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World So Cold

~Chapter 21~

~Luke's pov~

I woke up the next morning in Liana's bed and Liana in my arms.

"Good morning baby" I whisper in her ear and she smiles.

"Morning Lukey" she whispers back getting even closer to me than she already was.

We both fall asleep for another half hour until I realized something.

"Li" I say trying to get her attention but i was failing.

"Hmm" she says still with her eyes closed.

"We have school today" her eyes shot open and looked at me. "And school had already started" I added and we just started laughing at our stupidity and realized we were still naked.

"I'm gonna get dressed" she said still laughing while she lifted the covers and put on her clothes. I eventually did the same.

"Let's just ditch today" I suggest as she gives me an 'I don't know' look.

"I've never ditched before, and I don't want to get in trouble" she says braiding her hair in the mirror.

"We're gonna get in trouble for being 2 hours late without a reason so there's no point going" I point out as she just shakes her head and giggles.

"Okay Lucas, but if we get introuble I'm saying you hypnotized me" she laughs and I just lay on her bed.

"Deal" I say and she looks at me.

"Huh" she said sarcastically jaw dropping.

"I said deal" i said wide smiling. "Are we gonna go or not" I ask as I get up from her bed and stand next to her,

"Fine" she says and my smile grows. "Where too" she says wrapping her arm around mine.

"It's a surprise" I whisper in her ear.

We exit the house and walk into my car. I have one hand on the wheel and the other on her leg as her hand is on mine and we interlock fingers.

We drive for about 20 minutes and I realize we need gas. I find the nearest gas station and exit the car to fill it up.

~Liana's pov~

I was in the car looking through the window at Luke with the gas thing in his hands.

I could only wonder where we were going, we've been driving for about twenty minutes and we were still in town. By the looks of his face and, well everything else about him, I could tell that we weren't even close.

He got back into the car and started driving again. I noticed that a few minutes later, we left Sidney.

"Luke" I say and he turns to me. "How much longer" I ask.

"15 minutes" he assures and I try to get comfortable in the seat. After all we were gonna be here for a while.

We soon pulled up to a house along the beach. We excited the car and I looked around in amazement.

"Do you own this house" I say turning to him.

"We own everything you see in this area, quite nice huh" he asked as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front steps.

He searched through his pockets and pulled out a key.

He opened the door and my draw dropped in amazement.


In the honor of chapter 21

Yoo stoopid
No I not
Whas nine plus teyn
Tweny won;)

And sorry it's short, tomorrow's gone be long tho.



Guys this is on the first page of the popular section okay bye

Awwww thank you so much<3!!!!!

Congrats on 100k!!! You deserve it<3


I just finished reading this and dont know what to do with my life anymore