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World So Cold

~Chapter 4~

~Liana's pov~

Calum dropped me off at my house today. I don't know what the fuck just happened but a popular boy from school dropped me off home. At least I know now that I have 45 minutes away from all that I hate.

I ran right up to Angelica's room to find the most embarrassing things of her. God knows what Drea would do to me if I didn't give her all the shit she 'needed'.

I soon found a few very embarrassing pictures and videos of her. Perfect.

The first video was of her as a five year old cursing people out. The second video was of her singing. And that's scary.

The first picture was a disaster school picture. The second one was her as a baby in the bath.

I texted all of these to Drea before I ran into my room really quick, and lied on my bed. I tried to act natural so my mum wouldn't expect anything.

Oh shit! I totally forgot to ask for Calums number. Oh well, he probably didn't want to give it to me anyways.

I don't get why he is friends with those people, they are all so ignorant, rude, trashy, and a bunch of assholes. But he is such a gentlemen, and like a cuddly little bear.

Forget that last thing.

I drifted away in thoughts until I soon realized I should probably be heading back to school.

Getting up from my spot, I realized how much I didn't feel like walking, so I grabbed my metro card and walked to the bus stop..



I walked through the doors and grabbed the stuff I needed from my locker. I got everything I needed until lunch so I would have to come back here. This is the bitch territory and I try to stay away from them.

Beep beep beep. Yup, bitch alert. Oh and yeah, what signaled that was Drea's hand on my shoulder.

"You got my stuff yet?" She asked with her eyebrows raised.

"One, its technically not your stuff, and two, check your phone." I respond before pushing past her and walking away.

I went into my next class but couldn't focus. I kept thinking about Calum. Where is he? He has this class with me too.

The bell soon rang and I went to my next class. On the way there I tried to see if I could find Calum, but I was stopped by someone.

"Looking for someone?" He smirked. Luke...

"No." I said blankly, trying to walk past him.

"You sure." Oh how much I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

"What do you want Lucas?" I rolled my eyes, annoy clear in my voice.

"To know why you were in the car with Calum." The smirk was now gone, and his crystal blue eyes showed anger.

"Why do you care?" I scoffed.

"He's not going near you ever again." He said seriously.

"Go fuck your self." I waved him off before pushing out of the way and walking to my next class.

What the hell was that all about? Now I'm really wirried about Calum. I can't imagine what happened.

~Calums pov~


Every punch hurt more than the last.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU GETTING FOR GETTING NEAR HER!" Luke said, swinging another punch.

"You can't control me, If you like her, make her like you back, don't take it out on me that she fucking hates you." I seeth through my teetg, probably risking another punch, but he just stands there looking down.

don't know that." He mumbled before walking away.

End of flashback

I really hope that she won't notice the fact that my cheek is bruised. I'm skipping school today. I could care less. This kid must really like her.

A lot.....


So some shit went down rn.

Dont kill me plzz



Guys this is on the first page of the popular section okay bye

Awwww thank you so much<3!!!!!

Congrats on 100k!!! You deserve it<3


I just finished reading this and dont know what to do with my life anymore