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All These Little Things

Chapter 12: Great

You guys have decided! You want the story! Here is the chapter update I promised!
The sound of the alarm clock made me jump out of bed, desperately trying to shut the thing off. I heard someone moving around in my bed. I jumped at the sound of that too. Niall
I forgot all about it, considering that he was the first boy that has ever been in my room, let alone in my bed. I wasn’t used to having someone wake up with me in the same bed. He seemed to be a lot of my “firsts” and he was also the first guy I have ever kissed.

I smiled at the memories we shared. Not very many but it seemed that every time we got together, there was always going to be great memories.

I turned on the lamp that was right by my bed. Seeing Niall sleeping was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen! He looked so peaceful. I giggled to myself and at the noise that fell from my mouth, he began to stir. He slowly opened up his eyes and when he could see fully, he smiled.

“Morning!” I said to him. He stretched, showing off his beautiful body in the process.

“Morning love.” He responded in the sexy raspy voice that every girl could melt away at.
He slowly got up and found his clothes. He put them on very slowly; I assumed it was because he was probably tired.

“I have to get ready for school.” I said with disappointment in my voice. Niall noticed and quickly finished putting his shirt on. He crawled over to where I was sitting.

“Don’t worry,” he said while placing a light kiss on my cheek, “I’ll pick you up after school.”
I looked at him and was completely nervous for him to come and get me because of all the girls in my school. They were going to stampede him if he showed up at my school. I was suddenly worried for Niall’s safety. God knows what those girls are capable of.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” I asked while watching his face scrunch up at my question.

“Why wouldn’t I?” He asked almost completely confused.

“Niall you’re… Niall! Need I say more?” I asked. Sudden realization washed over his face.

“Oh!” He said, having and ‘ah ha” moment. I giggled.

“I will still come in pick you up in disguise. I’ll wear a hat to cover my hair and some sunglasses to hide my face.” He said while placing another soft kiss on my cheek.

“If you want to!” I said, making sure he knew that this was his decision. I was NOT going to be responsible for Niall getting hurt, this was all on him.

He got off the bed.

“You want me to take you to school?” He asked.

“Niall, you don’t have to! I don’t want to be responsible if you get hurt!” I said, giggling to lighten the mood.

“I’ll take you! I want to so therefore: it would be my fault if I get hurt! Not you love!” He said chuckling deeply.

“Alright!” I said shrugging my shoulders. “If you say so!”

I got up and walked to the dresser to pick out an outfit, turning on the light to my bedroom on the way there. I swear, Niall acted like a vampire when the light came on. He quickly covered his eyes and dove under the covers.

“The light! It burns!” He said. I couldn’t help myself but to laugh at his reaction and to what he just said. He slowly peeked out from under the covers.

“What?” He asked while watching me lean over in pain from all of the laughter.

“It really does burn!” He said, only making me laugh more.

Eventually, I calmed down and looked at him. He was still squinting at the brightness of the light.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I said smiling. “It shouldn’t take too long!” I said.

“Take all the time you need love!” Niall said while slowly opening his eyes to adjust to the light.

I laughed a little bit more before I closed the door to the bathroom.

I took off my clothes and got into the shower. I had to fight the urge of singing considering that a singer was in my bedroom and I surely didn’t feel like being judged.

Instead of full on singing, I hummed to the song Little Things. I love this song so much! It meant a lot to me! It also had some memories behind it. Like when Niall winked at me which lead to me meeting him! Also, whenever I’m down I listen to the song and it cheers me up! It also reminds me of the many attempts Niall tried to make me see that I was beautiful.
I got out of the shower to hear Niall singing the song too. I smiled. It meant more when he sang it. I can’t explain it but the song just… empowers me? I don’t even know the word I’m looking for! All you need to know is that I love the song and it means a lot to me.

I went to my bedroom, slowly opening the door to find Niall sprawled out on my bed singing. I didn’t know if he knew I was done but even if he did, I’m sure it wouldn’t break the concentration.

He smiled.

“That’s my favorite song out of all the songs the lads and I have sang.” He said, I was shocked to hear his voice.

“It is?” I asked, almost finding it scary that we both had the same favorite song.

“Yeah,” he said sitting up, “I told people in the interveiw. It didn’t take long for me to answer when they asked me what my favorite song was of ours.”

I smiled.

“Well, you already know that it was my favorite song.” I said.

He smiled.

“I know and when you told me, I was almost in disbelief because it is my favorite song. I guess I forgot to mention it at the time because we had something more important to discuss.” He said smiling.

He got up off the bed and his face went from happy to serious as he slowly approached me.

“Do you really think you’re beautiful?” He asked with hope in his eyes. I smiled and nodded.
His face seemed to relax more.

“Why do you think you’re beautiful?” I looked at him in confusion.

Did he not know he was the reason I thought that I was beautiful?

“You.” I whispered. All seriousness left his face.

“Really?” He asked.

I nodded and smiled.

“Good. I tried so hard!” He said chuckling.

I giggled. I stood up slightly on my tip toes and kissed Niall on the lips, caressing his hair while doing so.

“Hard work is followed by success.” I said and that made him smile even more.
We pulled up to the school, I was nervous for Niall. I was also scared at the thought of him getting trampled under half the girls in my school.

(I had told Alice that she was going to need a ride to school, considering she would probably ruin Niall’s cover. She was okay with it!)

He kissed me on the cheek before getting out of the car and quickly jogging to my side of the car, to open my door. I got out and kissed him on the cheek.

He smiled and hurried back to his side of the car, relieved that he wasn’t spot and took off.

I was left standing there, with a whole bunch of people staring at me. Maybe they did see him or maybe they were just staring at me for the same old reason: being me.

I hurriedly walked up to the school doors. I walked in awkwardly and clenched the books in my hands closer to my body, uncomfortable with all of the stares. I was used to being stared at but not this many people at one time! It was frustrating.


NiallJ: Hey! Sorry for taking off so fast! Please listen to the radio around noon! Please? You’ll like what you’ll hear! ;)

I smiled but my smile was soon washed over with the nervousness I had just felt in my body. What is it that I will like?

Questions rushed through my head. I quickly responded back, trying to make sure if it was something that I would really like to hear.

Me: Are you sure?!

After I sent the message, I opened up my locker and put everything away in a hurry. I was scared that if I took my time, I would miss the message. I know, my brain has a weird way of thinking.

I don’t know why this was bugging me so much. He said I would like it and I trust him. He hasn’t given me any reason not to trust him so why should I start doubting him? I still waited in anticipation for Niall to respond.


NiallJ: Just trust me! I know you’ll like it! Please? 97.1

I smiled. Like I said, why should I start doubting him now?

Me: Okay! For you!

I grabbed the necessary items for psychology and rushed to class. The only reason I rushed was because people seemed to be closing in on me. I didn’t know what they wanted this time but from experience, it was never good.

I found my usual seat next to Alice and she smiled at me as I walked in. She looked around the class room, noticing all of the stares I was receiving. She looked back at me in confusion as I sat down next to her.

“I guess your popular today!” She said, shifting her gaze to move around the room.

“Yeah, I know, I noticed too.” I said. She looked at me and the confusion had left her face.

“I know!” She said while slapping my shoulder.

“It was those pictures!” She yelled and seemed relieved.

I scrunched my face up, trying to understand what she was saying. Then I understood perfectly.

“You mean?” Alice nodded ferociously; she didn’t even need me to finish the sentence.

“Those pictures everyone took from yesterday?” I asked, trying to adjust my mind around it. I knew the paparazzi had taken pictures but I didn’t know that even more people in my school were able to recognize the ‘mystery girl’, they were starting to realize that it was me.

Alice nodded, less ferociously.

I looked around the room. There were a few girls looking at their phone but once something caught their attention on the device, their mouths fell open and their attention was fully on me.

I took my eyes off the classroom, hoping that nobody would ask me if it was me. I didn’t have a problem with telling people, I just didn’t know if Niall was waiting for the right time to actually tell people so I was trying to keep people from knowing.

I honestly didn’t think it mattered but I still wasn’t sure if Niall was ready to tell people. You know celebrities now-a-days. They never really want people to know who they were dating.
I sat awkwardly throughout the rest of the class. I was trying not to say a single word, knowing that if I did, everybody would stare at me in disbelief.

The rest of my classes went like this and hardly anyone had asked me if that was me with Niall, except for the few girls that were just trying to annoy the crap out of me.

Lunch time came around and I realized I had told Niall I would listen to the radio at noon and he was lucky lunch was around that time.

I pulled out my only device that had the radio on it, my crappy old mp3. I would normally use my iPod but it didn’t have the app for that. Once I had connected to the station Niall had told me to tune into, I waited for that something Niall said I would like. After at least two songs played, I heard the announcer start to talk.

Announcer: Alright, alright! We got someone really special here with us and I think you girls are going to love who it is. Niall Horan from One Direction is here to speak with us on something very important.

My heart jumped. Niall was on the radio?

Niall: Hey everyone!

His accent was very clear on his “hello”. I smiled and anxiously listened to what he had to say.

Announcer: Niall! What do you have to say? Is it about the mystery girl?

I held my breath, hoping that Niall would actually say something other than that. Like I said, I didn’t mind telling people I was currently seeing Niall but I didn’t know how the rest of the world was going to act.

Niall: Actually yes! And she isn’t a mystery girl, she’s Cristina Andrade.

I looked at Alice with a shocked expression. She looked at me and automatically moved over to my side of the table, taking one earphone out and putting it in her ear. She listened anxiously, just like me.

Announcer: So the mystery girl has been revealed! FINALLY!

Niall and the announcer laughed together for a bit.

Announcer: Well, answer the question all the girls are dying to know. Are you guys together together or are you guys just dating.

There was a pause before Niall answered.

Niall: Well, we are just dating but I like her very much and I can see myself in a relationship with her. So girls, sorry, I’m… taken.

There was a long pause before the announcer spoke.

Announcer: Wow! You really like her? Tell us everything!

He dragged out the word ‘everything’.

Niall: Well, we met at one of our concerts, she came out of the bathroom crying. I guess she didn’t see me because she bumped into me. I asked why she was crying and she told me that she didn’t think she was beautiful. I had to prove her wrong because she obviously is gorgeous so, I took her out on a date to make her see that she was beautiful. To be honest, that was all I had in mind. To make her see she was beautiful but after pointing that out, I felt connected to her and had to see her again. So we are currently ‘dating’ in a sense just not in a serious relationship, though I do see it in the future. She is beautiful and I have never met anyone like her, I know that it has only been a few days but I have never felt so connected with anyone before and I knew that she was that one girl I could never let get away.

Alice gasped, thankfully. I had to make sure I wasn’t imagining it. Niall had just told lots of people that we were seeing each other. A smiled crept to my face, processing all of the words Niall had just said. He saw a future with me! This was so not happening!

Announcer: OMG! Is she listening to this right now?

I smiled, realizing that this was why Niall wanted me to listen.

Niall: I hope so.

I smiled at how cute he sounded, if only I was there to see his facial reactions.

Announcer: Alright ladies! You heard the lad! He’s taken! T-A-K-E-N! No more single pringle!

Niall laughed at the announcer, I laughed too.

Announcer: Alright Niall, you had one more thing for us?

Niall: Yes, I’m going to sing a song that is her favorite and mine as well.

I smiled, I already knew what song he was referring to.

Announcer: Alright! What is the song?

Niall: Little Things.

Announcer: Alright! Whenever you are ready.

I heard Niall tuning his guitar, and once he tuned it, he cleared his throat.

Niall: This is for you love, for Cristy.

My heart raced while he sang the song. He voice sounded so heavenly. Alice was freaking out and slow danced with herself in the chair.

I giggled at her and we slow danced with our selves until the song ended.

I have never been so happy. Niall made me feel wanted, something I have never really experienced before.

I was giggling in excitement with Alice until some girls came to our table.

“So, you’re the bitch.” They said with the most hateful voice that had ever existed.

Great, this is exactly what I thought was going to happen.


You guys have decided and you want the story! I was honestly surprised that you guys wanted me to continue. I noticed that I wasn't getting any new subscribers and I thought that was because my story was boring so I had this voting thing so I could decide if I should continue. I didn't want to continue if you guys didn't like it!
A big thanks to everyone that had repeatedly told me to keep the story! I love you most! Don't forget to subscribe!




Thanks so much! I hope you enjoyed the story and I hope it made you feel some what better about yourself. that's all I wanted with the outcome of this story: to let girls know that appearance has nothing to do with the beauty you hold inside. :)

Thanks you guys! I know it isn't the best of all the writings that are on here but I wanted a message to be behind the words of this story! Those of you that have a Wattpad, follow me at kittyekat and see both of these stories up soon!

I love this story so much. It has so much meaning to it.
i am super glad you made this story you really changed my life because i now know that i don't need anyone to think i'm attractive i actually need to dig deep and realize that i wont let anyone let me have doughts


I'm glad you guys liked it! You guys are making me want to continue the story but I told you guys what I wanted you to hear! I love you guys!
I also will be posting a notification here soon so if you receive an alert that I updated, it's telling you that I have a new story. I hope you will love it just as much as this! Please read it! It will come out tomorrow!