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Good Intentions ⇼ Luke Hemmings


I had nearly chewed my nail polish off by the time lunch rolled around, anxiously waiting for Luke to arrive. He was due at any moment, and because of this, Mr. Jones requested I cut my lunch break short. I had no problem with that, but I wished it could be twice as long so I didn't have to face Luke. As I sat in the break room, Mallory rushed in, taking the empty seat across from me and dumping the contents of her lunch onto the table. She didn't eat, though. She merely folded her hands and stared at me.
"We need to talk." She spoke in a hushed tone. Mallory had a habit of bringing lunch to work and never eating; in fact, I'm unsure whether I've seen her eat a single thing, but I wasn't in the position to comment about her unhealthy relationship with food.
"Do we?" I shoveled a forkful of salad into my mouth.
"I heard-" She paused as a co-worker of ours entered the room and shot him daggers until he finished making his coffee and left us alone. "That Mr. Jones hired your ex, Luke as a sales temp." She finished her sentence in a series of slurs, hoping not to get caught gossiping. Mallory's British accent was my absolute favorite feature about her—everything she said was smooth and different.

"Where did you hear that?" I laughed, not giving her a clear answer.
"Well, the janitor, Kenny was here late last night and overheard Mr. Jones on the phone talking to him about the job, Kenny is into Jane the janitor, and Jane told Gina from packaging. Then Gina told Paul in sales because she’d kind of into Paul and thought that'd spark up a conversation. Paul let it slip to Nico from sales and Nico has a thing for me, so he told me." She finished with a grin, clearly satisfied at her ability to remember.
"Jesus Christ." I rolled my eyes. "You're a fucking rumor mill." She shrugged.
"Is it true?" She pressed, biting her lip.
"Unfortunately." I frowned.
"A second chance?" She smirked.
"No. Definitely not." I refused to look at her as she shoved her uneaten food back in the paper bag. I followed her lead, standing to throw my food away. "I'm with Maiko." The words that slipped so easily before, now seemed to get caught in my throat.
"Right!" She scoffed. "Is that so?" Her tone was rhetorical. "Then you must love him, right?" She challenged me, picking up herself up off the plastic chair.
"I just might." I lied through my teeth, exiting the break room and heading to my desk.

The second I arrived, I was faced with an unpleasant sight: Luke. He was leaning against my desk. Clearing my throat, I didn't look at him as I sat down.
"See that couch?" I nodded my head toward the waiting section on the other side of my office. "It's put there for a reason. Get off my desk." He watched my every move as he straightened. I scanned his body quickly, not to be seen. He was dressed in a tux; as that was the proper attire, and his hair was quiffed as always. "You have paperwork to fill out." I slid the clipboard I'd prepared earlier to him and waited for him to take it. He began to walk to the other side of my office, to the couches. "One more thing." I roughly spoke, feeling no remorse. "We have formal attire here, no lip rings." Stopping in mid tracks, he removed the lip ring and buried it in his pocket before making himself comfortable on the couch. I sighed with discontent, feeling somewhat guilty by looking at him, and extremely hormonal once I realized how fantastic he looked in a tux.


"Romina Baker!" Our UPS man grinned as he walked to my desk. I noticed Luke stop filling out his treacherous paperwork as I stopped doing my work.
"Hello Benny!" I returned his enthusiasm as he pulled a vase and flowers out from behind his back.
"Special delivery." He set the vase on my desk.
"For Mallory?" He shook his head.
"For you." Blushing, I looked at the tag to see it was from Maiko. "These are for Peter." He handed me a stack of envelopes and a small box, which I set on my desk. "I need you to sign..." His voice trailed off as I scribbled a signature. "Have a good day, love," Benny smiled, exiting the building. As soon as he left, I called Maiko.

"Hi baby." I smiled, turning away from Luke's burning gaze. "I got the roses."
"Were they okay?" He asked, typing. I could tell he was in his office.
"They were perfect. Thank you." I glanced over at Peter's office to see him signaling me. "I have to go. Mr. Jones needs me. Thanks hun. Bye." Without a reply, I hung up and gathered my notepad and his mail. "Stay there." I warned Luke before meeting Peter.

"Hi." I mouthed, shutting the door behind me and handing him his mail before sitting down and patiently waiting. With a sigh, Mr. Jones hung the phone up and shook his head. "Fuck." He breathed, throwing is head back. "The Caraway delivery was cancelled." I frowned as he filed through the mail. "Just what I needed this morning." He threw the mail back down and pursed his lips. "Do I have any messages?" He asked.
"Uhm..." My voice trailed off as I looked at my notepad. "A girl by the name of Anna Pullman called. She said she was your lover, so I told her you were in a meeting." Peter laughed loudly.
"I don't want any calls from her." He directed. I assumed it was one of his one night stands.
"And your mum called when you were out to lunch, she is calling back around four. Steve Linge called to confirm a lunch on Friday I told him that as of right now, it is still on." Mr. Jones was silent for a while as he played with a pen.
"Okay. Thank you, Miss Baker. Is Luke here?"
"Yes. He's doing his paperwork." Peter nodded slowly.
"Alright. That's all. Thank you." I gave him a smile as I stood. "Wait." He stopped me at the door. "The flowers?" He questioned.
"Maiko." I blushed, holding the doorknob.
"Ah." He nodded. It was clear that he was out of work for the day, and merely wanted to make conversation. "I think I'm going to call my mother back. Don't expect her to ring at four." With that, I smiled and left.


"And this is your cubicle." My voice was barely above a whisper as I directed Luke to his workspace. We'd suffered an awkward tour of the building, and I was eager as ever to get away from him. "You're off at six thirty." I mumbled before trying to walk away. Luke caught my wrist as I was leaving and pulled me back.
"We're going to have to talk about it sometime." He growled in a low voice.
"We'll talk in hell." I glared at him, ripping my arm from his grip.
"Baby, I'm already there." His voice had grown raspy over the years, as if any conversation made hurt him. Rolling my eyes, I walked away.


Maiko and I sat on our couch, hardly speaking as I sipped tea and he drank coffee, he was buried in the newspaper, rereading his article, and I was watching Friends—a show he’s always hated. I sighed as Maiko lowered the paper, staring at me.
“I really did go all out on this article.” He grinned, proud of himself.
“Yeah, it was great.” I mumbled, hardly paying attention as I took another sip of tea. Maiko set the paper on our coffee table and sat back against the couch.
“Let’s go out tonight, Romina.” He smiled. “For New Year’s.”
“Yeah, let’s just stay in tonight, I don’t really want to-” He cut me off.
“Oh, come on. We never go out. It’s an important holiday. We’ve got to party!” He lightly nudged my knee with his as I set my tea down.
“No.” I sighed. “I’d rather stay in. I’ve already said no to Kaylee’s party, and it wouldn’t be right.” I frowned.
“So let’s go there.” He shrugged. “I want to go out.” I rolled my eyes.
“So go out.” I quietly scoffed. “I’m staying in.” Maiko took it upon himself to scoot closer to me and pull me on his lap.

“You can’t stay in if I go out. Then I wouldn’t have my New Year’s kiss.” He argued, squeezing my thigh. An idea dawned on me, and I positioned myself to straddle his lap.
“If we stay in tonight…” My voice trailed off, “Your New Year’s kiss can be down here.” I whispered, allowing my hand to travel to his crotch.
“Why would I want my-” He stopped, his eyes widening. “Oh! You’re talking about a blow job!” I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
“It’s a good thing you’re pretty.” I teased.
“As much as I’d love that, baby,” He began. “I’m gonna go out tonight.” Annoyed, I climbed off his lap and exited to the bedroom, slapping the door and doing something I immediately regretted—dialing Luke’s phone number.


CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY http://www.5secondsofsummerfanfiction.com/Story/64697/I-Promise/
Hello everyone, sorry for the boring filler chapter.
I hope it wasn't too sucky.
You should all follow me on instagram: thegirlwhitten
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@Allie Miller

ohhhh!!!! getting right on it

Same. Well, I guess you probaly figured that out from the reference and my profile picture of Gerard Way. XD

@Ana Hemmings'
I love MCR haha

OH MY GOD!! I cried so hard when their son died! I'm not okay(anyone else catch that MCR reference? No? Ok then.)! Please update this!!!