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When I'm Gone


Louis' POV

“I still can't believe you never got her last name.” Harry shakes his head. “She really made an impression on you.” He elbows me to make me laugh.

“She was pretty admit about it. Probably a good thing, she was super attractive, probably wouldn't be the best idea to exchange numbers.” I try to convince myself.

“Yeah, but you could have passed the number on to me.”

“What would you do with it? You can have anyone, Kate has been through enough, she doesn't need to fall in love with your stupid charm.” I'm always honest.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. How are things with you and Eleanor?” He asks propping his feet up on the table.

“Um, we're okay. She didn't want to come to Grimmy's party last week, so I went by myself. She's out with some friends for lunch right now at some cafe. She keeps texting me to join her but I don't understand why she can't come to things that I want to do, yet she gets mad when I don't join her on her adventures.” I roll my eyes at yet another text I receive from her.

“You should go.” Harry nudges me.

“Yeah, I know.” I cringe at the thought of driving in traffic. “I need to hit up the market before I go, out of crisps.” I stand and adjust my pants and walk to the kitchen to find my wallet and keys.

“So if you see Kate again will you get her number?” Harry is obviously stuck on her, but he's my best friend, just from the stories I told him I can see she's captivated him as well.

“Maybe, London is a big place Harry, I don't think I'll ever run into her. Get out of my house.” I tease him as we walk out and go our separate ways to our cars.


I text Eleanor to find out the address to the cafe and find out a store just a few blocks down. I pop in and out with ease and head back down the street to the parking lot. The thought of sitting with all of her friends as they banter back and forth bores me to death but I know this is good for us and if she want's me there then I'll be there.

I pull into the parking lot and slam on my breaks when a black SUV almost hits my car while trying to back up. Idiot drivers. Probably on her phone. She stops and I pass around her looking for a spot.

Terry's Cafe. How exciting.

I hear Eleanor's friends before I see them, loud and chatting back and forth. I open the door for a lady dressed in an odd frock and tip my head in hello as she thanks me. Oddly enough I smell peppermint, reminds me of Kate.

“Louis! You made it!” One of Eleanor's friends, Georgia is it? I'm terrible with names.

“Yes, hello everyone.” I pull a chair up next to Eleanor and kiss her on the cheek. I get a slight smile from her as she returns to conversation.

I listen and put a few words in here and there as they chat among themselves.

I grew up with a bunch of girls, but I'm really not into useless banter about clothes, shoes, and what someone wore. I don't care at all. I find myself looking around the cafe, people watching. I swear almost everyone I see reminds me of Kate. The woman with the baby, the woman with long brown hair, the man reading a book in the corner. This is just nuts. I shake my head as if to get the thoughts out of my brain and try to return to conversation.

“So Louis, are you guys going on tour anytime soon?” Whitney? I think that's Whitney asks me.

“Um, not that I know of, we're usually on tour right now but I think Simon's letting us take a break for a bit, next tour isn't scheduled till after Christmas. So I'll have the next four months to annoy Eleanor.” I tease and slightly nudge her to get her attention.

“Oh, that will be nice El! You guys can go on holiday and relax.” She suggests. I look to Eleanor to see her response and all she does is shrug her shoulders and sip her tea.

“Yeah, we'll have to plan something. Excuse me, I'm going to use the restroom.” I scoot my chair back and walk to the bathrooms, I don't really have to go, I just want to get out of there. What is up with Eleanor? We tell each other everything but I swear I'm missing something.

My phone pings and I reach in my pocket to check it.

Hey- Simon wants us to hit up the Children's ward of the hospital on Tuesday. It's Harry. We haven't visited a children's ward in a long time.

What time? I ask looking around to see if anyone notices me.

Around 10, just make the rounds like usual.

Sounds good.

I always hate visiting the children's ward. I know it sounds terrible but I hate seeing little children who are sick and their parents who are beyond worried, just waiting for news. Harry and Zayn always get emotional. Liam, Niall, and I always try to cheer people up and it usually doesn't work. But if Simon want's us to do it, I guess we don't have a choice.

I settle back in my seat and put my hand on Eleanor's thigh, she brushes it off automatically. I'm sure I give a nasty face, what is the matter. What did I do?

“Well we're going to head out.” Eleanor stands up and I take my cue. Didn't know we were leaving but whatever. “Bye ladies.” I wave my goodbye and follow El out the door.

“What is going on Eleanor?” I ask her once were out of range.

“What are you talking about?” She asks sweetly. It's almost sickening.

“You're brushing me off, ignoring me, are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?” I ask.

She stops in her tracks and turns around to me.

“Are we ever going to get engaged?” My eyes wide.

“Where is this coming from? We're still young. I thought we were on the same page.”

“Well Zayn and Perrie are younger and engaged, Liam and Sophia got engaged a few weeks ago. We've been together longer then both of them.”

“I know we have, I though we were okay with where we are in our relationship? I didn't realize you changed your mind.” Left field conversation.

“Don't change the subject Louis. Are we ever getting engaged?”

“I suppose sometime, I haven't given it much thought. I'm not ready for that.” I shrug my shoulders, hardly the place for a private conversation, a public street.

“I knew it.” She throws up her hands and turns around.

“Eleanor! Wait!” I catch up to her and stand in front of her. “I love you El. When I propose I want to make sure it's a good decision and we're both ready for it. We have plenty of time to get engaged and get married.” I explain to her my thoughts on the matter.

“I just thought we'd be engaged by now.” She looks away from me almost embarrassed.

“I'm sorry if you thought that but I'm just not ready.” I pull her chin to meet my gaze and kiss her. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” I hug her and walk her to her car then turn around and walk towards mine.

Jesus. That's what this whole thing has been about? Her whole mood? Because we're not engaged? It's just not for me yet. I don't want to go down that path just yet. We're still young, I want to have fun once you get married people are constantly asking when you're going to have kids and I'm for sure not ready for that yet.


Just want to get this out there before anyone freaks out...I have nothing against Louis and Eleanor. I think they're great, it's just a story.


Anyone catch Louis and Kate's missed meeting?? :)

Thank you to everyone whose voted, subscribed and viewed this story!! I'm still struggling to let go of Elliot and Harry so writing about Kate and Louis is just a bit different. :) Hope ya'll continue to like it.



@Nuta Vira
Thank you so much! Sorry for the delay, where do you want to post the story at?

WOW! It is best story ever! I want to ask you. U know,I am russian translater. And if you say yes, I will translate your story and publish it in russian fanfiction. Please, answer^_^

You read the WHOLE thing in one sitting?! :) I'm glad you loved it, means a lot that you're taking time out of your day to read my other stories. Feel free to am check out the other two!! xo

I originally read your Niall Horan story (love it), but since you are taking a break, I read this story. I started 4 hours ago and just finished it! I loved every word!!! You are such a great writer! :)))))