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Listening to Niall

Chapter 42: New years

Finally Niall and I changed Christmas presents. Eleanor and I got him and Louie tickets to their favorite football teams. Niall got me a promise ring.
Truth is I had a slight heart attack worrying it was a real one. Don't get me wrong. I love him and I will marry him one day but now is not the time. I was out with the girls the boys off doing their own thing.
"I'm telling you it was such a bad idea" El said "we should have never listened to you" she told Perrie.
"Why didn’t they love it?"
"They did but know they will make us go with them" Eleanor was whining.
"Come on El it won't be that bad" I tried.
"If Zayn liked football I would have gotten him tickets too. Isn't it an important game?"
"I don't really know. . Niall was extremely excited"
"Remember the days Jamie said she will never go to a football game? Of sit and watch one? Said that's what his boys are for"
"I miss those days too" I sighed
"So they should take Harry and Liam." Eleanor tried to convince me.
"I can't hurt his feelings that way" I said knowing that after Niall agrees to everything I want to do I must meet him half way and go to this game. After all I am the one who got those tickets for him.
"Subject change. Jamie how do you like your promise ring?" Perrie asked
"I love it!" I beam showing them my shiny finger.
"So how do you feel about it? Disappointed it's not real or relief?"
"I know how this sounds but I'm relieved" I am still looking at it.
"Jay.. Does the relief have something to do with Harry?"Perrie asked gently.
"No... It's just that we haven't been together for that long.. It's not time yet.. It would be too early"
"You are married already.. you don't want to get married yet and I'm left wondering how come Louie and me are together for such a long time and I haven't got even a promise ring.. Maybe he should learn something or two from your boyfriends" Eleanor made a sad face.
"You can't be serious El" I laugh "You know how much Lou loves you! And I bet you this promise ring was triggered by Harry and Peter"
"Jamie’s right" Perrie said.
"Gosh relationships" Eleanor linked her arms with ours.
"What do you think they have planned for today?" I asked
"I have no idea but Louis kept his phone on lock down from me" Eleanor said "and when he gets a phone call he takes it outside.. I asked him if he's cheating"
"Not really" Perrie and I giggled.
"Gosh El.. That is so you" I give her a little shove that makes her and Perrie stumble.
"So what are we going to do?" I asked when I helped them regain their balance.
"Well, let's go get mannies and peddies and then get ready together since they said they'll pick us up when? 19:00?" Perrie asked
"Yes! My nails really do need doing" Eleanor spread out her fingers to have us look at them. Perrie and I exchange looks.
"It's like going to prom" I say to start us talking again.
"Gosh.. what should I paint them?" Eleanor asked.
"What are you wearing?"
"I don't know.. I have my black dress, with the open back, or the dark blue one"
"The black dress" Perrie said
"Yeah? But the blue one is really nice"
"Then the blue one it is" I answered holding open the beauty parlour's door, for them to get in.
"Hello lady's what can I do for you?" The receptionist asked
"I just love it when they call me lady" Perrie whispered sending El into giggles
"Hi" I smile at her nudging Perrie. "I was wondering, do you have room for us to get our nails done today?"
"All three? Um.. let me check.. oh you fancy getting them done now? We have time" She smiled up from the computer screen.
"Sure" Eleanor smiled brightly at her, excited we are actually getting our nails done.
We were sat down at the table as she called over two women to start on us.
"Eleanor and Perrie you two go first, I'll go after you" I said
"So what colour do you ladies want on your nails?"
"I couldn't decide... I'm going to wear a blue dress" Eleanor told the woman sitting in front of her. The woman had a name tag but it was blank.
"Do you want a dark colour or a classy colour?"
"Classy for sure" I decided for her.
"Yes definitely" Perrie agreed.
"So what's tonight?" The woman painting Perrie's nails asked
"Well their boyfriends and my husband have something planned for us" Perrie smiled at her.
"How lovely.. it's nice to know some boys are still well mannered enough to know how to treat they're woman"
"Yes they are good boys indeed" I laughed.
"Niall is wonderful really. . He puts up with more than Louie and Zayn would have ever put up with" Perrie said
"So you're the trouble maker? Didn't pin you as one" the women taking care of El said.
"I'm not" I laugh "I just had quite a stressful few months that's all"
"Fair enough then. . You said you're married? How long?" She turned to Perrie.
"Almost a year now"
"Gosh but you're so young"
"So.. when it's time it's time" she shrugged.
"Jay what colour will you have?" Eleanor asked me to change the subject.
"I'm not sure.. my dress is a very light pink"
"Get black nails then" Perrie beamed
"Ahh Niall hates when I do that" I made a face
"Then get a dark purple..."
"They could work"
"Maybe get some glitter on too?" The woman suggested
"Um no.. thanks" I smiled not wanting my fingers to look tacky.
It was my turn and I sat down instead of Eleanor with the nail polishI wanted in hand.
"So what will you ladies be doing tonight?" I asked being friendly.
"Well I will be going out with my spouse" the woman painting my nails smiled
"That's nice.. What's his name?"
"Short for Leroy?"
"No for Lillian"
"She's dating a woman" her coworker clarified
"Oh how long are you together then?" I tried to cover up my shock
"5 years now"
"How wonderful" I smile.
When our nails were dry we headed back to my house to get ready.
"Perrie will you do my hair?" Eleanor asked
"Of course" She smiled and winked at me.
"Jay, we'll do your makeup and hair for you" Eleanor turned to me, knowing that I won't bother other whys.
"Where do you think we'll be eating?" I asked as Perrie worked on Eleanor.
"No clue.."
"Gosh, the suspense is killing me, Louis hasn't even called me" Eleanor checked her phone.
"Hi Girls" Oliver passed by the half open door of my room
"Oli, come join us" Eleanor said
"I'd love to but I'm heading out, have fun tonight"
"You too bye" We all called out to him.
"That is such a nice dress" Perrie looked at my reflection
"Thank you- you look amazing Perrie" I said turning to look at her dark green dress.
"Thanks love- El where are you? We need to go" Perrie called.
"Louis isn't picking up his phone" She came out with a sad face
"He's probably driving or something come on they'll be here in a moment anyway"
We made our way down the stairs to wait for the boys in the kitchen
"Ohhh look at you, beautiful, beautiful!" My mum clapped her hands
"Thank you" We hugged her and then sat down.
"So where are the boys?"
"Late" I say "First time we wait for them hey?" I look at the girls.
"Let the party begin" Just then Niall walked through the door with a bouquet of flowers.
"Eww thank you" I kissed him when he handed them over to me with a bow.
"Look we all got" Perrie smiled as Zayn and Louis walked in with bouquets of their own.
"Even Harry got" Zayn pointed to the door. Harry and Liam walked in, a small bouquet in Harry's hand "Liam has been a true gentleman" He gave the flowers to my mum, who was putting them all in water for us.
"You know its new year not valentine's right?" Daniel peeked in the kitchen
"It doesn't have to be Valentine's Day to get your girlfriend flowers" Niall frowned at him.
"You cheap twit" Louis said "Sorry" He turned to my mum, who acted as she missed the whole conversation.
"And you dressed for prom too" Daniel gave us thumbs up before leaving.
"I think it's lovely" My mum smiled at us.
"You didn't answer your phone" Eleanor linked her arm with Louis's
"We left the phones in the car" He shrugged. Niall and I exchanged looks.
"You didn't think of calling me the whole day?" Eleanor went on
"I'm sorry" Louis kissed her cheek. That was enough to shut her for now.
"So how did you spend the day?" I asked Niall
"You know.. stuff" He said
"We got our hair done, and nails" Harry said stroking his own curls.
"Funny.. did you see mine? It's not black" I hold up my hand for Niall to see.
"It looks black to me" He took my hand in his and linked our fingers
"It's dark purple" I sigh "Everyone is looking at us since we are all suited up"
"They are looking at us because we have four beautiful girls with us" Liam said
"Four?" Perrie asked
"You three and Harry, my lovely date" Liam put an arm round Harry's shoulders.
"You two are just lovely together! Let me take a photo" Louis got his phone out.
Harry and Liam posed for the photo.
"Come on" Niall was pulling at me to continue to the car.
"Come Ni- I'll take a photo of you both" Louis called out
"Come Ni we haven't had a photo taken of us in the longest time"
"All right then, but if we don't get moving we'll be late" He said to Louis
After taking the picture we got into the cars. Liam and Harry got into the car with Niall and me and Louis and Eleanor got into the car with Zayn and Perrie.
"Is it all ready then?" I asked as we drove off
"Yes it is" Harry smiled.

We arrived at the restaurant that the boys booked for us. We had to wait a while for Zayn and the others to arrive since Zayn is a slow driver.
"This place is beautiful" Eleanor walked in looking around.
"It is" Perrie agreed walking in after her, Zayn's arm around her waist.
We sat at our table. I could see El was a little off, keeping quiet.
"El, I need the bathroom please come with me" I say
"Every two minutes you need to go" Louis said
"When a girl needs to go she needs to go" Niall shakes his head.
Eleanor got up, and we both walked into the little room.
"What's wrong?" I ask her
"Is it just me or is Louis acting strange?" She crossed her arms over her chest.
"Why would you think that?"
"Because he hasn't answered his phone the whole day, and he is acting quite coldish and we didn't get our picture taken and I don't know.. it's just, am I over thinking this?" She looked up at me
"Yes, you and Louie are together for such a long time already he loves you and he probably just had a lot going on.. don't worry.. knowing him he'll make it up to you"
Eleanor took in a deep breath and blew it out "You're probably right"
"I am" I give her a hug. "Now I want to see that pretty smile of yours"
Eleanor gives me a half hearted smile. It is good enough for now though, so I link our arms and we walk back out.
As we do, Louis is the only one sitting at the table. Well.. he wasn't sitting but standing facing us his back to the table.
"Where is everyone? And why are you standing? Did you get up to look for us?" Eleanor was confused.
"EL" Louis started. I unlinked our arms and toke a step to the side.
"What? What is going on?" Eleanor was looking from Louis to me and back again.
"Just shut up and listen to him" I say shooing her away as she took a step towards me.
"El" Louis said again pacing closer to her. He took her hands in his.
"You know how much I love you and you know you mean more then the world to me.. we kept talking about this joking and planning, but we always said we'll wait.. But after this past month I've come to the conclusion that- what's the point in waiting? I love you" Louis let go of her hands and bent down on one knee taking a little box out of his pocket and opening it.
"Eleanor Calder- will you marry me?"
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Eleanor was fanning her face tears running down her cheeks
"That isn't a yes babe" Louis was smiling up at her
"Oh my gosh- yes yes!" She jumped up and down. Louis got up and took Eleanor into him wrapping his arms around her.
he smiled as Eleanor cried tears of joy onto his chest "You can all come back now- she said yes".


So there it is.. Louis and Eleanor just got engaged..
How are you guys? hope all is well
if you're new or you haven't yet, please rate and subscribe it will mean the world to me
Thanks =) have a wonderful weekend


I LOVED THE ENDING.... but haz is still alone... oh well

Yassss they kissed! :) i cant stop smiling!

I an so happy

I think her and hazza should be together

They have to get back together :'(((

I just got my friend hooked and so she can tell me :D
But they really have to stay together if they don't I will cry and never stop

G_Horan G_Horan