifted my eyebrow at her.
"I just remembered the last time we were both in the booth." She whispered to me. I turned bright red and turned my face from hers. She giggled quietly and sat down on the stool, still holding Darcy.
"Harry, is everything okay in there? Do I need to come get Darcy?" Louis asked over the intercom. I shook my head quickly. "Harry?" Louis laughed.
I waved my hand at him, "Just get on with it." Louis gave a single nod and then music was pumped into my headphones. I started to sing the lines that we'd decided would fit me best. I glanced back at Enola and Darcy. Darcy seemed unaware of what was going on. But she was quiet like Enola had told her to be. My eyes met Enola's again. She was smiling brightly and watching me with wonder.
"HARRY!" Julian shouted over the intercom. I had lost my place. Enola had me caught up in her eyes and smile again.
"Sorry." I mumbled dropping my eyes to the stand with the music.
"I should go. Darcy and I are a distraction." Enola murmured standing up. I grabbed her hand and stepped away from the mic so the boys wouldn't hear me.
"Stay. Please stay." I pleaded. She looked at me with stern eyes. "Take Darcy out to Niall and Louis but I...I really want you to stay." Enola looked at Darcy. She was obviously bored. Enola nodded and agreed to come back. I leaned toward the mic, "Just hold on a minute. She's bringing the baby out."
"I'm not a baby, Harry." Darcy snipped at me.
"You're my baby." Enola smiled at Darcy. I stuck my tongue out at the three year old. "Give Harry a kiss. You're going to play with NiNi." Enola informed Darcy. Darcy leaned over and kissed my cheek quickly. She wanted to play with Niall, which was nice. I wanted her mother to myself for a moment. I was happy I was going to get that moment with her.



I’m so glad you do!

I love this

I do. Very much so. Lol. ❤️


You love me <3

Hell yes to a new story about Harry and Enola.