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Listening to Niall

Chapter 5: off day

I wake up on Wednesday morning, Eleanor is still asleep. I look at my alarm clock. It's only 7:30. What am I doing up so early? I get up to the bathroom. When I'm done with my shower and my teeth brushing that's when Eleanor awakes.
"What are you doing up so early?" she asks rubbing her sleepy eyes.
"Couldn't sleep" I tell her while filling up the kettle for coffee.
By 8:30 we are both ready and waiting for the guys downstairs.
"My eyes deceive me?" Niall said rolling the window down as he came to a stop beside us.
"NO, she was up before me" El said climbing into the car and sitting herself next to Louis.
"What time did you go to sleep?" Liam asked me.
"Normal time" I said putting on Niall's sunglasses that were sitting on the dashboard.
"You ok?" Niall whispered to me as he pulled out from next to the curb.
"Yeah I'm fine" I gave him a weak smile.
We drove in silence for the rest of the way.
Niall parked and we all got out. Today we all are studying in the same building. "Jamie" El put her arm round my neck "Lets meet after class, we can sit outside on the grass" She said.
"Sure" I answered. Niall came to my other side and put an arm round my waist and kissed my cheek. That made me smile. "Good, now make sure to keep that smile there for the rest of the day" He said. Louis put an arm round Eleanor, so now all three of us were walking while embracing each other. "Come Liam! Join us" Lou told him. "No way, you guys look like losers" He said. "Sure do" Zayn said joining us.
"You LOVE us" I said sticking my tongue out at them. As we entered the building we said our goodbyes and promises to meet outside after class.
I walked into the room to find that the only unoccupied seat is next to Ariel. Great.
I take the sit beside her and offer her a small smile. Where is Niall to see I'm playing nice. Thank god she didn't continue with what happened yesterday, and just let me be.
Class was fine, we were learning about different companies such as 'Fred', 'Suck UK' and 'Alessi'. I actually enjoyed myself those kinds of things are right up my alley.
When class was done I gathered my things and got up to meet my friends. As I walked out I noticed I still had Niall's sunglasses. Already everyone was lying on the grass enjoying the sun. "Here" I say handing Niall his sunglasses and sitting down beside him. "Where are yours?" He asked shielding his eyes from the sun. "Flat" I said still holding them out for him to take. "Keep them for now" He said moving his head to my lap, and shutting his eyes. I slid the sunglasses on to his face trying not to poke him.
"El?" I turn to Eleanor who was sitting back to back with Louis holding each other up. "mmm" She made a sound so I'll know she's listening. "What time are you finishing today?"
"About 4, why?" she asked
"I need your help" I told her.
"Help picking out an outfit for your date with Harry?" Liam asked. "Probably" Louis answered for me. I sat quietly playing with Niall's hair. "We're just teasing you love" Zayn said putting a hand on my shoulder. "I know" I said.
"So what's that long face for then?" Liam asked.
"It's just one of those days. She's entitled to have one of those sometimes" Niall came for my rescue. "It's because I didn't make the coffee today, so it wasn't strong enough" Eleanor laughed.
It was time to go back to class. We all got up. Niall pulled me to my feet and put his hands on my shoulders. "Tell me" He said looking into my eyes.
"I’m just… It's nothing" I say
"No it's not, I know you" He said to me "EL come here" He called El over.
"What is it?" She asked "Come Ni we'll be late" Liam called "Go, I'll come in a minute" He yelled back to him and looked at us again. "Listen to me. You are going back to class. You don't get to skip today. When you're done I'll meet you and drive you back. You go and take a long hot bath to clear up your thoughts and when Eleanor comes back she'll help you pick out something to wear tomorrow for your date with Harry. We finish at 8 today. So when we are done we'll come over and order food and watch a movie everyone together" He said.
"How does that sound?" He looked at Eleanor. "That sounds fantastic" She smiled "Sure" I said. "Great! Niall go to class I'll walk Jamie to here's" Eleanor said pushing Niall
"Jamie" She linked her arm with mine and we started walking "It'll be fine, you'll see. I have a good feeling about this" She said to me.
"You're probably right. I'm just over thinking this" I said
"Exactly" She hugged me as we got to my class. "I'll see you later"
"See you later, and thanks El Love you!" I said and walked in.

I was after my long hot bath. Niall was right it did make me feel better. I was sitting on my bed trying to read my book, but I kept looking at the clock waiting for Eleanor. It was nearly 4. She needs to come back any minute now, and still no word from Harry. I know he's probably in class 'till late just like the boys. That’s why I needed El here, so she could put my mind to ease. I'm going crazy, I went on one date with this guy, why do I care so much?
As in reading my mind Niall sends me a text.

From: Niall
Don't over think it. Eleanor is on her way.
See you later- its pizza night

Niall. What would I do without him?
"I'm here" Eleanor walked in to the room "You're reading!" She smiled
"Trying" I said putting down my book.
"No word from Harry?" She sat next to me on the bed.
"Nop" I popped the P. "I was thinking? If he doesn't call, should I? Or should I text him?" I looked at El for guidance I felt like a stupid teenager again.
"No" She said "You just started dating he needs to do the work, don't help him. If he wants it let him work for it, he should put some effort in. And if he doesn't call, it's better to find out now then later"
You see why Eleanor is my best friend? She knows me and how to help me better than anyone. "Jamie it's going to be fine. He's a really nice guy" She said.
"Yes. You're absolutely right. What would I do without you?" I said hugging her.
That minute my phone lit up with a message

From: Harry
Hi Jamie, we're still on for tomorrow?
What time do you feel like meeting?

"El" I say, handing over the phone for her to read
"Told you, he's a good guy" She smiled, giving it back to me so I can answer him.

From: Jamie
Sure are. I finish classes at 16:30, so any time after that.

From: Harry
Great! I'll pick you up at six.
See you

"Feel any better?" El asked
"Yes I do" I smile at her.
"Good. Come, let's pick out what you're going to wear".

We were all sitting on the couch in front of the telly, smacking are lips while eating pizza.
We were watching 'Carrie' a scary movie that came out not long ago.
I was sitting between Niall and Liam every now and then clutching they're hands.
Eleanor and Lou were on the floor leaning against are feet, and Zayn and Perrie on the big beanbag.
"Jam" Niall whispered to me. "Trying to watch a movie here" I tell him
"What time tomorrow?" He asked
"Six" I smile at him
"Good luck love" He said pulling me to him. I rest my head on his shoulder, and Liam rests his on mine. That’s how we stayed 'till the end of the movie.


Niall and Eleanor are the best! don't you think? Lets cross our fingers for Jamies date tomorrow


I LOVED THE ENDING.... but haz is still alone... oh well

Yassss they kissed! :) i cant stop smiling!

I an so happy

I think her and hazza should be together

They have to get back together :'(((

I just got my friend hooked and so she can tell me :D
But they really have to stay together if they don't I will cry and never stop

G_Horan G_Horan