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Fanfiction: Success & Failure

How Things Work 'Round Here: Part 1 of 2

Okay. So here I am again.I know I know, I’m a loser and I suck for bothering you! Just kidding….. :)

(my sexy prince charming :))

Anywho… Lets continue on, shall we my loves?

First things First, again: Be KIND no matter WHAT. If I catch YOU being mean to ANOTHER PERSON I will surely call you out in YOUR own PERSONAL chapter ALL ABOUT HOW MEAN AND RUDE YOU ARE!

Next on the agenda… All the stuff you want and came here for!!

Okay, so this is sorta complicating ;) keep up!

To Request A Tip Or Some Advice:
You need some advice? Its okay, I’ll give it to. Don’t be shy! C’mon let me know! I’ll promise I’ll help!

Okay now I got it out of you and its time to discuss your problem or question. So, what’s wrong? You need some help on something?

>>You can ask about anything. Personal or writing wise, anything in the world I DON’T CARE! It can be a little sexual, or just something about my hair! See, I don’t care!! Just go ‘head and ask, okay?
>>Be completely honest with you ask! Honesty is the BEST policy! Besides, I don’t want you to get confused, or me..
>>What’s the difference between a tip and advice? Well, a tip is my response if you ask something like this: Can ya tip me on how to portray a character that won’t be in the story much? And some advice is like this: Could you help? I’m stuck on something.. its really hard moving past it and I don’t know if I can continue the story!
>>Don’t be afraid, its okay to speak out and ask for help at times.
>>if you have a personal question or you are too afraid/scared/nervous to ask it in the comments, please comment something like this: “can I PM you my Q?” And I’ll reply: ‘’Sure my love!’’
>>If you do ask for a private tip, I will answer it to you personally, and then to everyone, So it will have a chapter too! I won’t say who asked it just so you can be secure and assured that its okay and just between you & me!
>>Tips and Advice can vary, I don’t mind dirty language or weird questions, I don’t care. Just ask away I’ll be honest!
>>Confused on what I mean by anything?? Well, if you want to write a Lirry fanfic, but you aren’t sure on how to do some smut.. well I’ll help you! Or, if you want to.. ya know ;) please yourself or whatever, but you’re too afraid. I got some tips for that too! Just don’t’ be shy my loves!

>>Please view the VERY end of this for a overall message!!! IMPORTANT TO ALL REQUESTS!

Shall we keep on going? Sure!! Come along on the ride!!

To Request A Cover:
So you asked for a cover.. but yet you hate it. But you tell them you like.. just so they’ll feel better. I’ve done it before too, and that’s why I started learning to make my own. I never asked a soul how they do, what site, or even which pictures. I just winged.. and well.. lets see some of my covers I’ve made in the past, yeah?

>>I don't always make them the same style..

So, you want a cover. Okay.. Okay.. I’ll stop joking around! Here’s the info I need please do this right! ::
2.Author (if multiple, please list all! Names please not just “me”)
3.Characters 1. Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, or Zayn only. 2. For the girl: the female must be famous and I must be able to find a correct size picture in order to use it, If I don’t find a picture at all, she won’t be on there. Some covers will//won’t have the girl on there just depends on how it looks)
4.Normal, punk, vampires, etc.. (important that I know this!)
6.Short Plot summary: SHORT!!!
7.Additional text/quotes *warning: if the text is too long and doesn’t fit on the cover, I will not use it all, I will just cut it down some!*
8.Black and white, or color?

>>Please take notice of the additional things in ()s b|c that’s important!

To request a Soundtrack:

Lets see.. One Direction? No, that’s cheesy… The Heart Wants What It Wants? I always use that.. Justin Bieber? But what if they get mad.. but it’s the perfect song! Hold hold… hold it up sista!! I CAN HELP YA OUT!

How I do my soundtracks:
<<I go to polyvore & select music based on your request form. Then, I design a wonderful cover, also based on the info. Finally, I post it so people will be tempted to check out the story, and boom! You got a hit, hopefully..>>

Request Form Here:
3.Main Characters (girl MUST be famous)
4.Quotes/additional text

>Some people use their cover in the story. I do, so if you want just let me know And I'll get you a copy of the image!!>>
Boom..! there it is! Its done! Here’s a few of mine I’ve done in the past::

(that one's a person fav of mine that I've done!! *above*)
(also check out the cover for the next two above!)
You can browse my page to check out the rest!

THE SPECIAL//IMPORTANT MESSAGE:::::::::::::::::::::::: this isn't just for request, I will be posting random tips and stuff, possibly some links to stupid stuff I find online.. so.. keep that in mind!! I'm always here, no matter what, if you need me/anything!!




This is a great idea, bummed I have too many chapters for review ;(

@ThinkingOfYou @PS2Live the dream @Niallers Nandos
Forgot to say that this was my other account**

Youre welcome! ♥ Hope it all goes well! :)

well anyway I took your advice and restarted hope you can read itand think its good!

Well some of your writing wasin all caps

@Niallers Nandos
Yeah love, asap!! ♥
How did you know I yelled? I was just being clear and honest. I warned I'd be honest, and if you didn't want that then oh well.
@PS2Live the dream
I'll message you as soon as I can!! Remind me if I don't soon! ♥♥ And i'll be sure to read your story!! ♥♥