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Because Of You


Kayleys P.O.V:

I heard the door open seconds later. Which alarms me and i spring up to got to my window to see if i see anything familiar. I dont not even a car. I heard my mom talking. The voice she was talking to soundedd very familiar.

"I'm not sure" my mom says.I hear the other person speaking but i can't translate their words.
"Well I guess" I hear those words escape her mouth leaving me confused. Seconds later i hear footsteps coming up the staircase and which seem to be coming dangerously close to my bedroom.

Collins P.O.V:
I knew i screwed up with kayley she was more than i can ask for. But i had to be a asshole and fuck things up. I was in the neighborhood so i guessed i should pay her a visit. Kayley is very understanding i hope she takes me back. Since my cousin lived a block away from her i decided to walk. As i walk i decide on things to say to her. I arrive there quicker than i thought. As i was almost by her house i seened a car pull up that look just like hers. I prepare myself for the worst. I knock on her door when I see a familiar face arrive but not the one I'm looking for.

"Uhmm is kayley here " i say nervously .
"Yes she is" she say awkardly.
"We'll can i uhmm see her"
"I'm not sure" letting me know that wasnt a good idea.
"Please, i won't be long"
"Well i guess"she says assuring me.Well now this is my chance to get my baby back. I think biting down on my lip.


What do you think gonna happen ?


This story is fab! I camt wait for your next update ;) x

This story is fab! I camt wait for your next update ;) x

I love your story :)

Lee-yumm Lee-yumm

Kay chap 7 up

Will do we should write together sometime :)