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This Is Us


Hey guys, its been quite a while since you heard from me. Ten years, to be exact. If you wonder on how I’m doing, well I’ll answer with this: perfectly fine. Jana and I have expanded our family a little more. And by a little, I mean like.. a lot. But at the same time, its not really a lot.

We just got moved into our new house. We had to get a new one because I was so sick and tired of hearing the reasons why my kids hated sharing bedrooms. So, thank God, we found one the perfect size. And as for the one we were currently living in and had been since we came to Memphis forever ago, its my mom’s know.

Yes, my mother moved here about two years ago. But, as for everyone else, Harry and Selena are happy, and finally Harry moved out of that apartment. They got a perfect sized house for their small family, just right down the road from us actually.

Liam and Sophia, if you were wondering, live in New York City. They come visit often though, more than before. And well, that’s basically everyone I guess, since I have no connection with the ‘others’ nor do I want any connections with them.

So you’re probably wondering about Jana, right? Because if you’re not, damn it you should be. Anyways, she’s doing fine. Here and there she gets a little annoyed because of our beautiful, but screaming and arguing, children.

Other than that she’s okay. And as for my kids, I’ll go ahead and tell you about them to, okay? Good. Well, obviously, I have to go through each one. So first, let’s just get an overview, shall we? I have eight kids. Yes, eight. Not seven. Not six. Not five. Eight. I know, I know..

I’m good at making babies.

Tori, My little princess, is starting to grow up on me. But of course you guys know Tori. Well, lately she’s been a little distance from me and Jana. I mean, I understand she’s a teenager or whatever, but she still needs to be normal to. But whatever, its just a phase I’m sure.

Taylor has changed to, and is keep changing. Puberty doesn’t treat some people well. But on the other hand, Jana’s moodiness was passed down to him. So, I can’t just blame the hormones for making him a complete bitch to a little angel the next minute.

Now, Tristan. I think last you heard about him he was still a baby, right? Well, he’s not. Trust me. He’s ten now, which is a milestone, or at least I would say so. And, he does all the stuff other boys his age do. And soon, dreadfully soon, I have to explain the whole concept of ‘puberty’ and ‘hormones’ and sadly ‘girls’ to him.

Yes, that’s right. Jana makes me do this. I had to tell Taylor, and God, I’ve never saw so much confusion on a kid’s face before. But as for the ‘sex talk’, Tristan has got a little of it, not all of it though. But me and Jana do that together, because if it was fully up to me I would just be real about it. Ya know, ‘Dad sticks his penis in Mommy’s vagina’ But yet, he doesn’t even know what those are… yet.

Moving on… Okay, since you guys don’t know much about these next children of mine, I’ll be sure to go into more detail with them. So, let’s continue.

Terra is my little ladybug. Surprisingly, though, she’s a Mommy’s Girl.. but whatever. She’s seven and is starting to understand the whole idea of school. Thankfully, Diana is still the teacher for all of our kids. Tori loved her, so we couldn’t let her go. Terra’s getting old enough to where she’ll start wondering things, and I’m afraid that will come too soon.

A few months ago, I was taking Terra to a doctor's appointment she had. We were on our way home, it was storming pretty bad. She hates the thunder, all of the kids do. I was too busy looking in the rear view mirror to make sure she was okay. I didn't see the big 18 wheeler.

We were in a horrible accident. It was completely horrible. I just want someone to kill me, because Terra was hurt very, very bad. The doctor's aren't even sure of how it happened, but she was paralyzed from her waist down. She can't walk, she doesn't know when she has to use the bathroom, she doesn't understand it.

It hurts me every day to see what I done to her. If I was just watching the road it might have been me, not her. That's all I want, is for God to take it away. But he can't, because he knew it would happen, he planned it. So I must accept it, even when I don't want to.

She has to be in a wheelchair. We all have to watch for cautions all the time. Just a simple skim of her leg against the wall could bruise her. Jana and I have to go through extreme things in order to obtain her health. But I'd do anything for her, or any of my kids.

The younger ones don't understand why Terra can't play with them anymore. I assume that Tori and Taylor are the only ones that understand it completely.

Continuing on, these next two surprised me and Jana. Of course they weren’t planned, only one of our kids was planned and that was Tristan, he’s a honeymoon baby.. Anyways, we had twins three years after Terra was born. You should have been in that damn ultrasound room though! Jana froze.. and I um.. passed out.

Tatum and Tinley were a handful. I swear, every time we would put one of them down to sleep, the other would wake up and start crying. And after we’d change one of them, the other would throw up. Its like they were ticking time bombs, going off every other damn minute.

But the suffering is always worth it, especially when it comes to my kids. Tinley is my little princess. But, she actually would rather me called ‘Cupcake’ than Princess, but okay. Whatever she wants, she gets. That goes for all of them.

My baby boy, Tanner. Tanner is my little baby, he knows it and Jana knows and I know it. Jana’s so jealous because Tanner’s loved me most from the start. It always pisses her off because he would rather let me hold him than Jana.

But, despite that, Jana still loves me. My kids love me.

And last, but probably not for long, Tiffany. My little angel. God, I love her so much. She can't talk much, so she doesn't argue with me. She's not nearing puberty, so she's not awkward. And she's just a cute little baby.

I’m completely happy. And I always will be.


But we all know, when it comes to me and my family, especially me and Jana, there’s going to be a lot of ups and downs, left to rights, and love to hatred. But that’s okay, we can make it. I know it.

Oh yeah, by the way.. our story isn’t quite over yet. What I’m trying to say, you get to know a lot about my family from here on out. You ready? Hold on, because remember.. this isn’t just any average family..

This is…



It feels UNREAL to start this! I can't believe we made it this far! ♥ Please comment those thoughts, we know the routine! I will update soon, any questions just ask! I hope this goes really well, I've been waiting a very long time to start this. And today's a VERY special day, and so I decided to start it today. I love you all so much! ♥

--♥ Brianna


His mom, remember it was a whole chapter about it before??

wait what who goes?

Oh. P.S. I love that you brought back Zayn and Perrie so he could apologize to Niall and they could catch up with each other and the kids. Great dynamic to add to the story! Infinity out of 10 stars!! XD <3

This series is without a doubt my absolute favorite, hands down. I'm sooo glad I've been here since the very beginning where it all started with Stay With Me. I've watched you grow as a person and writer along with your characters. I'm glad I could be a part of this whole thing. It's come a long way and I love that I was able to be here from the beginning to the very end. You're an amazing writer who wrote an amazing series. Good luck with your baby, your future endeavors, everything! Much love!! <3333 :* :D

Oh my god... Way to make a girl cry :'( but happy to see what's to come Love Ya girl :)