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Chapter 113

I entered my home as quietly as I could. I knew that tensions would be high and I knew that Harry was probably hurting. It's not that I didn't want to go through with it. I just couldn't. Not with the way things were. It wasn't right. It wasn't us.
"Mummy! Mummy!" Darcy shouted running down the stairs and into my arms. I scooped her up and hugged her just as tightly as she was hugging me. I kissed her hair gently. "Mummy, where did you go? Daddy was really sad. He didn't eat dinner or play with me." Darcy informed me with a frown. "He held me really tight when I laid in bed with him." Darcy whispered like she was scared for Harry.
"I'm sorry, babygirl. I just had to do some stuff." I responded quietly. I heard someone clear their throat. Harry and Louis stood at the bottom of the stairs. Louis wore a sullen expression while I couldn't even read Harry. It was like he shut down. Louis came over to me and kissed my cheek.
"Darcy, come watch 'toons with me." Louis asked her with a bright smile. Darcy nodded and reached for Louis. He gladly took her from my arms then carried her into the living room.
"Let's go upstairs, Bear." I said taking Harry's hand in mine. I was so nervous. I didn't know where to begin with him. I didn't know how to have the conversation we needed to have. Harry flopped down on the bed as I shut the door to our bedroom. "Where's Atlas?" I asked realizing my son wasn't with his father or Louis.
"In his room with Brynn and Niall." Harry muttered softly. I nodded and inhaled deeply as I stared at my broken man. Instead of speaking, I reached into my bag and pulled out the envelope I had spent the morning getting. I placed it in Harry's hands. "What's this? Custody papers?" Harry inquired sharply. He thought I was leaving him.
I shook my head with a nervous smile, "Nope. Just open it."
"Enola, I don't want to fucking play games with you right now!" Harry shouted at me. I frowned deeply. I hadn't meant to hurt him as much as I did.
"Harry open the damn envelope, please." I snipped back at him. Harry glared at me. I sighed once again, placing my hands on his face. I stroked his cheeks with my thumbs gently, "Baby, I want to marry you. I want nothing more than to be Mrs Harry Styles."
"Well you could've fucking fooled me." Harry grunted at me.
"Harry, I love you. I want to be married. I just...couldn't, yesterday. That wasn't us. We're not those people that have lavish weddings with all of the frills. You can't tell me that it felt right to you." I spoke gently to keep him calm. Harry looked down at his hands and shook his head. "Please. Open that envelope." I motioned to it.
Harry threw it onto the bed beside him, "Not until you give me an actual explanation!" I frowned at how angry he was. But I also couldn't blame him for it, I had pulled a dick move. "Darcy kept asking me where you were, why we didn't get married, if she was going to have two houses like Freddie? Why would you just leave us like that?" He yelled at me.
I rubbed my temples and tried to think of the best way to put it, "My mother and I were talking..."
Harry jumped up from the bed, "I knew it. I fucking knew it!" He moved for the door, "I am going to go down there and give that woman a piece of my mind."
"No. No, baby. No." I grabbed his wrist trying to bring him back to me. "No. Come here. Let me finish." I pleaded as he looked at me again. I placed my hands on his face and kissed his lips tenderly. "I love you, Harry. I love you so much, but yesterday..." I sighed heavily, "That was just a show and it felt wrong. The things my mother said to me as she put my dress on me..." I murmured. "And then I realized what dress it was." I chuckled with a bit of anger.
"What dress was it?" Harry inquired.
"She thought that I would never notice that she went and got my dress for my first wedding out of my father's house." I spoke cynically. Harry's brows furrowed in anger again. "And she was talking to me about all of the stuff that happened with Charles before I met you and the things that happened with him after I met you. It's like she was trying to see if I would marry you anyway, with all of the things about how marriage didn't work out for me the first time." Harry looked confused. "I think that she likes you. I actually know that she does but I think that there is something very wrong with that woman at this point." I huffed feeling terrible for saying such a thing about my mother. "But I couldn't put that dress on and tell you that I loved you. I couldn't tell you all of those honest, heartfelt things with the anger that was in my heart for my mother. It felt like if I would've married you yesterday, it wouldn't have been because I love you or our children, but because I was trying to stick it to my mother. It had to be for the right reasons." Harry stared at me like he was trying to process it all. I then spoke sadly, "And honestly, I wanted to be sure that I wasn't going to leave you, do anything completely horrible to you." Harry's eyes seemed to become worried. "I spent the night with your sister, talking about all of this. Everything I felt was wrong with me and why I thought I could doom this entire wonderful life with you."
"Great. I'm glad my sister was in on this." Harry grumbled.
"Harry, I love you. And I know I love you because the only thing I could think of this morning when I got up was how horrible I was for doing what I did." I kissed him softly once more then made him sit on the bed. "Will you please open this now?" I inquired sitting beside him and placing the envelope in his hands again. Harry nodded and opened it slowly.
"Tickets to Ireland?" He asked with shock.
I bit my lip and nodded, "I wanna go there. Where it all began. I want just our families and the boys there. Sophia and Brynn, Perrie. Our babies. Just us." Harry lifted his eyebrow. "I rented the apartment we stayed in the days that we spent together. Gemma and Nick will take the kids for three days."
"Enola?" Harry was still confused.
"One of my dad's best friends is a priest." I murmured leaning closer to him. "I'll wear a pretty white dress and you can look so handsome in your shirt that's not buttoned all the way." I brushed my lips against his teasingly. "I re-planned it for us. The way we really are. No frilly Hollywood wedding."
Harry wrapped his arm around my neck and smiled, "Are you asking me to marry you, Nols?"
I nodded, "I am. For the right reasons. Our way." I pressed my forehead to his and cupped his stubbly cheek. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I love you and our children more than anything. I want nothing more than to be your wife and mother more of your babies. I never meant to break your heart again."
"When does our flight leave?" Harry beamed at me.
"Tomorrow morning at eight." I replied with a bright smile.
"We should get the kids packed." Harry stated.
"That can wait. I seem to remember leaving you at the alter with two kids and no idea what to do." I began with a tiny smirk. Harry nodded slowly. My voice lowered and I gave him lusty eyes, "Let me make it up to you." Harry meshed his lips to mine instantly.

Harry and I entered the living room to see the boys, Sophia, Brynn, Perrie, Gemma, his parents and mine. I placed my hand on Harry's chest gently. He held me tighter by the waist and smiled at me. I let my eyes slide closed as he kissed my forehead.
"Do you think you want to tell us what in the hell is going on?" My father snapped at me. I frowned and leaned into Harry more. "Seriously, Enola. I would love to know what you're thinking?" My father still sounded so angry.
"We need to have a very long chat." Harry announced.
"I knew they weren't going to go through with this. I knew it." My mother grunted.
Harry smirked at her, "Actually, we are. But we're doing it our way. Not anyone elses." My mother closed her mouth quickly. Harry chuckled dryly at her. "Enola didn't go about it the right way at all, but..." Harry looked at me with a smile. "I agree with her that yesterday was in no way our wedding." Everyone in the room looked confused. "Well, as Lochlan and Kelly so kindly put it, we're a couple of hippies." Harry chuckled. My dad laughed as well and nodded. "Yesterday was too unlike us." Harry looked at me with loving eyes before glaring at my mother for a moment, "And someone made the mistake of thinking that Enola...some had Enola's previous life on their mind too much during the planning and they shouldn't have." I smiled and stroked his chest with my thumb slowly. "She's marrying me because she loves me, our wedding needs to be a reflection of that." Harry looked up to our filled living room. "So, Enola spent the time we would've used for a wedding that neither of us would've been happy with, planning another one with Gemma." He smiled at his sister, "Thank you." Gemma nodded happily.
"So what are we doing instead?" Anne grinned brightly.
"Everyone needs to go home and pack. We're going to Ireland." I informed them with a bright smile.
"As fucked up as that it, I think it's a great idea." Louis laughed. Harry slapped him in the back of the head playfully.
"Why is it fucked up?" Desmond inquired softly.
"Harry and Enola met in Ireland while she was still married to Charles." My mother informed him quietly, like it was a secret.
"It was the place that my life changed forever." Harry spoke to my mother with a bit of a tone.
"Same. Had I not been in Ireland, I wouldn't have to beautiful children with an amazing father." I explained to Desmond while keeping my eyes on Harry's.
"I think it's perfect too. I remember the way Harry was when he got back from those three days with her all those years ago." Sophia giggled.
"I like this idea. Ireland is good for a party." My father announced.
"YES!" Niall agreed, giving my father a high five. We all started laughing at the exchange.
"So everyone needs to get packed as fast as they can. Our flight to Ireland leaves at eight tomorrow morning. Everything is set up. In Ireland as well. We just need to get there." Gemma grinned.
"You guys are really going to get married this time?" Brynn asked, still looking skeptical. Harry and I both nodded quickly. "Good. I am sick of waiting for it." She grinned.
"Go. Go pack and stuff." Harry shooed everyone from our living room. Everyone began to scramble to get up and out of the house.
"Darcy is in her room. She said she was sleepy." Perrie informed Harry and I before rushing out the door. Harry looked at me sadly. We both knew that we had to explain what was really happening to her without confusing her.
I smiled up at Harry again, "It doesn't matter what we say to her as long as she knows that you and I are going to be together for the rest of eternity. That's all she needs to know. We love each other." Harry placed his lips over mine passionately.
"Alright, kids." My mother began. Both Harry and I took the opportunity to glare at her. "Hey. I did my job as a mother to make sure that this is what she wanted this time." My mother defended herself. She looked up to Harry, "I know that you love each other but that's what you said the first time around. I saw what you two breaking up did to my daughter. You didn't. I have to make sure that she will never go through that ever again. I am sorry that you think I don't like you. I do. I actually love you so much, Harry." My mother smiled. "But I love my daughter, my grandchildren more. My daughter deserves happiness. I have to be sure that she gets every drop she deserves." My mother kissed Harry's cheek, "You yelled at me for not protecting her, I was not going to fail at it again." Harry seemed surprised by mother's words. She then kissed my cheek, "Well, go get that other dress once you're all packed, yes?" I nodded slowly, dumbfounded by her.


Am I allowed to start ugly crying now?



I’m so glad you do!

I love this

I do. Very much so. Lol. ❤️


You love me <3

Hell yes to a new story about Harry and Enola.