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She Belongs To Me

I Should Never Have Come Here

Harry's POV

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Louise asks as she walks me to the front door. I turn around and look at her.

"Normally I would have, but I've just got a few things to do. I've had such a good evening with you. Like I said, next time dinner is on me." I smile as I lean forward and kiss her cheek. She softly smiles as I pull away leaving a few inches between us. Her eyes flicker down to my lips and I sense she wants me to kiss her.

A little smile plays on my lips and I slowly kiss her soft warm lips. I feel her smile into the kiss as she reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck. I let my hands fall on her waist. I could easily stay here with her tonight, it's been a while since I've had sex or even been intimate with someone. Louise does give me a warm feeling that I just linger on too.

"I'll see you soon." I whisper as I pull away. I gently tuck her hair behind her ear and she nods in response.

"Thanks Harry.." Louise says as she kisses me once more. I thank her again for dinner and I open the door. "Bye.." She says as I head to my car, I wave with a smile and unlock my car. I watch her close the door, a shy smile is on her face again. She's so sweet, I can't help but smile at the thought of her shyness. I start the car and I pul away heading home.

I feel a little bit bad that I didn't stay with her, but I don't think it would have been fair on Louise if I stayed. I don't exactly feel myself and the last thing I want is to give off a bad impression. Stop being negative. Tonight was great and I'm glad I made the decision to go to her's; it helps take my mind off things.

I turn the radio on and I have no idea what the song is, it's quite catchy though so I start to tap my hands on the steering wheel. I stop at the traffic lights and I see a group of people laughing as they're stumbling home. I quickly glance back thinking one of the girls look like Stephanie. Of course it's not her as she's dressed as Cat Woman, but it made me remember that she is roaming the streets of London.

I stop looking as the lights change to green and I concentrate back on the road. Liam and Louis won't be home yet, I have some peace and quiet. I hope Louis doesn't bring back another girl tonight, I wish he'd just find someone who can make him happy and for him to settle down.
And Liam, he deserves a nice girl. He's had some girlfriends in the past as he told me a few stories. One girl he really liked, had to move away but to a different country. I could tell she meant alot to him as his words spoke so much disappointment. He described her to be angelic looking but she kept him on his tip toes. She always came across innocent but she knew exactly how to get what she wants. But Liam said she wasn't spoilt, she was clever. She knew how to get people on her side and he described being with her was often a thrill. I like the sound of her myself and I just wish Liam could see her again.

I didn't take long for me to get home. It's always better when there free flow traffic. As I park up I notice someone sat outside on the step. I open the car door and lock the car behind me as I slowly approach the person. Once I'm close enough I realise, it's Stephanie.

"Steph, what are you doing here?" I ask shocked as she looks at me. She's been crying as her make up is smudged, but she still manages to look beautiful. She stands up and I let my eyes scan her outfit. Fuck, she's hot.

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking properly, my heads such a mess right now." She sighs as she stumbles back. I quickly reach forward to stop her falling. She slowly pulls away from me. I can smell the alcohol on her breath.

"You're drunk.." My heart sinks, she's only here because she's drank too much.

"I couldn't go on with them, it brought back too many memories. So I jumped off in time." She says ignoring what I said. She shakes her head. "Then I thought about you and our argument. I said some horrible things." She adds.

"It doesn't matter, I think you should sleep this off Steph." I say and she and frowns.

"I'm trying to make things right, why are you brushing me off?" She asks offendedly, I sigh as I scratch the back of my head.

"Because I don't want to do this when you're drunk. You'll completely forget in the morning that any conversation took place." I say as I walk towards the door. "I'll make you a coffee." I add and she shakes her head.

"I don't want a coffee. I want to talk to you." She snaps, I open the door and ask her if she's coming. She tries to be stubborn so I slowly close the door. "Fine! I'll have a coffee." She snaps as she pushes the door open.

I'm still angry at her for everything she said to me. But I'm only being nice because she's in a drunken state. I'm not a complete twat to turn her away on the street. I signal her to take a seat on a dining chair, but she's too busy looking around. I let her wander as I put the kettle on.

"So I finally get to see where you live." Steph says from the living room. I don't say anything as I walk in and see her sitting on the sofa. She looks up at me. "Nice place Harry."

"Thanks.." I say as I sit on the arm of the chair. She continues to look at me. "Does Niall know you're here?" I ask and she shakes her head. Great, this isn't going to look good.

"I'm sorry for the things I said Harry, but I'm not sorry for how I feel." Steph says as she looks away.

"I have to admit, your words hurt me. But I guess you were right. You're surviving fine without me and you don't need me anymore either. But you said you never wanted to talk or see me again." I answer and Steph looks back at me.

"I wanted you to realise that I'm no longer the girl to just keep crying over you.I've learnt how to deal with things and it has turned me into a bit of a Bitch. I guess I wanted you to hurt like I did." She says and I look away from her. Louis and Liam were right.

"So why are you here now?" I ask as I stand up and walk into the kitchen, she follows me and I start to make coffee.

"Because things shouldn't have went how they did. I was angry that you just turned up. I didn't think I'd see you and it did make me feel vulnerable" Stephanie folds her arms as she says this.

"Maybe turning up was a big mistake, I've learnt that. But I know how happy you are now and you've moved on, with Niall." I say as I place the two coffees on the table, we both take a seat opposite eachother.

"Niall is a great guy.." Stephanie starts and I roll my eyes. "What?"

"I know he is, I still speak to him. But I had no idea you two liked each other, it's a bit odd for me if I'm honest." I snap and Stephanie frowns as she looks down at her coffee.

"We just happened, I felt lost without you for a while. He was just there for me, even when he wasnt visiting it was by Skype and text. Then feelings just emerge-" I stop her as I can't hear this.

"I don't want to know how you two fell in love. Do you know how much of a kick in the teeth that is?" I snap as jealousy starts to wave over me.

"We aren't in love, it's not been long enough." Steph mumbles and I look away. "Harry, I just wanted to see you." She adds and I look at her confused.

"Why? I'm not in your life anymore?" I ask and she sighs as she gently blows her coffee and takes a sip.

"Because I can't seem to get you of my head." She says quietly and I sit back. How can she say this? It's everything I could wish for her to say, but too much has happened. She's with Niall. "I try so hard but you keep coming back."

"It's not fair for me to hear this Steph. I love you still and I wish I didn't." I say and she looks down disappointed. "You've got Niall now, I have to deal with it and you need to focus on him." I add and I can't believe those words just left my mouth.

"Everything is such a mess." She sighs as she leans forward on to the table. Truth is I don't want to deal with her being with Niall, I want her with me. Since we were kids we hit things off, I hate the thought that another guy can make her happy.

"If I fought for you, would you still choose him?" I ask and Stephanie looks at me shocked by my question.

"How can you ask me that?" She asks as she sounds a little annoyed.

"Because I don't understand why you're really here." I say as I sip my coffee. She stands up and starts to pace the room. I look at her as she stops and turns to me.

"I don't really know! I haven't seen you for six months, then when I do we have an argument and I.." She stops as she leans back on the counter.

"Do you still love me?" I ask and Stephanie looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

"What?" She asks and I repeat my question. "How can you ask me that?" She asks as she looks away.

"It's just a question. I mean you must feel the same as me. That's why you're here?" I ask and Stephanie laughs as she shakes her head.

"I've told you I don't know why I'm here, I was at the London Eye and it all got me." She snaps and her phone starts ringing. I finish my coffee as she rejects the call and looks at me. I stand up and place the empty cup on the side, I look at her as we're inches apart.

"You didn't deny it." I whisper as I take in her familiar features. She looks at me and I swear eyes flick to my lips.

"I have to go." She says as she continues to look at me. "I should never have come here." She adds.

I become brave as I step forward and I place my hands on her waist. I can't help but feel turned on by her outfit. All the hate I had towards her has been put to the back of my mind. The way it clings so tightly to her.body draws me in. She looks at me, a little bit of fear shows in her eyes.

"Don't.." She whispers as I lean forward and she closes her eyes. I gently kiss her cheek and pull away. She looks puzzled as she opens her eyes and remove my hands from her waist. I'm not that disrespectful to Niall, I'd never try to convince Stephanie to cheat. No matter how much I want her right now.

"I'll call you a taxi." I say as I walk away from her and I take my phone.

Stephanie's POV

I watch him Leave the room and I let out a heavy sigh. What the hell just happened? I thought he was going to kiss me and when he didn't I felt...disappointed.

No, I can't feel like that. What am I thinking? seeing him was a big mistake on my behalf. How could I be so stupid?

"Taxi will be here in five minutes." Harry says as he walks in with his hands in his pockets. I nod as I thank him.

"Harry, I don't want anyone knowing I came here." I say as I bite my lip. He nods as he looks at me and then looks away. I forgot how good looking he is, when he left I let all my anger was out all the good in Harry.

"I won't say anything" Harry answers and I thank him. My phone rings again, it's Niall. He must be so worried. I quickly open a text and tell him I am on my way. I hate lying but I know I have no choice. "Your taxi is here." Harry says and I look at him. I nod as I follow him to the door.

"I guess this is our final goodbye.." I say as I look at him. He looks at me and sighs.

"It doesn't have to be." He says and his words make my heart race. This isn't good, the way he's making me feel really is not good at all.

I don't say anything as I know I'll see him again. I can feel myself being emotionally pulled towards him like before. I walk to the taxi and I open the door.

"Bye." I say as I climb In and he shuts the door. He opens the passenger door and looks to the driver.

"This should cover it." Harry says asnhe hands him some money. The driver nods and before I can object he closes the door and walks back inside as the taxi pulls away.


Oh no, Stephanie is going to get herself in such a mess. Looks like she's got a lot of thinking to do.
and Harry needs to make his mind up whether he's going to fight for Stephanie, or try and concentrate moving on with Louise. Ah, it's all a mess right now and it's only going to get messier.

what did you all think of this Chapter?
I hope you like it as much as I did writing it :)


Thank you :) xx

So good! Thank you

Thank you so much, lovely to hear you have enjoyed Harry and Stephanie's journey. I'm a little sad I've had to let their story go, I enjoyed them so much. I'm glad you stayed with us until the end :) xx

Thank you so much, lovely to hear you have enjoyed Harry and Stephanie's journey. I'm a little sad I've had to let their story go, I enjoyed them so much. I'm glad you stayed with us until the end :) xx

Oh. My. God.

I havent been on this site in a week, but when I come back I saw all the updates. Loved this story, and I aslo adored the first one. I'm so happy I was a part of this. Lots of love!!! xxx

mmcdade mmcdade