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Dollhouse saga; "Forever always, For eternity "

Confessions of a Wanna be Queen

**Back in Jensaona Thrown Room - Same Day**

Louis POV

"I’m pregnant with twins?" Isla asked in disbelief as her hand flew towards her belly.

“Not exactly love. You are pregnant with two babies, but they are not twins. One baby is mine and the other is Liam’s,” I aid as I walked over to her and took her into my embrace.

“Is that even possible Louis?”

“Yes love. It’s possible for a human to release more than one egg and it’s possible for those eggs to impregnate by two different beings,” I continued to hug her as I tried to explain.

“But I’m not human any longer!”

“True, but you were born human and apparently your body, in some ways, operates as a human. We’ve just never had a situation like this before,” my father explains to Isla.

“Wow. This is just incredible. I can’t believe this. It’s amazing news. I’m going to be a mum. Louis, Liam, we are going to be parents!” Isla’s face lights up and my heart explodes with joy. Liam walks over to us and embraces us in a hug.

“It’s wonderful news Isla. I couldn’t be happier or more surprised,” Liam says. It makes me so happy to see the darkness left Liam and my old friend has returned.

“Louis! I can’t believe I’m going to be a nan! I love you all so much!” My mum runs over to us and hugs and kisses all three of us.

“Oh, I just realized. My baby won’t have a nan or other family,” Liam says sadly and my heart breaks a little for him, but he doesn’t realize he isn’t alone anymore. My mum beats me to the punch.

“Liam, don’t say that. You are family. Felis, please tell the dear boy. He won’t believe it unless he hears it from you.” My father walks over towards us.

“Liam, I know I have never given you cause to think anything other than that I hate you. I’ve apologized and explained myself. Now, I hope you will believe me that you are family to us and we will treat your child like our own grandchild.” My father embraces Liam and we are all overwhelmed with emotion at my father’s words and actions. I tightly hug Isla and my mum. When my father and Liam separate, I grab Liam into a big, bear hug.

“Somehow, some way Liam we will be brothers for life.” I hug him again tightly and Isla squeezes both of us tightly.

“I hate to ruin this happy occasion, but there is some urgent official court business we must attend,” my father announces.

“Excuse us- “Liam is cut off by my father.

“No, Liam and Isla you need to be present for this. Guards bring in the prisoner!” My father bellows.

Moments later, in walks Katheen bound in silver shackles and surrounded by guards and I am stunned and sadden at the scene. I look over to Liam and I notice he is glaring at Kathleen as is my father. Regardless of what she’s done, she’s been my friend forever and I find it difficult to believe she’s betrayed us. Kathleen looks at me and I can tell she is begging for mercy, but I don’t think I have it in me – she jeopardized Isla and Liam by disobeying. The betrayal runs too deep. But how can I stand by and allow my childhood friend to be destroyed? I’m conflicted even with my anger. My father’s booming voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

“Courtess MaCoire, you are charged with treason and disobeying direct orders from your king. How do you plead?”

Kathleen remembers herself and rises to her full height, taking a proud stature.

“Not guilty.” Liam and my father scoff.

“On what grounds do you base your plea?”

“I acted in the best interest of the kingdom,” Kathleen states matter-of-fact.

“Proceed to state your case should you desire mercy from your king.”

“This crown is supporting an abomination!” Kathleen surprises all of us with her outburst.

“Abomination?” Liam spits out and I have to restrain him from going after Kathleen.

“Yes! You have no right to insinuate yourself into Louis and Isla’s relationship, creating a mongrel with the future king’s future wife, and compromising our kingdom! You should be destroyed and I would have succeeded if I had a few more minutes! I would have rid the kingdom of your pathetic existence Liam and Louis would have been forever grateful to me!” The hatred in her voice creates a rage within me I cannot contain.

“Grateful?! To you?! I came to you for help when I thought I had no other options! I wanted Liam to have peace! You tried to condemn him to total destruction! I could never be grateful to ANYONE who would destroy the man who would be my brother and jeopardize my precious Isla’s existence! I detest you!” I seethe. Isla tries to calm me down by rubbing my shoulders, but my anger is palpable and nearly impossible to quell.

“Louis, calm down son. Liam and Isla are okay. We will deal with Cortess MaCoire’s betrayal.” My father places his hand on my shoulder and gives me a reassuring squeeze and sympathetic smile. He understands how our futures could have been permanently altered had he not intervened in time.

“Now Cortess, please tell me were my instructions to you clear when I contacted you in the portal?”

“Yes your kingship.”

“Do you remember what I instructed you to do?”


“And what was that?”

“You told me to detain Liam in the portal.”

“Do you remember what I asked you to do when you informed me Liam was out of the portal?”

“Yes, you told me to bring him back in and wait for you and Louis to arrive there.”

“And did you follow my instructions?”


“Why not?”

“Because Louis’ only chance of happiness was to get rid of Liam so he could have Isla to himself.”

“That’s not why I asked you to take Liam! I told you it was for him to come out of his dark place and find eternal peace! You know that Kathleen! You know I agonized over this! And when you knew that it wasn’t necessary, you purposely chose to harm Liam! How could you?” I can’t be silent.

“I won’t apologize! I only regret I didn’t get to finish the job! I could have gotten rid of Liam and Isla would have turned on Louis and he finally would have realized he was supposed to be with me!!!!” We all gasp at Kathleen’s confession.

“What?! You did this because I thought I would be with YOU?!” I. Am. Stunned.

“Yes you fool! You are too stupid and too busy romanticizing about your precious whore Isla to realize you should be with me! We are the same!”

“We are NOTHING alike! I thought of you as a sister! You acted like you loved Isla!” I am disgusted. This betrayal is worse than I imagined.

“Love that skank who fucks ghost boy instead of devoting herself to you? She’s not fit to clean my shoes!” I snap and completely lose self-control. I storm over to Kathleen past the guards, grab her by the neck, and raise her off the ground with one hand and watch her struggle.

“Louis! I have not pronounced verdict! Put her down,” my father firmly scolds me. Reluctantly, I let go and watch as Kathleen falls to the ground. I lower my face to hers and whisper in her face with as much venom as I can muster, “I hate you and I hope you rot in hell for all eternity.” I turn and walk back to Isla who is in tears from what she witnessed. She runs the last few steps to reach me and throws herself into my arms kissing me.

“You disgust me you whore!” Kathleen screams and Liam has to hold me back.

“ENOUGH! Courtess MaCoire you have shown not only did you disobey your king and commit treason, but you carried out your actions with an intent to cause great harm to this crown, my son, his lover, and best friend. I find your actions beyond redemption and sentence you to total destruction.” Ten minutes ago, his verdict would have rattled me. Now, I am glad for it.

“Father, I will carry out the sentence. I caused this trouble by my actions and I need to take responsibility by carrying out this sentence.” My father raises his eyebrows in surprise.

“Louis, are you sure you are able to do this? Regardless of what’s transpired, you had a long friendship with Courtess MaCoire.”

“Yes. My friend ceased to exist once she betrayed all of us.”

“Very well. Proceed.” I take a deep breath and walk over to Kathleen.

“Rise. Guards, unlock the shackles and hand her to me.” It’s Kathleen’s turn to look stunned.

“Louis, you can’t do this! I love you!” Kathleen pleads.

“Kathleen, I can and I will.” I grab her arm and drag her towards the grate on the floor. I push her to her knees and she attempts to turn around to look at me. Instead, I rip her head off and then break off both of her arms. One of the guards hands me a torch and I light her body on fire. That is the end of Kathleen and I feel no remorse. I turn and look at my family and Isla, Liam, and my mum run to me and engulf me in a hug. My father is on his thrown when he speaks.

“Louis, I am amazed my son. You’ve showed immense bravery and protected the crown and your family – all your family. Today, you proven yourself worthy as a king. I decree that you will take the thrown once proper arrangements can be made for your coronation.” I walk over to my father, kneel in front of him, and kiss his ring. He pulls me to my feet and hugs me tightly.

“Thank you father for your trust in me.”

“You’ve earned it son. I look forward to enjoy watching you rule and raise your family.” I smile at the thought. “Go take Isla and rest in your suite until the evening feast. I have coronation issues to tend to and Liam can help me. Come Liam.” Honestly, I never thought I’d see the day those two would work together.

**In Louis’ Royal Suite**

I carried Isla to my rooms and laid her down on the bed. She looked tired and I know she needed rest considering she’s carrying two babies. It’s incredible that in the span of the next seven months, I will be crowned king and become a father. There is only one thing I need and that is for Isla to be my queen and there is only one way that will happen.

After lying with a sleeping Isla in my arms for two hours, she begins to stir. She’s restless and begins to mumble “stop” and “no”. I fear is having a nightmare of her attack. I rub her shoulders and make soothing sounds to calm her. Eventually, her eyes flutter open and she is relieved when she sees me.

“Louis, I dreamed Marcus attacked me and you were too late.”

“Nonsense, I never would let anything bad happen to you. I would cease to exist without you.” I lean down and kiss Isla. She smiles when we pull away.

“I love you Louis. Oh, I mean King Louis,” she giggles.

“Are you mocking your future king?” I raise my eyebrow and pull a face of fake anger.

“Um, yes!” Isla bursts out laughing and I can’t help but join in.

“Ah Isla, I love you.” I kiss her again and this time when we pull away she has a dreamy look on her face. “Isla, I was thinking about my coronation.”

“It’s very exciting Louis. I’m so proud of you.”

“Yes. Well, as I said, I was thinking and there is something that every king needs.”

“What’s that Louis?”

“A queen,” I watch as realization dawns on her face and I pull a small black velvet box from my pocket and she gasps. I crawl off the bed pulling her with me. She stands in front of me and I get down on one knee before her.

“Isla, I knew the moment I saw you that my life would never be the same. I had no idea how right I was. My existence means nothing without you. I want to share every day of forever with you. I love you so deeply no words can adequately describe the depth of my love. Will you do me the honor of being my wife, my queen, together forever always for eternity?” I pull out the 10 carat ring that belonged to my great-great-great nan and Isla gasps throwing her hand across her mouth and her eyes are huge.

“Louis! Yes! Of course I will marry you! I love you!” I am so elated. I slip the ring on her finger and jump up to kiss her. I lift her and spin her around as we kiss. When we separate, I put her down and we stare into each other’s eyes.

“Shall we go tell my parents and Liam?” I ask.

“Yes!” We run off in search of them.

**Later That Evening**

Well, mum cried like a baby when we told her the news of our engagement. My father was so proud. We were so excited to tell Liam and then we both became a little nervous at his reaction, but he was happy. He said he always knew that we would marry. That was a relief.

So, after the evening feast and celebration of mine and Isla’s engagement, Isla, Liam, and I decided to have evening tea in my suite and talk by the fire. We made our way to the topic of baby names.

“We’ve been at this for hours, we have seven months boys to name these babies,” Isla whines.

“George Alexander Louis Tomlinson if the baby is a boy!” I cheer.

“Why so many names?” Liam questions.

“I have three names. George is a patron saint of England where we lived with Isla, Alexander for Alexander the Great leader, and Louis for me!”

“I actually love it Louis!” Isla perks up.

“Okay, one name down three to go! Come on Liam. You have to come up with something better than ‘John’,” I jab at him.

“Samuel Ethan. Samuel for my father and Ethan for my great-great grandfather,” he says.

“I love it!” Isla and I blurt out at the same time and all three of us laugh.

“Okay, we’ve finally got the boys named,” I feel accomplished.

“Well, I think I should have more input into the girls names then,” Isla pouts.

“Sure love,” I give her a kiss and she smiles.

“Okay, I like Olivia Grace if Louis and I have a girl. It was my great-nan’s name.”

“That’s a beautiful name Isla,” I praise her for her choice.

“Okay, and if I have a daughter what are we naming her Isla?” Liam asks.

“Amelia Madison. For my two best friends I left behind in the human world.”

“Isla, I can’t imagine a more perfect name,” Liam says and gives her hand a squeeze.

We sit up for another hour or so talking about our soon-to-be children and the future. Eventually, Liam leaves for his suite of rooms my father arranged for him. Isla and I retire to bed. I hold her all night in my arms. As much as I wanted to make love to her, it had been an extremely long and strenuous day and she needed her rest. I lie in bed with my entire world in my arms thinking about that in the near future I will be king, she will be my wife and queen, and we will have a prince or princess to love and raise together along with my step-child.


So, what do you think? Did you see that coming with Kathleen because I didn't until I wrote it lol.

Hail King Louis!

Let's hope the real Louis doesn't get hurt on the pitch tomorrow/today (depending on where you live)!


OH PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!! I know this know this book updates slow but omfg please just update date! This book is so amazing! !!! This book is beautifully written and i just can't wait for an update, these is the most perfect book I've read in my life!!! I started crying alt the end of chapter 40 when she gave birth and was comparing the babies with Louis and liam..please update!!!

awwwwww !! omg please update soon !

I was a total groupie over Dollhouse which, as ELMO told you, led to me getting to co-author the sequel. I love her characters and the first story was awesome.

LouisLady LouisLady