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You Are My Eyes (Haven't been edited)

Lies (Chapter 15)

(Harry’s P.O.V)

“Am I that bad of a kisser?” I questioned.

“Harry…this was my first kiss aright…I don’t exactly know what good kissing and bad kissing are,” she sighed. I wasn’t worried about whether I am bad kisser or not because I know for a fact that I am a good kisser. I know it is a cocky statement but hey it has been statistically proven that I am. I sort of wanted to know if she felt anything from the kiss because I sure did. I know she wasn’t responding to my kiss but I really liked the way her lips are pressed against mine. It felt like it belong there. A perfect fit.

As you may already figure out that there was nothing on her lips, yes! She did have the milk moustache but there was nothing on her lips. I just sort of said that out loud as one of my excuse to kiss her. But I will never admit that of course. The way she lick her lips, she was such a tease and doesn’t even realise it. I had to contain every teenage hormone inside me from doing something I will regret.

But who am I kidding; she will never feel anything from the kiss because she didn’t wanted to be kissed by me. She wanted to be kissed by Zayn, the person who treated her right, who has been kind to her and most important of all he makes her happy. “Harry are you o.k.?” she snapped me out of my daze, I haven’t realised that I’ve been staring at her but of course she doesn’t know.

“Oh ummm….yeah we better get some rest for school,” I cleared my throat, “yeah…I better get some rest,” she agreed. We reached my bedroom but Ivy kept walking down the hallway which really confused me. “Ivy my bedroom is here,” I told her, sometimes I forget that she can’t see, “I know…I-I thought you would w-want me to sleep in the g-guest room,” she replied. What? No way! Why would she think that? I like getting up next to her, I don’t know why but I do.

“Oh…um…I actually don’t mind…if you sleep in my bedroom though,” I shattered while scratching the back of my neck. I felt so awkward and trust me, I am normally pretty smooth when it comes to women. “Umm…” she started, “oh could you please just come to bed and stop making the situation more awkward,” I ranted and she chuckled a little at my sudden rush.


“Ivy,” Matthew screamed while rushing over to give Ivy a hug. We both got dressed and came down for breakfast, “Ivy? Harry? When did you guys arrive?” Margret asked with a smile, I have nothing against her, she really is a wonderful woman but I just don’t like being near her or Zayn or Matthew or this fucking house really. “We arrived late last night but you were all in bed already,” I informed her.

“Oh I see, well then come and have breakfast…I made some French toast for you all,” she stated happily and Ivy smiled at the kind elderly woman. I am glad Margret didn’t question the reason we are here but I am sure it will come up soon once they realise that Ivy is not leaving.

“Margret…I don’t want to be a burden to your family and I know you all have done so much for me already…but being a selfish person I am…I was wondering if I could stay here for a week or so and you don’t have to say yes,” Ivy explained, see what I mean? It popped out faster than I thought it would.

“Of course you are not a burden and definitely not selfish…you can stay here as long as you like dear…you are practically already part of this family,” Margret beam in excitement, in all honesty, I wasn’t expecting that reaction from her.

“Would Principle Styles…I mean Kevin be o.k. with it though?” Ivy asked timidly, “trust me he is more than happy too,” she assured her.

** Lunch time**

“Why did you bail on us last night?” Louis asked as I took my seat next to Naill, “bail on what?” I asked confused by his question, “Oh My God...someone better note this date down…the Styles has forgotten a party for the first time of his life,” Niall screamed. Party? Oh the party that I was going to before I saw helpless Ivy on the street. Wow…I never thought I would miss a party for a girl such as Ivy either….but then again she is not just any girl I guess.

“O.k. now spill…who had you chained up last night?” Louis asked sceptically, “what? What are you talking about?” I question innocently, “you were telling me you were already on your way and then you never turned up,” he pointed out. Come on Harry come up with an excuse….excuse.

“My car broke down after the call and my phone battery died,” I lied and they all laughed at my lame excuse, “oh that was a funny joke Harry,” Tom stated, “no seriously though…something big must have happen for you to miss such a big party,” Louis starts again.

Of course thing big happened, Ivy got kicked out of her house on her birthday, I offered her to stay at my father’s house….my father you all don’t know about, I’ve decided to live under the same roof as the nerd head and I found out that I was Ivy’s first kiss. I am pretty sure you can say that something big happened.

“You spent your night with that bitch didn’t you?” Alexander spit, “what?” I shook my head, “you’ve been staring at her across the hall for the last two minute,” she scoffed, I had? I didn’t realise that I zoned out. “I can’t believe you ditch a wild party for that blind attention seeking slut…I thought you hated her,” she whined which annoys the heck out of me.

“What? As if I will waste my precious time on her,” I lied, “well that’s good because I hate attention seeking slut like her,” she smiled satisfy by my answer and pecked my cheek. “That’s the Styles I know and like,” she chirped happily. I looked at Ivy’s direction and she wasn’t there and neither was Zayn.

(Ivy’s P.O.V)

“What? As if I will waste my precious time on her,” he told Harry told his mates as I walked past, I didn’t know if he said that on purpose because I walked past his table or the fact that he didn’t notice I walked past him. It hurt hearing him say those words but I know better now, he is that type of person and will always be that type of person. I will just pretend he doesn’t exist at school and he will hopefully pretend that I don’t exist too.

The day dragged on, I haven’t spoken to Harry or bumped into anyone, that’s a good sign. Well technically I spent my second lunch in the library to avoid any insult or anyone really. Zayn has these extra curriculum at second lunch so I always end up being alone.

School has come to an end now and my last class wasn’t with Zayn but with Harry. He didn’t attempt to talk to me either, so I am now standing in front of the school not really knowing what to do. We didn’t really plan oh how I am getting home, Harry drove me to school this morning but I am not sure if it is two way offer or not and I can’t seem to find Zayn anywhere.

“Hi Ivy right?” a male with a moderately low voice asked, “umm yeah,” I answered, I didn’t want to be rude or anything. “Yes! I knew it…sorry, I am Tom and it’s a lovely to meet you,” he said excitedly while grabbing my hand to shake it. “Um…yeah nice to meet you too,” I replied, “why are you standing here all alone? Do you need a ride home?” he asked genuinely. I don’t want to lie to this polite boy, Harry or Zayn probably has forgotten that I am staying at their place now.

“Umm yeah if it is not a bother,” I answered truthfully, I don’t want to be a burden to this boy too. “Oh no…it won’t bother me at all…I mean I am the one who offered it to you in the first place,” he replied and I could sense a smile from his tone. “Come on…let’s go,” he grabbed my wrist gently and dragged me to his car.

“You know Ivy is my favourite flower?” he asked cheekily as we headed to Harry’s dad’s house. “What is your last name?” I questioned and I am sure it took him of guard because he was trying to flirt with me.

“Umm I wasn’t expecting that but hahah…my last name is Parson …Thomas Parson,” he replied. “As I was saying…you know my favorite flower is Ivy?” he asked once more and I laughed at his stupidity. “Are you trying to flirt with me Parson?” I grinned at him and chuckled.

The drive wasn’t long but there wasn’t any awkward moments in our conversation, it flow quite smoothly. Tom is quite a nice boy and I am not sure why he decided to come and talk to me, considering all the rumors that has been going around the school.

“Tom…why are you nice to me?” I asked curiously, “why shouldn’t I be? You are a lovely girl and I enjoy your company,” he answered without a hesitation and my heart flattered at his words.

“Wow this is where you live?” he questioned once we arrived and I can only imagine that Principal Styles is a rich man. “Only temporary,” I answered, if he only knew the truth. “Thank you so much for the ride Tom, I appreciate your kindness,” I thanked with a gratitude smile, “it was no problem at all…I am glad I toughen up to go and talk to you,” my smile grew wider at his confession.

(Harry’s P.O.V)

I saw Ivy getting out of Tom’s car as I drove closer. That sick bastard. She came home with him? I was worried sick when I couldn’t find her yet here she was in the same freaken dam car as Tom. So Zayn was not the only one in the list then. I know Tom is up to no good and I am sure naïve Ivy wouldn’t have a clue.

I have to have a little chat with Ivy.


I know I said last chapter was a filler....well this one sort of is too :) I am sorry....but the drama will hit up soon I promise :) - just be ready for it :P.....so what do you guys think of Tom's personality? Why is he so nice all of a sudden? A little bit of jealous Harry aye?

Please vote, comment, subscribe and give me feedback....I only want to improve <3
I love you all soo much beautiful people, always remember that and stay well <3<3

Lots of love P.S xxx


Please update :)


See......we need more people like you in this world <3 <3 Yes!!!! you were very helpful and I messaged you with the biggest spoiler everrrrrr ^_^

@PS2Live the dream

Was I helpful? I have a problem conveying my thoughts into understandable sentences lol But what can I say? I'm just a fanfic reading girl willing to do anything to see her otp continue their story ;)


DO you know how much LOVE I have for you?? If you don't......well.....I LOVE YOU dear <3 <3


I had this same thing happen to me too! Weirdness! But anyways...

I honestly think that this story has so far been written wonderfully. If there wasn't a plot or designated outcome, I sure as hell couldn't tell. But I know sometimes lack of "structure" puts a strain on the author just because of writer's block and other things like that.

I think from here, you can look at what you've written so far and ask yourself possible ways you can go next and sketch out and organize the rest of the story from this part (sometimes brainstorming concepts with someone else really makes the process easier and in some cases cleaner), and then go back to previous chapters and tweak certain things just so it' ll all wrap up nicely.


You can rewrite it (as you previously stated) and do things differently. The only problem that may arise with that, is since you are so far along in this story (40 chapters) the people that have previously subscribed to your story and have followed it this far may have trouble getting used to a new storyline and character adjustments.

But that's assuming there was a story line before (which it has seemed like), which you said there wasn't. So it's definitely a hard choice.

I think you should trust your gut and do what seems best to you. Everyone else will get over it :)

I'm here if you need a brainstorm session or a convo just to sketch out storylines by the way.

Ivarry shipper for life lolol