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World So Cold

~Chapter 24~

"Why are we stopping" she asked thinking we were gonna go further.

"This is my aunts house, well hopefully be safe here" I assure her as we get out of the car and walk to the door step.

I ring the doorbell and my little cousin comes out.

"Hey Luke, what are you doing here, and who is this" she asks looking at me and Liana.

"This is my girlfriend" I said and I noticed she blushed and looked away, it was fun telling people that.

"Can you go get your mum please" I ask as she nods and brings my aunt out.

"Hi Luke" she says pulling me into a hug.

"Hey, ughh this is my girlfriend Liana" I say again and just keep loving the feeling when I say that. She pulls Liana into a quick hug.

"Can we come in" I ask and we are led into the living room.

"So you both look very serious, what's going on" she while Liana looks at me.

"My sisters ex, also known as a douchbag" Liana starts as I cover my mouth quickly so I don't laugh. "For some reason he's trying to do something that will completely ruin my sister, he first told her to go die in a hole and of course she almost killed herself, she was in a coma for about 3 weeks" Liana adds as tears well up in her eyes. "Apparently that wasn't enough for him so now he thinks by ruining me, he could ruin her" She finishes as she lets the tears fall and I hold her tightly and she cries in my shoulder.

"So why did you guys come here" my aunt asks.

"We don't think Ashton will look for us here" I say.

"Wait, this is about Ashton" my aunt asks surprised. "Wow I thought you too were best friends" she adds.

"Were" I mumble.

"Well I guess you guys could stay in the guest room" my aunt says pointing to it as me and Li stand up and walk into it. I quickly shut the door behind me.

"Luke I'm scared" she sobs. I quickly sit next to her and comfort her.

"Don't worry Li, if he gets anywhere near you I will literary kill him" I say and she turns to me with that 'seriously' face.

"Luke, please stop thinking violently, you know I hate it when you do that" she says and I give her an 'I'm sorry' face. "I'm still scared" she adds looking at me.

"Hey, we could do anything you want to get your mind off things" I say as she gets out of my grip.

"Is there a pharmacy near here, I have to get some stuff" she asks and I nod. We exit the room and the house. We get into my car and I start it.

We drive to the nearest pharmacy and Liana got a phone call.

~Liana's pov~

I quickly answered the phone call from Gabby and already knowing she was worried and was wondering where I was.

"Hello" I answer.

"Hey Li why were you and Luke absent from school, and why aren't you home? Everybody is worried" she says in and oddly shaky tone.

"Sorry, I ditched with Luke and we went to his beach house" I say leaving out what happened last night.

"Okay but where are you now" she asks through the phone with the same shaky tone which was confusing me a lot. It was almost as if she was nervous about something.

"I'm with Luke at his aunts house" I respond.

"Why" she asks confused and the shaky tone went away.

"I'll explain everything to you soon, hopefully, but I'll call you back later" I say as me and Luke walk into the store.

"Okay, bye" she says hanging up.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and turn to Luke who looked kinda nervous.

"Who was that" he asked.

"Calm down, it was just Gabby" I respond as he nods and calms down.

I walk through the store and grab the certain things that I needed which wasn't really that much but we were still there for a while.

"Is that all you need" Luke asked carrying the basket.

"Ya I'm pretty sure" I say looking through the stuff. "I'm good, let's go pay" I say taking his hand and we began walking to where we check out our items.

Luke stepped away for a second because he got a phone call but just kept walking.

I bumped into somebody and mumbled a quick 'sorry' but after I looked up, I saw a face I never wanted, or thought I'd see ever again.


~Angelica's pov~

"Mum, where is she" I asked looking around the house as much as I could with a sore leg, neither of us could find Liana, nor knew where she could possibly be.

"I don't know but I'm sure she's just out with friends" my mum said but knew right away that was not helping.

"I can't believe the day I come back home, she's no where to be found" I say taking a seat on the couch and laying my leg out on a pillow. And the least she could do is tell us" I continue. "I need to talk to her" I say more to myself that part but my mom might've heard it.

I got off the couch and tried my best to walk upstairs and into her room. I saw that her bed want even made, which it always was, and I saw clothes everywhere, including a boys. Oh no she didn't.

Her bathroom even was kind of messy, wow she was probably in a rush to do something this morning, probably completely forgetting about me.

Honestly I don't even know what to do with her, I left her like ten texts but none were answered. I'm really pissed at her right now. I am ignoring her from now on, let her see how it feels. She barely even came to see me in the hospital since I woke up anyways. Why should I care? It's not like she does. (A/N: Even though I'm writing this, I'm gonna act like I'm reading it, ANGELICA, SHES DOING ALL THIS FOR YOU YA LITTLE SHIT, YOU SHOULD APPRECIATE IT)

~Gabby's pov~

I hung up the phone and looked up at Ashton.

"Was that good enough for you" I scoffed at him.

"Yes" he said smirking.

"What do you even want to do with her" I ask with tears welling up in my eyes. "Please don't hurt her" I whimper as he looks straight at me and raises an eyebrowl

"You know, you wouldn't even be friends with her if it wasn't for Luke" he said making my blood boil, but it was true.

"Ya, because I never realized what a great friend she was" I mumbled and remembered that he was out to get her and all the thoughts went through my head of what he might do to her.

He walked up to me and tucked a piece of my blond hair behind my ear as I looked disgusted.

"Love-" he started.

"Don't call me that" i gritted through my teeth.

"Whatever, I'm going" he said almost exiting.

"Oh yeah one more thing" I said making him turn around.

"Yes" he said.

"Go fuck your self" (A/N: again, WERK GABBY)



Can I get fifty or more by Christmas, that would be a nice present<3



Guys this is on the first page of the popular section okay bye

Awwww thank you so much<3!!!!!

Congrats on 100k!!! You deserve it<3


I just finished reading this and dont know what to do with my life anymore