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Never Let You Go {Book 2}

Chapter Thirty Two

I wake up next to Harry smiling down at me

"what?" I ask

"Nothing, just watching you sleep beautiful" he says

"What time is it?" I say

"10 o'clock" Harry answers

I pull myself out of bed and go down the hall to the room Niall and I share. There he is sitting on the end of the bed his head in his hands.

"NI what Happened last night?" I ask quietly

"I honestly don't know Gem drugged me with something. I kept telling her no but then whatever she gave me set in and I couldn't move or function all" Niall says

" Cassie can I ask you something? " Nialsays

"Yea, what?" I say

"Why were you in Harry's bed? He asks

"Because after what I saw last night Harry was the only person to calm me down. I promise you nothing happened. We just went to sleep

December 24

Its christmas eve. Tonight we are celebrating Louis birthday and opening gifts from each other. Tomorrow my parents and brother will be here along with kim and Louis' parents and sisters and Niall's parents and brother.bwe will have the house to ourselves. Harry is going to Holmes Chapel, Liam to Wolverhampton and Zayn is going to Bradford so they can be with their families for the holidays.

I am gigantic. I look like a bus now. The doctor says I'll probably go into labor earlier than my due date which is fine with me. I am so uncomfortable its not funny. Everything that has happened on has bee squashed. I still hate Gemma but Niall doesn't want anything to do with her either so it works out.

"I'll see you in a week love" Harry smiles at me

"OK see you in a week" I say

Harry Liam and Zayn all leave in their separate cars. So that leaves Taylor, Louis Jo myself and Niall alone.

"Cassie do you mind watching Jo for a while so Louis and I can do some last minute shopping." Taylor asks me

"Sure jojo can stay with aunt Cassie and uncle Ni for a bit" I say

About three hours later my phone starts ringing

"Hello" I answer

"Cassandra Hi!" My dad says

"Daddy? Where are you?" I ask shocked

"We just landed at the airport" he says

"OK Ni and I will be there soon" I say

Niall grabs Johannah's snow suit and helps get us all in the car. I text Tay and tell her we are going to get my parents her mom and Niall's parents from the airport. It takes about twenty minutes but once everyone is piled in the van weake our way back to the house.

**ring ringri**

"Hey Johannah" I say into the phone

"Hi sweetie, is Louis home?" She asks

" no him and Tay are heading back now. So are Niall and I" I say

"On well we're about ten minutes away. We'll wait in the car for one of you to show up" Johannah says


Hey guys got one more chapter tobupload aftsr I finish it:) let me know what you think. ILY all XOXO


@Allie Miller

okay I'll do all three asap!

Sure I don't care.. That'd be awesome :) my first one is called For the better. This is my second which is two chapters away from finished :) then installment 3

Hey Allie! I'm going to start reading your story tonight!! ♥♥ But I was wondering, and I don't mean any hate from this, but do you want/need me to make you a cover? You know i have skills ;)

I know better things are to come though :)...I couldn't help myself though I had to do that with the twins

Harry so cute. Poor Niall tho