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Basic Space

Chapter 13

Mikey’s POV

“Just let me get my stuff, okay?” I say at Calum. He’s already in his car. It’s drizzling outside, so I jog to the door, and when I enter, I find the living room empty. I go in Luke’s room. He is on the floor, still sleeping, and Addie is on his bed. Her breaths are even. I don’t know how long we’ve been talking outside, but I guess it was long enough for her to fall asleep.
I take my backpack and leave.
Calum, thankfully, is still waiting. I get in the passenger’s seat and we drive off.
“Can you slow down? I don’t want to die today” I say. Attempt one to make him ease up – failed. “Cal, what’s up? Come on” I say.
He was so vague when we talked outside. Like, he went into this big speech how stupid he is and all that self-loathing. But he wouldn’t say what was actually bothering him.
“Marissa is with Stephen” he says. I don’t say anything. So not the time for an I told you so. A moment passes and he continues “She’s not sick, she stayed the night there, and she lied to me this morning” He says.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I say surprised. He is clenching the wheel so hard, that his knuckles are white. “How can she do that?! All that Stephen is like my brother bullshit never fooled me. Glad you are finally opening your eyes and-“
“Really not in the mood for the I told you so right now MIkey” He cuts me off.
I shut up.
“Yeah” I say. “I’m sorry” I say, and when he doesn’t respond, I add “I’m sorry that you have to go through this…” I say.
A hint of a smile on his face. Progress.
He’s not speeding anymore. In fact, he is coming to a stop. We’re in front of Stephen’s house.
“Woah, woah! Cal!” I say, but he is already reaching for the handle. I panic and click the lock-all-doors button on his car.
“Let me out, Mikey” He says, still trying the car. I quickly take the keys and sit back.
“Can we talk about this” I say. I am so up for going and kicking Marissa’s ass, but I’m pretty sure Stephen will do more damage to us that we’ll do to him.
“That’s what I’m going to do” He finally faces me.
“Cal! Seriously! She’s not worth it, okay?!” I raise my voice as he reaches for the keys. “Just stop for five seconds!”
He does. The car is quiet.
“Michael-“ He stats, but I cut him off.
“Cal, just listen to me for once in your life, okay?” He says nothing “You’re gonna go in there and what? They won’t care Calum! She never did, and Stephen sure as hell doesn’t care about you! Okay?”
He breaks our eye contact and looks ahead. His eyes are tearing up. Cold hard truth can be a bitch.
“So what do I do then? What do I do, Michael?” He says, still not looking at me. I don’t have the answer.
“Get her alone, and talk to her. Not in front of Stephen, Cal. Don’t give them the satisfaction.” I say. He nods and after a little bit, when I see his muscles relaxing, I hand him the keys. He puts them in the ignition and we drive off.

Calum’s POV
I drive off. Stephen’s house disappears behind us after I make the turn at the end of the street. I don’t really know where I’m going. I stop at a gas station, and after I pay for the gas, I park it on the parking lot.
Michael looks at me, giving me time to say whatever I need to say. But that’s just it. I don’t know what I want to say.
“How did you know?” he finally asks me. And then my mind goes back to Addie in Luke’s bed, staring at me with her jade-green eyes, and then I remember the living room. I overreacted, I know. And I feel horrible about it. But why didn’t she tell me earlier? She knew, and she didn’t say anything this morning. I must’ve looked so stupid sitting there, waiting for Marissa to come out of her house, when she knew all along that she was at Stephen’s.
“Addie” I say. Just that.
“What was with your fight in the living room?” He asks.
“She knew. All day, she knew and she didn’t tell me” I say. “She had no reason not to tell me.”
“Well, she doesn’t really have a reason to tell you, either” He says. I snap my head in his direction.
“Are you seriously defending her?” I say. I don’t know why but this hurts more than the whole Marissa-Stephen situation.
“I’m just saying, you’ve been a dick to her” He says, looking away.
“Do you like her?” I ask. A question I’ve been dying to hear the answer to. He shrugs.
“I guess” He says, and then looks at me “But I’m not defending her because of that. I’m just saying-“
“I get what you’re saying” I cut him off. “You think I want to be a dick to her? I just don’t want to give Marissa more reason to hate her and bully her” I say. I am protecting her.
“Mate, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she can take care of herself” He says. “You are seriously underestimating her”
“I’m just trying to make her life easier” I say. It’s true.
“Do you not get it?” He says to me, looking at me like I’m blind, or some shit. “She couldn’t care less about Marissa and what she thinks about her. She’s not a fragile china doll, Cal. Marissa is taunting Addie because she thinks that you like her” He says. My cheeks begin to flush. I look away, hoping that Mikey can’t notice it. “But I mean, can you blame her? Addie is…” he says, and then looks ahead. The rain is getting stronger, tapping on the glass. “She is smart and funny, and stunning…if I were a girl, I would see her as my competition too…”
I realize I’m smiling, picturing Addie’s face in my head. How she hides her face when she laughs, and I can still smell her scent in my car.
“Oh my god” Mikey says. He caught me smiling. Really hope he can’t read my mind. “Cal, do you like Addie?” He asks. He can’t know.
“Not like that” I say “But I want to be her friend. And I just…I think I’m more driven towards her because Marissa doesn’t want me to be. It’s stupid” I say and look down. Not a whole lie.
“Fuck what Marissa thinks. She’s been controlling your life for too long” I nod. We both agree on that.
After our talk, which ends there, really, we go get some food and then I drive him home. After that, we make plans to hang out tonight and then I go home as well. Addie’s door is opened. I park my car and get out. Should I?

Addie’s POV
I must’ve fallen asleep, but I wake from being too cold. I left the door open because it was really warm in here. Or I was just really sweaty.
My wet clothes are on the floor, and I am just wearing an oversized shirt, which I found at the bottom of my clothes. I get up and put on a pair of long pajama bottoms. As I do that, my phone rings. Mikey.
“Hey” I answer.
“What’s up?” He asks.
“I’m cold, so I’m putting on more clothes” I say getting under the duvet.
“Are you okay?” He finally asks after a small pause.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I answer.
“Well, you and Calum had a fight and I just…I wanted to check up on you” He answers.
“Well, I’m fine. Honestly, I’m so done with him” I say. Not completely true, but I’m still angry with him. “He can’t blame everyone around him for his own damn problems”
“Preach it” Mikey says. I start laughing. I want to ask how Calum is, and if they talked it out and what he plans to do, but that will kinda ruin the I’m so done with him attitude I just expressed to Michael.
“What are you guys doing tonight?” I ask and the quickly add “And by you, I mean you and Luke.”
“Well, me and Cal are gonna hang out and play video games in my basement.” He says. Ouch, okay.
“You have a man-cave?” I say, fake excitement and all that.
“Ha-ha funny.” He says and then laughs for real. “You can come if you want”
“No thanks.” I say. “I don’t plan on another confrontation with Calum. You guys have fun” I found it really hard to reject this offer, though.
“Come oooon” Mikey says “We’ll plan on how to destroy Marissa” He laughs.
“Yeah, I don’t want to talk about her or spend one ounce of my energy on her anymore. I’ve had enough of Marissa for this lifetime” I say.
“Fine” he says “suit yourself.” I smile victoriously. “Alright, imma go. My mom’s calling me. See you tomorrow”
“Bye” I say and then we hang up. I stand up and walk to my door. It’s still raining outside. I look at the house opposite mine, and hear the front door of it close. I see Calum’s car in the driveway. He must’ve just gotten home.
I retreat in my room, and close my door.

Calum’s POV
I feel like someone punched me in the stomach with all their might. My eyes are stinging, and none of this is because of the Marissa situation. I kind of came to terms with that way too fast. All that talking Mikey and Luke did prepared me in a way. I wasn’t that surprised to be honest.
But still, I was swallowing a lump that was forming in my throat. I went to my window, and I saw Addie’s window and door. It was closed now. Did she know that I was just outside? I guess not. Sounds creepy, but I went to apologize, to tell her that I am breaking up with Marissa, and that I want to be her friend. But she was on the phone. With Mikey. Who likes her. And she likes him, obviously. Why wouldn’t she?
It takes all my strength and power not to actually cry. What is wrong with me? I mean, I like her a little, but not enough to be this jealous. Am I jealous!? What?!
“Cal?” My sister says from behind my door, she slowly opens and looks at me. I’m on my bed, staring blankly into my history textbook. “You okay?” she asks.
“Yes.” I slowly answer. “When did you get home?” I turn to her.
“A few hours ago” She says. She comes in and sits on my bed. “You kinda passed me on the stairs there. I said hi” She says to me. I did? I don’t remember.
“Oh…sorry” I say. She eyes me, but doesn’t push me.
“So, I heard we have new neighbors” She says, not really changing the subjects, in my world, at least.
“Yeah” I say, pretending to read.
“Twins. At least that’s what mom said” She crosses her legs, leaning back on her elbows.
“Yep” I answer shortly.
“I love when you’re pretending to study” she says, nudging my knee with her hand. I smile. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave.” She says and walks to the door. I don’t stop her. “What are you doing tonight?” She asks from already outside the door.
“I’m hanging out with Michael” I say and before she can invite herself, I add “Guys night”
“Fine. But tomorrow after school, we hang.” She says and then smiles mischievously “I need to update you on my life. And you need to update me on yours.” She then closes the door.
Great. I have to talk about Marissa with her. I don’t think anyone in my family really likes her, including me right now. They all pretend for my sake, but soon they won’t have to anymore.
This time when I come back to my history book, I study for real. No doubt there will be a quiz tomorrow and I can’t let my grades slip again like last year.
I study until it goes dark outside. I call Mikey, telling him that I’m on my way, and then in a few minutes, I am in my car and driving over to Mikey’s. I noticed that Mrs. Benson’s car is not in their driveway, and that mom’s not home. How ironic that our mom’s are becoming best friends, and Addie can’t stand me. Mali was on her laptop in the living room, partly talking to someone on facebook, partly watching some crime show. I told her where I was going and then I was out.
I was looking forward to spending time with Michael. I just really hope Addie doesn’t come up. Or Marissa. It’s wishful thinking since Michael is trained not to talk about Marissa, so only one option is left. Great.


Hey guys! SO i haven't had internet all day, so I wrote like almost 4 chapters. I'll post one today and two tomorrow and yeah. I've been going a bit crazy without the internet.
So here is chapter 13. Enjoy
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rereading bc i miss this

still waiting for the next chapter :/ sorry to rush, I just love this fic so much! it was the first i ever read on this site

Awww sorry for being like inconsistent and shit. I wasn't with Jem (that's my laptop's name. We all name our electronic devices, let's not pretend) so I couldn't write, but I am finally in writing mood :D