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Moving To England

Chapter Sixty-Five

*Harry’s POV*

The rest of the morning flew up uneventfully, occasionally someone would comment on the fight. Nearly everyone made some sort of horribly wrong assumptions, asking me strange questions.

After Physics Class was over, I walked down to the lunchroom with Destiny, Mabel and Ally. Josh had every single class with Destiny. I noticed how he made sure to keep enough distance between us, enough to make sure we were still in his sight.

Throwing my arm over Destiny’s shoulder, I kissed her forehead, as she talking away with Ally and Mabel about something I could careless to pay attention to. All I noticed was Josh getting irritated at the fact that I was so close to Destiny. Smirking, I began to flirt with her, just to an annoy Josh even more.

Soon enough we were all meet up at our regular table in the lunchroom.

“I’m going to buy poutine from the cafeteria. Anyone want anything?” Liam asked.

“Cookie!” Destiny and Niall say in unison.

“Is that all?” Liam laughed, as Niall and Destiny nodded happily.

“I want a kiss,” Ally pouted. Chuckling, Liam gave her a quick kiss before he disappeared to retrieve the food.

“Oh my gosh! Did a lot of people question you guys about the fight? I’ve been bombarded with so many! It’s ridiculous!” June exclaimed.

“Yeah. Someone asked me if Josh like jumped out of bush or something, and then attacked me.” I laughed.

“Right! Someone asked me if Josh threw me over his shoulders and ran away with me. And then, they asked if you like started crying or chasing after him. I don’t even know. These theories are so wack.” Destiny laughed.

“God, if he did, I’d probably just kill him.” I chuckled.

“Despite everything though, yesterday was, hands down, amazing,” Niall declared.

“The best!” Louis added.

“But the night was just so horrible, though. Jail? We’ve never gone to jail.” Zayn continued.

“Really …? I just always assumed you guys have been to jail like … multiple times …” Destiny thought aloud.

“You are joking, right?” Louis laughed.

“What! You guys were so calm in there. Plus, the things you do, are so jail-worthy. Just saying.” Destiny defending herself.

“Jail worthy.” I mimicked her, chuckling, as Liam came and joined us.

“Cookie!” Niall and Destiny exclaimed in unison, as Liam giggling he gave them their cookies.

“So, what are we talking about?” Liam asked, taking his seat next to Ally.

“Destiny, thinks you guys have been to jail, multiple times before last night.” Elizabeth filled him in.

“Are you serious?” Liam said, with a poker face plastered on.

“Yeah. Oh my gosh. Honestly, you guys have done a lot of bad things.” Destiny says as she unwrapped her cookie.

“Like what?” Zayn questioned her, as I took a big bite of her cookie.

“Harry!” Destiny cried, growling at me. Merely smirking, I happily munched down on the cookie. “For starters, stealing other people’s cookies.” She says, glaring at me, making everyone laugh.

“Well, she is right. You guys have done a lot of jail-worthy things.” Ally helped out.

“Like what!” Zayn asked again.

“Like buying drugs and alcohol. Underage drinking!” Mabel says, in a hushed voice.

“Drugs?!” Destiny exclaimed, a little too loud. “Drugs …?” Destiny repeats in a quieter voice. “I thought you guys only used alcohol.”

“Oh, babe. We used more than that.” I smirked, leaning on her.

“And you are asking me how you guys are jail worthy,” Destiny puffed, rolling her eyes.

“Okay. Fine, that’s one thing. Is there more?” Louis asked.

“Yeah. Like fighting. Sleeping with one, too many girls. Fighting. And sex. Pretty sure there is more, but this is bad enough!” Destiny declares, causing us all to crack up.

“Sex isn’t ‘jail worthy’,” Niall pointed out.

“What do you have against it, anyway?” Ally laughs.

“It’s bad! So gross. Ew. You’ll die from it! I’m positive. You guys are all dying earlier than me.” Destiny demands.

“Oh really?” Elizabeth laughs.

“Yeah. I’m going to have to be friends with gravestones soon.” Destiny says, shaking her head in disappointment.

“Well, because of you I can’t have sex anymore.” I point out.

“Great! Then, you can sit next to me next to these gravestones.” Destiny sarcastically smiled.

“Honestly? Why though?” Elizabeth repeated the question.

“It’s just bad.” Destiny shrugs.

“Lies!” We hear a familiar voice exclaim close by us.

“Josh? What do you want now?” I ask, getting a little tense.

“She is lying.” Josh clarifies his speech.

“About …?” Mabel asks.

“About this whole sex thing,” Josh smirks. Turning my direction to Destiny, she held a look of alarm on her. You could see her silently cursing at Josh under her breath. Clearly, Josh knows something Destiny isn’t telling us.

“Well then, tell us,” Elizabeth urges him.

“No need. I can tell you,” Destiny quickly intervened, stuttering.

“You won’t get the truth from her. The girl lies,” Josh smirked.

“To hell with you,” Destiny glared at him.

“Come on. Tell us the story,” I demanded, quickly holding Destiny close to me so Josh could go on telling the story.

“Of course, but a video is more convincing than a story, no? Her cousin recorded the entire thing. You’ll love it, or maybe not,” Josh says, as he set up te video on his laptop, positioning it so we could all see.

“Harry,” Destiny whined, squirming in my arms.

“Squirming won’t help, babe. I want to know why you really won’t sleep with me,” I declared.

“I do sleep with you, though,” Destin pouted.

“I meant sex. Pouting all you want, Destiny. It won’t help you now,” I say, as I sit Destiny onto my lap, where I let her squirm, away.

As the video began, Destiny gave up and leant back on my chest. She half-watch and the rest of the time she sent me sad looks. Only smiling, I kissed her pouting lip, as I hugged her tightly, keeping my attention on the screen.

The screen went dark, as the recording begun to play. The opening scene was on the playground.

*No One’s POV*

Destiny and Josh were at the park with a couple of their other friends, Nicki, Sid, Moe and Diego. The children were all at the age of 10, at the time.

Destiny’s cousins, Daniel Sherwood, his younger brother, David Sherwood and Daniel’s girlfriend, Valerie Osborn, were with them as well. Daniel and Valerie were sitting on a bench looking over for the kids, while David was recording everything from a fair distance away, for his film class.

“You guys want to play tag?” Moe asked everyone, nodded. The kids played the Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo game, to chose who was “It”.

“You are it, Destiny!” Nicki exclaimed as everyone ran away from her. Everyone giggled and laughed as Destiny tried to tag someone. Just as she was about to tag Moe, something startled her, causing her to stop in her spot.

“Daniel!” Destiny cried, for her older cousin, who was about 5 years older than she was.

“Yeah?” Daniel questioned her, running over to her. Destiny had gotten startled by a drunk man’s pants falling off, exposing his private areas of his body.

“Oh my gosh!” Valerie exclaimed, shielding her own eyes, as well as Nicki’s and Destiny’s.

“Put on some pants!” Daniel angrily screamed at the drunk man. Daniel and Valerie took the child's away from that area, to somewhere, where the drunk man was out of sight.

*Flashback Paused*
*Harry’s POV*

“Oh my gosh! Your cousin actually got that thing on film!” Elizabeth cried, in disgust. Everyone shielded their eyes, straining to look away in disgust.

“Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Why does that part come up so quickly? My cousin carried around his camera, literally everyone.” Destiny says, hiding her face in my chest, refused to watch nearly the entire beginning of the video.

“Why isn’t that censored out?” Ally cried, shielding her eyes.

“He didn’t know how to,” Josh shrugged.

“Ugh … that is probably why she hates sex. It’s okay, Destiny. No more pressuring, you are good. Ugh, honestly, I might just stop!” Mabel groaned.

“What?!” Zayn exclaimed, in fear.

“Oh. don’t worry, you big baby.” Mabel waved him off.

“Okay …” Zayn settled down.

“Is that it? You can go now.” June says.

“That’s actually not the reason. Do you not want me to continue?” Josh questioned us.

“No, just continue. Just promise there isn’t any more of that.” I urged him.

“Promise.” Josh nodded and said in all honesty.

“Okay, then continue.” Liam motioned to him.

*Flashback Continued*
*No One’s POV*

“Daniel?” Destiny questioned him.

“Yes?” Daniel asked.

“What was that thing dangling from between that man’s leg?” Destiny curiously asked.

“What?” Daniel says, startled by the question.

“That thing dangling from between the man’s leg, when his pants fell off. What is it?” Destiny repeated the question.

“Oh god … uh.” Daniel stuttered.

*Flashback Paused*
*Harry’s POV*

“Dangling thing?” Niall laughed, as did everyone else.

“Don’t you dare speak. I was 10. You finish this stupid thing, or leave,” Destiny demanded, embarrassed.

“Okay. Okay.” I laughed, calming everyone down. “Let’s just watch this, before she slaughters all of us.”

*Flashback Continued*
*No One’s POV*

“Oh god … uh.” Daniel stuttered, at Destiny questions. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to explain it to her. Suddenly he felt really uncomfortable, he turned to Valerie, who merely shrugged at him. She also had no answer to Destiny’s question.

Daniel looked around, for a reply. Unexpectedly, he noticed a couple making out and getting really sexually with one another, in a far corner of the park. This gave him an idea.

“Disease.” Daniel abruptly says.

“Disease?” Valerie and Destiny question him.

“Yeah. Disease. All guys have it. It’s a disease.” Daniel nodded.

“So, all guys are a disease?” Destiny questioned him.

“Yeah … I guess. Sure.” Daniel shrugged.

“I knew it!” Destiny laughed, along with Nicki, making fun of Moe, Diego and Sid. This minorly caused Daniel to get aggravated.

“Contagious disease,” Daniel adds.

“What?” Destiny says as she and Nicki stop their joy dance.

“Yeah, it is a contagious disease.” Daniel nods, with a slight smirk. “If you touch a guy, or if a man touches you then that disease spreads to you.”

*Flashback Paused*
*Harry’s POV*

“Hold up, do you still believe that?” Louis questioned Destiny.

“Of course, I don’t, stupid. I’m sitting on Harry’s lap right now.” Destiny glared at him. It was entirely clear, she wasn’t happy with us watching this video. I kissed Destiny’s forehead, and hugged her tighter, causing her to relax a little more, as she was getting very tensed.

*Flashback Continued*
*No One’s POV*

“Really? If a guy touches me, I can grow that thing too!” Destiny exclaimed, in fear.

“Daniel …” Valerie sternly whispered to him.

“Sh.” Daniel hushed her, then turned back to Destiny. “Yeah. If a guy touches you on any exposed, bare skin. You could grow that.”

“But … during tag, the guys touched my arm! Is that bad!” Destiny cried.

“Uh … not yet. On your 11th birthday that's when it starts.” Daniel stuttered.

“But I’m turning 11 tomorrow!” Destiny exclaimed, releasing her birthday was the very next day.

“Oh well. That means you cannot let any guys touch you from tomorrow or that disease will spread to you.

“But, why doesn’t it affect Valerie? You touch her all the time.” Nicki questioned him.

“Um …” Daniel stuttered, blushing, while Valerie giggled.

“Uh. It doesn’t affect her because it already grew for her. A girl can get that diseases exactly 3 times. Also, each time she can get surgery to cut it off. After the third time, it doesn’t grow anymore.” David quickly added, seeing that his brother was stuck.

“But what do they do after it’s cut off?” Destiny questioned him.

“Jeez girl, you ask so many questions. They, uh …” David trailed off, fresh out of ideas.

“They colour them green and call them pickles. And then people eat ‘em.” Daniel quickly answers.

“Pickles?!” Destiny and Nicki cried, in utter disgust.

“Yeah?” Daniel nodded.

“EWW!” The girls squealed, trying to barf.

“We had pickles this morning!” Destiny cried. “I need to go home immediately!”

*Flashback Paused*
*Harry’s POV*

Everyone burst into complete laughter.

“I also don’t like pickles,” Destiny sighed. “Guys stop, it's not funny.”

“Yeah, that is.” Elizabeth nodded, laughing.

“Awe, poor baby, so shy,” I smiled, as Destiny hide her face in my chest.

*Flashback Continued*
*No One’s POV*

Valerie took Destiny and her friends away from her cousins, leaving the boys to their laughter.

“Oh god. This is a great next prank!” Daniel laughed.

“What are we going to say next to her?” David smiled.

“Let’s just see how she takes it tomorrow,” Daniel commented.

“Oh shoot!” David exclaimed.

“What?” Daniel asked, worried.

“We have to warn her father.” David pointed out.

“Right! Let’s go now.” Daniel nodded. The boys ran off to fill their Uncle in on the prank.

“Gosh. I am a horrible father for wanting in on this joke.” Mr Baker laughed.

“Not at all, but then again, what do we know about being a father.” Daniel shook his head, with a smirk plastered on his face.

“Can this prank go on forever? This way, she’ll never get pregnant, and I won’t have to worry about some stupid boy making her cry and breaking her heart.” Mr Baker sighed.

“That’s fatherly problems. Not mine.” Daniel shrugged, with a smirk.

“You are a brother to her. So, she is your headache as well. You have to be there too if some boy dude breaks her heart,” Mr Baker warned him.

“Oh, don’t worry. I got this.” Daniel smirked. At the moment, he turned around and punched the brick wall extremely hard, causing a loud crashing sound and the bricks to crumble to the ground.

“Oh, great,” Mr Baker laughed.

“I didn’t take karate lessons for nothing,” Daniel smirked.

*Flashback Paused*
*Harry’s POV*

“You saw that right? Right?” Destiny smirked at me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, as fear washed over me, “I love you, you know that? I won’t ever let you cry. I promise Okay? I love you.” I quickly spit out, holding Destiny tightly in my arms, as I rocked myself back and forth.

“Oh my gosh. Is Harry Styles scared?” Destiny exclaimed, a little too loud, for everyone to hear.

“Destiny. Shh!” I pleaded with her.

“Okay.” Destiny laughed. Leaning back on me, as I sighed loudly and turned my attention back to the video.

*Flashback Continued*
*No One’s POV*
*Next Day*

“Hey honey, have you seen Destiny since yesterday after the kids came back the park?” Mrs Baker asked her husband. It was the morning of Destiny’s 11 birthday.

“No. I think she is in her room, sleeping.” Mr Baker sleepily says.

“Still? David stops recording everything. It’s getting creepy.” Mrs Baker tells David, as he continued recording.

“Mhmm.” David quietly mumbled, not entirely listening.

“Destiny, honey, can you come out to have breakfast now, please.” Mrs Baker called for Destiny, outside her bedroom, which was locked.

“I’ll be there in a minute, Ma.” Destiny calls back to her Mum.

“Quickly, Honey.” Mrs Baker said, going back to the kitchen to begin her breakfast. Moments later, Destiny came into the kitchen all dressed in a yellow suit, covering her whole body.

“Oh god!” Mrs Baker exclaimed.

“Destiny?!” Mr Baker questioned, while Daniel and David began to burst into laughter in the background.

“What are you wearing?” David laughed.

“Boy disease protection.” Destiny smiled.

“Excuse me?” Mrs Baker questioned Destiny.

“This why no boy can touch me and I won’t get that dangling thingy.” Destiny explained herself.

“Excuse me?!” Mrs Baker questioned again, her eyes widening, more concerned.

“Uh, Honey come with me, and I’ll explain it to you.” Mr Baker stuttered, taking Mrs Baker away from the kitchen and into the bedrooms.

“Pretty smart, aren’t I?” Destiny smiled, from behind her suit.

“God.” Daniel choked on his laugh. “The smartest.”

“You’ll be the first girl without a dick.” David laughed, teasing her, without Destiny releasing it.

*Flashback Paused*
*Harry’s POV*

“Okay! Okay! That’s enough, Jeez!” Destiny cried.

“Oh my gosh,” Niall exclaimed, bursting into laughter, along with the rest of us.

“Stop!” Destiny cried, embarrassed. “I was a little girl.”

“An adorable little girl too.” I laughed.

“Why do we have to watch this?” Destiny pouted.

“It’s very entertaining, Honey,” Elizabeth laughed.

*Flashback Continued*
*No One’s POV*

For the next week, Destiny wore her yellow suit, everywhere. No matter what anyone did, no one could manage to get her out of it. So, Daniel and David come up with a plan to cut a hole in the yellow suit and see what happens next.

One day the kids went to the park, the day before school begun.

“Hey, Destiny! What to play tag with us?” Moe called to Destiny, as Nicki, Sid, and Diego were starting to set up game of tag.

“Yeah sure.” Destiny nodded. “I have my protective gear on.” Destiny smiled.

“Of course, …” Diego sighed, rolling his eyes.

“You know the plan, right?” David whispered to Sid.

“I got it. Don’t worry about it.” Sid nodded, whispering back.

“Okay! I’m it!” Sid exclaimed.

“Isn’t that what you don’t want, though,” Destiny questioned him.

“Run! Before I catch you!” Sid exclaimed, ignoring Destiny’s question. Destiny began running away, as Sid chased her. The plan was for Sid to cut a hole into her suit. As she ran, Sid got close enough to rip a hole into the suit on her arm, then tagging her on her exposed skin.

“Sid!” Destiny cried, noticing what he had done. “Why did you do that?”

“I - I’m sorry.” Sid apologised, startled by Destiny’s reaction.

“Oh my gosh! Now the disease is going to spread to me.” Destiny cried. She ran to a corner of the park, away from everyone else. Unexpectedly, she began to sob intensively. The hot, salty tears were flooding down her cheeks, and dripping off her chin. Everyone was startled by her actions, rushing towards her, concerned.

“Destiny? Are you okay?” Daniel worryingly asked.

“NO!” Destiny sobbed. “Sid touched me! Now my stomach's hurting. The disease must be spreading.”

“Oh … right. It’ll take about 30 minutes to completely grow, but it’ll be a lot of pain …” Daniel added, causing Destiny to cry harder.

“Oh my gosh. Daniel! Stop it!” Valerie exclaimed, cradling Destiny in her arms.

“Did it hurt a lot, when this happened to you?” Destiny asked Valerie, through her sobs.

“No, because it never happened,” Valerie says.

“Really? You must’ve been the first then.” Destiny frowned.

“No, because it’s not even true,” Valerie explained.

“What …?” Destiny questioned, as she stopped crying, wiping away her tears.

“It’s not real, it was just a stupid prank,” Valerie explains as she shot an evil look at Daniel and David.

“So … I’m not going to grow that thing, and I wore this yellow suit for nothing?” Destiny questioned, as she begun getting furious with anger.

“Yeah.” Valerie nodded, as Daniel begun to panic, as to what Destiny might do next.

“And it was Daniel idea?” Destiny questioned, irritated.

“Yup.” Valerie nodded, as Daniel tried to escape.

“You know what. I’m not angry …” Destiny says, calming down. She stood up, wiping away her tears.

“Really?” Daniel happily asks.

“Yeah.” Destiny nodded, with a devious smile. “Just after I do this.”

“What?” Daniel nervously asked.

“Valerie did you know that Daniel, went to a club last week, with his friends, to check out girls or something,” Destiny smirked.

“Destiny!” Daniel exclaimed, petrified.

“Daniel!” Valerie exclaimed, “Is this true?”

“Well … you see. I … yeah. Maybe. No -uh, I don’t know.” Daniel stammered on his words, as he desperately searched for the right words.

“Oh my gosh. It is true!” Valerie cried, storming off angrily.

“Oh God, Destiny. I’m going to strangle you after this.” Daniel says, outraged, hysterically trying to keep himself from killing Destiny, who merely smirked at him.

“Your girl is running away,” Destiny smirked, knocking Daniel back to sense, as he chased after Valerie.

*Flashback Ends*
*Harry’s POV*

“Wow. You’re such a bitch.” Ally laughed.

“I know.” Destiny shyly smirked. “But … like they are married right now. So, it didn’t even work. I was even the flower girl!”

“What a story.” Zayn chuckled.

“Now stop bothering me about sex,” Destiny demanded.

“True. True.” Elizabeth nodded.

“Now we can tease you about pickles.” Louis joked, receiving a death look from Destiny.

“You can leave now, Josh,” I say to him, noticing he was still around us.

“Just tell me when you want to know more about this one. I got so many other videos.” Josh chuckled, packing up his things.

“More?” Mabel questioned him, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. You didn’t know. The girl got pregnant once.” Josh shrugged.

“What?” We all exclaimed.

“You little – Oh my goodness! Let’s go!” Destiny angrily stuttered, pushing Josh away our table.

“Uh, no. You aren’t going anywhere until we get an explanation.” I sternly say, grabbing on to Destiny’s arm and pulling her back to me. She ended up falling onto my lap and tried avoiding the angry look on my face.

“Hey, babe.” Destiny nervously giggled, as I raised an eyebrow at her. At that very moment, the bell rang.

“Oh look. Lunch is over. Time for class. Don’t want to be late.” Destiny quickly spat out, trying to escape from me, just to pull back onto my lap.

“Yeah no. We have spare together now.” I demand.

“Yay…” Destiny sarcastically cheered.

“Well, we got the class. Tell us what happens afterwards.” Ally nervously says as she noticed I was started to get angry. She, Louis, Niall, Zayn, Mabel and June left for their next period classes.

“So, Destiny? Do you want to tell us about this other thing?” Elizabeth questioned her.

“No. Not really.” Destiny shook her head.

“Well, you have to.” Liam declared.

“But why.” Destiny pouted.

“Because! This is serious!” I exclaimed, seriously enraged.

“Hey. Hey! You can’t get angry with me. When you are the one who used to sleep with a new girl every single day!” Destiny exclaimed, getting annoyed at my anger.

“But you, aren’t suppose to be that type of girl. That’s why I dated you in the first place because you are different!” I say, irritated, gently pushing Destiny off me.

“Excuse me? Then, why do you keep pushing me to have sex with you? If I’m so different.” Destiny displeasing says to me, quickly getting up. Before I could say anything, she continued. “Well, whatever looks like I’m not so different. You’re getting angry before you even hear the story.” And with that, she stormed off.

“Destiny!” I called after her, getting to my feet, but she was already out of the school.

“Don’t bother going after her until you find out what the story is actually is,” Liam suggested.

“Yeah, I’ll go after her.” Elizabeth nodded, running after Destiny.

“Oh god … Josh, just show us the stupid video.” I sighed, before turning to Liam. “Great. Now Destiny’s angry at me.”

“Don’t worry. Let’s just watch this thing.” Liam says as I nodded in reply.



Woah! I just finished reading the whole story. I absolutely love it! Can't wait to start on your second story. Keep up the great work!

Thank you so much!!

Loved it! You're an amazing writer!

Amazing update ! Keep updating it!

Please update it!!!!!!