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Pancakes & Pain

Rachel's P.O.V.

I collapse onto my bed, phone in hand.

Skylar wasn't picking up, I was starting to get worried.

At first I thought maybe she was staying at Lukes or something, staying out all night. But now I was seriously starting to freak out.

I sighed, hanging up.

The last two days had been crap here without her.

I hadn't hung out with Louis properly since he had stormed out. He was acting oddly cold towards me.

And Tricia had been busy with Zayn.

I had pretty much spent all day Saturday lying around watching television and on the internet so I really had to do something today.

I sent Skylar a quick text then, deciding she might just be busy. Some people went home on weekends.

'Give me a call whenever you can. I'm getting worried. Hope all is good! xx'

Once it had sent, I rolled off of the bed. I needed to do something. Anything.
I dialled in Louis number and listened intently while it rang.

He didn't answer. No surprise.

I rolled my eyes as I exited out of it.

He was being completely ridiculous. I still wasn't sure why he had gotten so mad on Friday but he had. And I was pretty sure he still was.

I sighed and then searched for another number. Once I found it, I hit the call button.
Holding the phone up against my ear, I prayed he answered.

"Hello?" he finally said.

"Ashton! Hi, it's Rachel" I told him.

"Oh Rachel, hi, what's up?" he asked.

Sighing softly, I ran a hand through my curly mess of hair that I now had left down loosely.

"Well, honestly I'm bored out of my head here. Do you wanna meet up and get a coffee or something?" I blurted out quickly.

I heard him chuckle slightly on the other end.

"Sure, sure. Theres a café near your dorm, right?" he replied.

I nodded, then realising he couldn't see me answered him.

"Yeah, see you there in like 20 minutes?" I turned it into a question.

"Sure. See you then " he replied cheerily.

The line went dead after that.

After fifteen minutes I headed out of the room, towards the café he was talking about.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed he was already sitting there, on the right, focused on his phone.

"Hey" I greeted him, sliding into the seat across from him.

He glanced up at me and smiled.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"Bored. Insanely bored" I replied.

He rolled his eyes, fake pouting.

"What, doesn't poor little Rachel have any friends?" he teased.

I playfully punched him.

"Shut up!"

He laughed.

"Your my friend though riiiiight?" I whined like a child, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Why else would I have just dropped everything I was doing to come hang out with you Sunday morning?" his voice was still teasing.

I smirked slightly.

"Cause you were so busy" I mumbled sarcastically.

"I could have been busy!" he retorted.

"Sure" I just shrugged in response.

He narrowed his eyes but then laughed a little.

"Okay then Ms. Smarty Pants, I guess since we're here we might as well get some breakfast. What do you want?" he asked, taking hold of the menu in front us.

"Are there any pancakes?" I asked hopefully.

He nodded.

"Then that is what I'll have" I told him, grinning.

"Pancakes sounds good, I'll go order" he offered.

He hopped up out of his chair, heading towards the counter.

I took out my phone as he did to see if I had any messages from Skylar. Nothing.

I sighed slipping it back in my pocket.

Within a few minutes Ashton was sitting next to me again.

"Louis" he said, sitting back down in his seat.

I frowned in confusion.

"No, I'm Rachel" I told him.

He shook his head, pointing to the door behind me.

I turned around and gasped slightly at what I saw.

Louis was walking in with some gorgeous brunette, laughing.

He walked up to the counter not noticing I was there, still chatting to the girl.

"Who's that girl he's with?" I asked Asthon, not taking my eyes off of them.

"Eleanor. Eleanor Calder" he replied softly.

"Do you wanna go Rach, you seem kinda-" he continued but I cut him off.

"No. I'm fine. Louis can date whoever he wants it's not my decision" I mumbled.

And even though he had never shown and real indication of wanting to be more than friends with me, I felt hurt and betrayed.



For some reason i am liking Ashton, i haven't finished the book yet but Louis seems tl be getting really angry and jealous. I am kind of rooting for Ashton. So far with what i have read, Ashton is a lot nicer to Rachel than Louis plus Louis is always hanging with his exes. I don't know but my opinion could change once i finish the book.

I'm only reading this story now even though its like a year old but omg yes your comments I agree 100% with you Louis obviously cares about Rachel and yeah Ashton's a nice guy but Louis is so good to her and he even apologised to Ashton for starting a fight with him, even though Ashton was hitting on Louis' girlfriend. Louis had every right to be mad!

@Aqsa Hassan
Aw, thanks! :)
Merry Christmas!

I love this book! Cant wait to start the sequel :)

"Court" love that word :p :)) :D