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Rachel's P.O.V.

Me and Tricia spent the next hour hanging out with the boys. Tricia gave Skylar a quick call to see if she wanted to come to the boys room, but she was busy - with Luke from what I had understood.

When it got to half ten I decided it was time for us to go back to our own room.

"Okay guys, we have early classes tomorrow and it's a long walk back to our room. We should probably get going" I announced, getting the attention of the others.

Tricia frowned slightly from where she was sitting on the floor, her legs resting across Nialls lap.

"Your probably right" she mumbled, sitting up slowly.

I was still squashed between Louis and Liam.

"I think I'll come with you guys" Louis decided suddenly, once I had stood up.

I turned to give him a confused look, along with the others.

He just shrugged, standing up.

"Its pretty late. It might not be safe for ye to be walking alone" he explained.

I crossed my arms at that.

"And we'd be so much safer with you?" I asked.

He smirked slightly.

"Well of course" he joked confidently.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but grin.

"Fine then, if you insist" I gave in.

We headed out of the room then the three of us, and Louis grabbed a jacket from his room before heading outside.

"So" Tricia began. "How long have you two known each other?"

I looked at Louis, indicating that he should tell her.

He shrugged.

"We met last Christmas when I stayed at Harry's" he told her.

I smiled slightly as I thought back.

Louis was extremely nervous when he showed up at the house. He had only stayed for a couple of days, but I was sure he felt he was overstaying his welcome.

There was no need for him to worry however, our mom adored him right away. Once he felt a bit more comfortable he really was great to have around.

He even tried to cook dinner for us once. Lets just say that was the day we ordered take-out.

"Yeah, I really love it.."

I pulled myself out of my train of thought, trying to concentrate on the conversation they were now having.

"Louis, can I ask you something?" Tricia questioned suddenly.

He looked a tad confused at the question. After all, she didn't really know him. What could she have to ask?

"Sure" he replied shrugging.

"Well why exactly did you get annoyed and make Rachel leave the party yesterday?" she asked, keeping her voice calm, yet she was smirking now.

Louis raised an eyebrow, looking at me.

"I didn't really think you'd be telling people about it" he said genuinely.

I shrugged.

"Well Ashton was in our room and-" I began explaining but he cut me off.

"In your room?!" he had stopped walking now at this point and had turned to face me.

"Well yeah, Skylar made friends with this guy - Luke. And then he brought his three friends over - Ashton, Calum and Michael" I told him, narrowing my eyes slightly.

"You know if Harry found out he was in your room-"

"Well he's not going to find out! Is he Louis?" my eyes narrowed more as I spoke.

He narrowed his eyes too.

Then he sighed, giving in.

"I guess not" he muttered, turning around then to keep walking.

I was a little confused at why he seemed so bothered.

What difference did it make to him whether or not Ashton was in my room?

"Your not honestly mad are you?" I frowned, following behind him.

He shrugged a little but didn't elaborate.

"Louis, how could this possibly bother you?" I asked exasperated.

He turned again quickly, causing me to walk straight into him.

"I just.. I just don't think Ashton's the right guys for you" his voice came out a lot quieter than before.

I wanted to ask why but instead I just rolled my eyes.

"I barely know the guy Lou. He's a friend of Skylars. Not mine" I told him truthfully.

He nodded slowly.

I had almost forgotten Tricia was with us until I heard her clear her throat awkwardly.
"Well c'mon then, let's get going. The boys will be wondering where I am soon" Louis murmured, turning again to continue walking.

When eventually we got back to the room, I let Tricia walk in first and then turned to thank Louis.

However before I had a chance to say anything he spoke.

"So, about that pizza we talked about earlier. How does Friday sound?" he asked.

I felt myself smile slightly.

"Really? Louis Tomlinson wants to spend his Friday night getting pizza with his best friends little sister?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He sighed.

"Please stop saying that. Your my friend, okay? I don't just think of you as Harry's sister" he told me, his voice sincere.

I nodded.

"Okay Louis. Friday sounds good for pizza" I agreed, with a shrug.

He smiled in response.

"Great. Night Rach" and with that he was walking away.



For some reason i am liking Ashton, i haven't finished the book yet but Louis seems tl be getting really angry and jealous. I am kind of rooting for Ashton. So far with what i have read, Ashton is a lot nicer to Rachel than Louis plus Louis is always hanging with his exes. I don't know but my opinion could change once i finish the book.

I'm only reading this story now even though its like a year old but omg yes your comments I agree 100% with you Louis obviously cares about Rachel and yeah Ashton's a nice guy but Louis is so good to her and he even apologised to Ashton for starting a fight with him, even though Ashton was hitting on Louis' girlfriend. Louis had every right to be mad!

@Aqsa Hassan
Aw, thanks! :)
Merry Christmas!

I love this book! Cant wait to start the sequel :)

"Court" love that word :p :)) :D