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Listening to Niall

The kiss

It is nearing Saturday and I was feeling much better after the conversation I had with Niall a few days ago. I was afraid it will set me back and I would have to start over again with mending my heart, but for some strange reason it hadn't. Hearing him apologize, and telling me how much he wishes we were still together strengthened me, and I managed to pick my head up from the ground and be myself again.
My project was coming along, things coming together, I was doing well with my other classes and I felt as if all the pieces which fell apart are starting to come together.
It was early morning on a Thursday and I was running down the stairs swiftly to meet up with Harry for our morning jog.
"Good morning sunshine" He was leaning on the fence his hands on his hips and wooly hat on his head. 'Sunshine' was his morning nickname for me and I kind of liked it.
"Hi" I smiled shoving him playfully as I started jogging not waiting for him to regain his balance.
"You're happy today" He noted catching up to me.
"I feel happy" I smile at him and pick up the pace. We began our trail silence falling between us as each of us was sucked in to their own thoughts. It was still cold out, but it wasn't raining, and the gray mist wasn't as strong as other mornings. I could feel the summer inching closer, and with it came some more warmth to my heart.
"You're different today Jay" Harry spoke up once we slowed down.
"How so?" I bend holding my hands to my knees trying to catch my breath.
"I know I said you look happier today.. But I feel it is more than that.. Care to share?"
"There is nothing to share.." I shrug and start stretching my arms as I turned to head back.
I haven't told my friends about the conversation I had with Niall. Even Eleanor didn't know about it, since she wasn't in when he called. I think it might be because I felt my friends started to choose sides and I didn't like it. I mean, we were all friends and obviously El would be on mine, but her being with Louis pushes him to take hers and turns him against Niall which I felt wasn't fair.
"Jamie" Harry pulls me out of my thoughts.
"Sorry…" I muter
"Where did you go just now?" He smiled in question
"Just thinking.. what were you saying?" I replied
"Never mind" He shakes his head a smirk tugging at the sides of his mouth. I smile to myself as we make our way back to the dorms.

I got out of the shower, my hair dripping. I step into my room a towel around my body, just as Eleanor was getting up.
"You lost weight" Eleanor sat up squinting at me.
"Good morning to you too hon" I roll my eyes.
"No, I'm serious, you did" She went on.
"You're going to be late" I tell her, changing the subject as I picked out some clothes for me to wear.
I hear El shuffle out of bed and to the bathroom. When she is gone from the room, I stand in front of the mirror letting the towel fall to the floor. I had lost weight, but not as much as she made it sound. I had a hard couple of weeks, with all the stress I've been in, but I am better now. I am eating again, and running again, so there is nothing to worry about.
By the time Eleanor is back I am dressed and on my way to make some coffee.
"How was the run?" El called after me
"It was good" I answered her, filling the kettle up with some water.
"So I was thinking.. remember you went some time ago to see Harry's friend, the one that works at the gym?" Eleanor was standing at the door pulling on jeans as she talked
"What about him?" I knew where she was headed but I wanted her to say it out loud.
"Maybe you should see him again" She said carefully.
"All right" I shrugged, deciding it is better to just agree with her, then anything else.
"Oh.. good" She wears a brief smile and heads back into the room, to finish getting ready for school.
Once we climb into the car and say our morning greetings Eleanor reminds me to call Harry.
"What for?" Zayn asks
"I think she should go get checked out, now that she is back running and stuff" Eleanor says
"Gosh El, you're acting like her mum- you've got to stop" Perrie turns to look at her. For some reason Louis stays quiet not taking part in the conversation, which I was glad of.
"What is the problem? I am looking after my friend that is all" El spreads her hands in surrender.
"There is looking out and there is being a mum" Zayn speaks up
"It's fine really" I finally say to stop them from arguing.
I knew why Eleanor was doing this. She was worried. Usually Niall was the one to point things like this out and make sure I am taking my Vitamins and all, but since he is no longer in the picture Eleanor feels she has to look out for me.
Perrie and I our let off at our building and we walk together to the entrance.
"Are you going to go for a checkup then?" She asks obviously thinking it was a stupid idea.
"I think so.. maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all" I shrug
"Fine, well I'll see you later" She kisses my cheek and walks off to her classroom.
I stride over to where my next class takes place and enter the room. Rachel and Lea are already in class and wave me over.
"Hi girls" I smile as I approach them.
"Hyia Jay, what's new?" Lea looks up from her laptop.
"Not much, what are you two doing?" I look over their shoulders to have a look at the screen.
"We got an email with the times for the final project" Rachel answers.
"Gosh it is all so close" I say, going over it.
"How is your project getting along?" She asks
"Umm, it's all right" I say nonchalant. I haven't told any of my classmates about working with a company, and I wasn't about to share that information now.
When class is over I walk to the cafeteria to meet with the gang, when I reach the table Harry and Eleanor are already there.
"You never called Harry" El says when I sit down
"That is because I knew I will see him now" I say patiently. I knew she meant well but she was starting to annoy me.
"It's all right, what time do you get off today?" Harry asked
"At 16:00" I answer. I don't look at him, but at Eleanor and the satisfied look on her face.
"All right, I'll meet you then and walk you there" He said.
"Hello guys" Zayn and Louis sat down at the table.
"Hi" I smile up at them. Louis leans in to kiss Eleanor before turning to us.
"So Jamie, it's your birthday next week" He says
"Yeah, no we are not having a party" I point my finger at them
"Come on Jay, it'll be fun" El tries to convince me.
"I don't want one" I stand my ground. Last year I almost didn't show up for my party. Niall had to lie to me to get me up and out of the flat. I will not be fooled this time.
"We can talk about this later" Eleanor says when she sees my face. "So Louis and I were looking at dates for the wedding" She beamed
"Gosh!! That is so exciting" I smile. I was happy to talk about their wedding, it was something to look forward to.

Harry was waiting outside the door of my classroom at 16:00 sharp. I didn't ask how he knew which classroom I was at, just greeting him with a smile and walking by his side silently towards the gym.
"Why does El want you to get a checkup so bad?" He asked as we neared the building.
" She was acting kind of strange about it ha?.. she thinks I lost to much weight or something" I shrug.
"Well, we'll see about it now then" Harry said pushing the door open, letting me pass him as he held it ajar.
"Styles! How are you man?" Mike called out. He was holding a punching bag while this girl threw punches at it. We waited on the side for them to finish. I actually had fun watching, it seeming quite cool, boxing…
"All right, Jamie how are you?" Mike had a towel around his shoulders as he stopped in front of us.
"Good Mike, and you?" I smiled up at him.
"So Jamie needs a check up, to make sure she is at the right weight and all is good" Harry touches my shoulder as he explains what we're here for.
"Great, follow me then" He signs us to come after him. I get up and follow, Harry at my heel, his hand on the small of my back.
"So are you two dating yet?" Mike asked. I frown and look back at Harry who was glancing down at the floor.
"Why would you ask that?" I say confused
"Well, I heard you and Horan broke up, and since you two used to date, I thought you might give it another go" He pointed to the pedestal, letting me know I should get on it for him to weigh me.
"How are your bruises?" He asked when I got off.
"Fine, all gone" I say simply. Harry was in the room, but leaning on the wall by the door staying quiet.
"Good, I'm glad to hear, so it seems you're fine, you're not under weight or anything so" Mike smiled.
"Great! Thanks! Hey- I was wondering- do you give boxing classes? I mean- I saw that girl out there and I was just pondering.. maybe I should try that out.. it seems fun" I blush
"I'll tell you what- why don't you come see me tomorrow at about 14:00, you can check it out and see if you like it?" He offered
"I will! Thank you" I smile.
Harry and I walk out of the gym.
"You can't take up boxing Jay" He finally said
"Why not?" I demand to know "Because I am a girl?"
"No.. well it isn't for you.. you are too delicate" He answers
"What is up with you lot? First Eleanor and now you? I will do as I please" I say angrily
"No point to get upset at me, I was just speaking my mind" Harry held up his hands in surrender.
"And I heard your mind and I don't agree" I answer him "And what was that talk in there about us dating? Where did he get such an idea?" I question
"Because.. there has been this rumor going around, saying that now that you and Niall are broken up, you and I will finally get together" He says quietly
"Is that what you want?" I stare at him in astonishment.
"It doesn't matter what I want.. You are still so deeply in love with Niall you won't be able to look at another guy for a long time"
"And if I was ready.. is that what you want?" I ask again stopping his pace by taking hold of his hand.
"Yeah.. I would want to give it a go" He finally answered.
I search his eyes which are a light green now. Are eyes are looked in a gaze I can't bring myself to break. I had always wondered about Harry… I don't love him, I am just drawn to him, but maybe if it is not meant to be with Niall, it can work with Harry?
I take a step closer to him. I reach out and step on my tiptoes, putting my hands on his chest as I tilted my head up to him. He knew what I was doing, leaning his head down so I could lay my lips on his. I kiss Harry, his hands coming to my waist and staying there, holding on to me, as I moved my hands up to his cheeks.
You might think I didn't know what I was doing, saying I was blinded for a moment, but I wasn't I knew exactly what I was doing- I was kissing Harry Styles.


This chapter is the one before last...
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have a lovely week x


I LOVED THE ENDING.... but haz is still alone... oh well

Yassss they kissed! :) i cant stop smiling!

I an so happy

I think her and hazza should be together

They have to get back together :'(((

I just got my friend hooked and so she can tell me :D
But they really have to stay together if they don't I will cry and never stop

G_Horan G_Horan