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World So Cold

~Chapter 5~

Hoping to God that nobody would come in my room, I quietly walked into my bathroom and took the rubbing alcohol, then dipped a cotton ball into it.

I started to dab it gently on my wounded nose and winced in pain each time. My nose was really burning so I splashed some water over it and put a bandaid on it.

I walked out of my bathroom and threw myself on the bed. I stared at my phone like an idiot waiting for something but I didn't even know what. It couldn't be Liana because she didn't even give me her number and I didn't give her mine.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heared a knock on my locked bedroom door.

Was that what I was waiting for?

"Hello, is anybody in here?" My mum said while the door knob moved back and forth.

I tried to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't hear me.

"Ugh, he locked it, where is that key?" Crap, she's getting the key, SHES GETTING THE FUCKING KEY. What the hell do I do?

I looked at the open window and shook my head but I heard her walking back. It's only like 10 feet up, I can't hurt my self, right?

I thought no more and jumped out the window. I landed safely on grass and ran away so my mum wouldn't see me if she looked outside.

I ran to a nearby park where I found a bench to sit on. Then took out my phone and repeated the actions that i was doimg back in my bedroom.

Realizing that it was probably lunch in school right now, I got up and started to walk away, until I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." I mumbled while I picked up the pace, but was interrupted.

"Calum, what happened?"I heard a small voice say from behind me.

I turned to see it was Liana. Oh shit, the one I try to avoid finds me, not anybody else but her.

"It's nothing don't worry about it." I turned around but she tugs at my shirt, making me face her.

"Who did this to you?" She asked, staring right into my eyes. I couldn't tell her, and I couldn't be near her either right now, what if he's watching? I looked down and said nothing.

"Calum, who did this to you?" She raised her voice.

"I-I." I stuttered.

"Spit it out." She was in full mother mode right now, even through she was certainly not one.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry but now I really have to go." I said while pulling my hand out of her very tight grip for such a small girl, and ran away. I hope Luke didn't see us here.

I look around and see him walking into the park looking down. Well I guess he didn't see? But what's up with him?

~Lianas pov~

He's lying, I know it, it's what everybody does. I should've known that he had the ability to do that too.

I went to sit on a park bench when I noticed Luke walking into the park and taking a seat on one of the benches. He looked a bit...off.

I noticed him staring at his key chain. Oh that's right, he was missing that red charm. I didn't know what the deal with that was but he always carried that thing wherever he went so it must be important.

As i began to walk away, I saw him glance up at me, but back down to his hands. He looked alone and I wanted to be nice and ask what's wrong, even thought I hate him to death.

"What's wrong? You seem a little off."!I stated, standing infront of him. He looked up at me.

"Like you care." Luke scoffed.

"You're right, I don't. But you look like you need somebody to talk to." I said, taking the empty spot next to him.

"I'm fine. Really." He mumbled. Well then.

"Are you sure?" I asked, scrunching up my nose.

"Yes." He whispered softly. I got up and watched the expression on his face as he looked at the key chain. What in this world could be so special about one little charm, plus, he's a guy.

There was really no use in getting him to talk to me so I excited out of the park doors and took a small walk on the side walk. I noticed I had some bread in the bag I was holding so I feed some to the birds. I gigled at how fast they flew to the bread, they must have been hungry.

I was still alittle mad at Calum for lying to me but that's what my life is full of, lies. And I was stupid for falling for his.

I realized that I should've started heading back to school so I started walking the other way.

Now it was time for the class I hated most, PE.

And you want to know why? Well you'll find out.


Hi, thanks for all the nice comments!!!




Guys this is on the first page of the popular section okay bye

Awwww thank you so much<3!!!!!

Congrats on 100k!!! You deserve it<3


I just finished reading this and dont know what to do with my life anymore